Many people use the Postman tool or are familiar with Python, but not necessarily with Python to write test cases. Postman can copy python code in its entirety.

(All the following content is based on the search function of Douban website as an example)

Open Postman and click the </> icon on the right. The script will be displayed on the right side of the page, and the exported language will be changed at the top. Here I used python-Reqyests

Copy the script and open it in PyCharm. If you don’t have the Reuqests library before importing it, an error may be reported.

Enter PIP install requests in the CMD command window

The exported script format is as follows:

import requests

url = “”

Payload ={‘q’: ‘x ‘} files=[

] headers = { ‘Cookie’: ‘bid=5bBvkukAbvY’ }

response = requests.request(“POST”, url, headers=headers, data=payload, files=files)


1. Here are the test cases converted to PyTest

import requests

class TestDouban:

Def test_douban (self) : url = "" > content = {' q: 'three body'} files = [] headers = {' cookies' : 'bid=5bBvkukAbvY' } response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload, files=files) print(response.text)Copy the code

In a project, the path of the root route is the same, but the specific interface corresponding to different functions is different. In addition, POST and GET are common methods in current test cases, so you can encapsulate the root route, POST and GET methods into a common class, which can be called directly later. – Common class encapsulation

import requests

Class Common: def init(self): # self.url_root = “”

Def get(self, uri, params= "") def get(self, uri, params=" ") Url = self.url_root + uri + params Def post(self, uri, params= "") def post(self, uri, params=" "): If len(params) > 0: if len(params) > 0: if len(params) > 0 Response = requests. Post (url, data=params) Response = requests. Post (URL) # return requests for responseCopy the code

2. Interface test cases

import requests

from common.common import Common

class TestDouban: def setup(self): = Common()

def test_douban(self): uri = "/search?" (uri, payload)Copy the code

# delete file from hearder because file is not needed

The result is as follows:

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