
  1. A usable Baidu image crawl script, the only disadvantage is that this is a single thread
  2. Run environment Python3.6.0
  3. The reason for writing this script: to get an image
  4. There are references to the creative process

The source code

# coding: UTF-8 import requests import OS import re # import JSON import itertools import urllib import sys # str_table = { '_z2C$q': ':', '_z&e3B': '.', 'AzdH3F': '/' } char_table = { 'w': 'a', 'k': 'b', 'v': 'c', '1': 'd', 'j': 'e', 'u': 'f', '2': 'g', 'i': 'h', 't': 'i', '3': 'j', 'h': 'k', 's': 'l', '4': 'm', 'g': 'n', '5': 'o', 'r': 'p', 'q': 'q', '6': 'r', 'f': 's', 'p': 't', '7': 'u', 'e': 'v', 'o': 'w', '8': '1', 'd': '2', 'n': '3', '9': '4', 'c': '5', 'm': '6', '0': '7', 'b': '8', 'l': '9', 'a': '0'} char_table = {ord(key): ord(value) for key, value in char_table.items()} for key, value in str_table.items(): Url = url.replace(key, value) return url.translate(char_table) # def buildUrls(word): word = urllib.parse.quote(word) url = r"{word}&cl=2&lm=-1&ie=ut f-8&oe=utf-8&st=-1&ic=0&word={word}&face=0&istype=2nc=1&pn={pn}&rn=60" urls = (url.format(word=word, pn=x) for x in itertools.count(start=0, Return urls re_url = re.compile(r'"objURL":"(.*?)"') # imgURL def resolveImgUrl(HTML): ImgUrls = [decode(x) for x in reurl.findall (HTML)] return imgUrls # def downImgs(imgUrl, dirpath, imgName, imgName) imgType): filename = os.path.join(dirpath, imgName) try: res = requests.get(imgUrl, timeout=15) if str(res.status_code)[0] == '4': print(str(res.status_code), ":", imgUrl) return False except Exception as e: Print (' throw exception :', imgUrl) print(e) return False with open(filename + '.' + imgType, 'wb') as f: F file (res.content) return True # def mkDir(dirName): dirpath = os.path.join(sys.path[0], dirName) if not os.path.exists(dirpath): os.mkdir(dirpath) return dirpath if __name__ == '__main__': Print (" download result saved in img folder in script directory ") # print(" download result saved in img folder in script directory" ) choosePath = input(' Please enter the path you want to save \n 1. Default path path = IMGS/ \n 2. Relative path path_input/path_input/ \n 3. Absolute path, such as D:/IMG/\n') if int(choosePath) == 3: dirPath = input(' Please enter the path where you want to save the image \n') elif int(choosePath) == 2: Path = input(' Please enter the path where you want to save the image \n') dirpath = mkDir(path) else: Path = 'IMGS' dirPath = mkDir(path) print("= = "* 25) word = input \n") print("= = "* 25) chooseImgType = input(' Please select image format \n 0. Default: JPG \n 1.jpg \n 2.png \n 3. GIF \n 4. Custom \n') chooseImgType = int(chooseImgType) if chooseImgType == 4: ImgType = INPUT (' Please enter custom image type \n') elif chooseImgType == 1: imgType = 'JPG' Elif chooseImgType == 2: imgType = 'png' elif chooseImgType == 3: imgType = 'gif' else: ImgType = 'JPG' print("= = "* 25) strtag = input(" Please enter the name of the image you want to download, the last format is number+" +name.%s\n" % imgType) print("= = "* 25) numIMGS = input(' please enter the number of images you want to download \n') numIMGS = int(numIMGS) urls = buildUrls(word) index = 0 print("= = "* 25) for url  in urls: Print (" request: ", url) html = requests.get(url, timeout=10).content.decode('utf-8') imgUrls = resolveImgUrl(html) # print(imgUrls) if len(imgUrls) == 0: ImgUrls: if downImgs(url, dirpath, STR (index + 1) + "+ strtag, imgType): If index == numIMGS: break if index == numIMGS: Print (' You downloaded %s images' % index) print(' program terminating ') breakCopy the code

Run the demo


  • [1] baidu picture URL parsing…
  • [2] Python crawl baidu pictures and py exe file conversion