The development tools

The Paramiko module and some of the modules that come with Python. Operating system: Windows series.

Environment set up

Install Python and add it to the environment variable, and the PIP will install the appropriate module.

The main idea

Purpose: To create a command line version of the SSH login tool. (1) Add/delete IP, port and password needed to connect to the server; (2) Automatically enter the password to log in the remote server.

The relevant code

# import OS import base64 import sys import paramiko path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) def ssh_connect(host_ip, host_port, username, password): ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) try: ssh.connect(host_ip, host_port, username, password, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False) print('[INFO]:Connect Successfully... ') except: print('[INFO]:Fail to Connect... ') while True: command = input('Enter the command(<#q> exit):') if command.strip() == '#q': ssh.close() return stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command) out_content = stdout.readlines() if len(out_content) < 1: print('Error:') print(stderr.readlines()) else: print('Result:') for o in out_content: print(o) def choose_host(): f = open("{}/data/info.d".format(path)) hosts = f.readlines() hosts_temp = [] for h in hosts: if h.strip(): hosts_temp.append(h) hosts = hosts_temp[:] hosts_len = len(hosts) if hosts_len <= 0: os.system('cls') print('[Warning]:No info saved before... ') return while True: print('SSH...... ') print('FORMAT:\nAlias UserName@IP: PORT') for i in range(0, hosts_len): line_list = hosts[i].strip().split(' ') print("<{}>: {} |{}@{}: {}|".format(i+1, line_list[4], line_list[2], line_list[0], line_list[1])) choice = input('[SSH]:Choose the number or alias(<#q> exit):') is_alias = False is_num = False try: choice = int(choice) if choice < 1 or choice > hosts_len: os.system('cls') print('[Warning]:Number inexistence... ') continue line_list = hosts[choice-1].split(' ') username = line_list[2] password = line_list[3] host_ip = line_list[0] host_port = line_list[1] is_num = True except: is_alias = True if is_alias: if choice.strip() == '#q': os.system('clear') return for h in hosts: if choice.strip() == h.split(' ')[4].strip(): line_list = h.split(' ') username = line_list[2] password = line_list[3] host_ip = line_list[0] host_port = line_list[1]  is_num = True if not is_num: os.system('cls') print('[Warning]:Alias inexistence... ') continue # password = base64.decodestring(password) print('Start to connect {}@{}... '.format(username, host_ip)) ssh_connect(host_ip, host_port, username, password)

Import base64 import OS import sys import re import getpass path = Def cmd_format(lable, rule): while True: def cmd_format(lable, rule): print('{} (<#q> exit):'.format(lable)) if lable.strip().strip(':').upper() == 'PASSWORD': temp = getpass.getpass() else: temp = input().strip() content = re.match(r'{}'.format(rule), temp) if content: break elif 'port' in lable: temp = 22 break elif temp.strip() == '#q': os.system('cls') break os.system('cls') print('[Warning]: Invalid format... ') return temp def about(): f = open('{}/info/about.bat'.format(path)) content = try: info = eval(content) os.system('cls') print('About SSH...... ') for k, v in info.items(): print('{}: {}'.format(k, v)) except: print('No Info...... Print ('Add host information...... ') f.lose () return # Add host(): print('Add host information...... ') print('[HELP]: INPUT <#q> exit... ') # IP addresses host_ip = cmd_format (' Host IP: ', '^ (25 [0 to 5] | 2 [0 to 4] [0-9] [0-9] | 1 | [0-9] [1-9]? [0-9]) \. (25 [0 to 5] | 2 [0 to 4] [0-9] | 1 [0-9] [0-9] | [1-9]? [0-9]) \. (25 [0 to 5] | 2 [0 to 4] [0-9] | 1 [0-9] [0-9] | [1-9]? [0-9]) \. (25 [0 to 5] | 2 [0 to 4] [0-9] | 1 [0-9] [0-9] | [1-9]? [0-9])$') if host_ip == '#q': Return True # format = cmd_format('Host port(Default 22):', '[0-9]+') if host_port == '#q': Return True # username = cmd_format('User Name:', '^[^]+$') if username == '#q': Return True # cmd_format(' password :', '.*') if password == '#q': Return True # password = cmd_format('Local alias :') '^[^ ]+$') if alias == '#q': return True elif not alias: os.system('cls') print('[Warning]: Alias cannot be empty... F = open('{}/data/info.d'. Format (path)) hosts = f.readlines() for line in hosts: temp = line.strip('\n') if not temp: continue line_list = line.split(' ') if host_ip == line_list[0] and host_port == line_list[1]: os.system('cls') print('[Warning]: {}: {} existing... '.format(host_ip, host_port)) return False if alias == line_list[4]: os.system('cls') print('[Warning]: Alias <{}> existing... '.format(alias)) return False f.lose () # f = open('{}/data/info.d'. Format (path), 'a') f.write('\n{} {} {} {} {}'.format(host_ip.strip('\n'), host_port, username.strip('\n'), password.strip('\n'), alias.strip('\n'))) f.close() print('[INFO]:{} {}@{}:{} Add Successfully... '.format(alias.strip('\n'), username.strip('\n'), host_ip.strip('\n'), password.strip('\n'))) return True def add_hosts(): while True: if add_host(): Break print('\n\nTry Again:') # def remove_host(): while True: f = open('{}/data/info.d'.format(path)) hosts = f.readlines() f.close() hosts_len = len(hosts) if hosts_len < 1: os.system('cls') print('[Warning]: No host info... ') return print('Remove host information...... ') print('%' * 40) print('FORMAT:\nAlias UserName@IP: PORT') print('%' * 40) hosts_temp = [] n = 1 for i in range(0, hosts_len): if not hosts[i].strip(): continue line_list = hosts[i].strip().split(' ') print("<{}>: {} |{}@{}: {}|".format(n, line_list[4], line_list[2], line_list[0], line_list[1])) n += 1 hosts_temp.append(hosts[I]) hosts = hosts_temp[:] choice = input('[Remove]: Choose the Number or Alias(<#q> to exit):') is_alias = False is_num = False try: choice = int(choice) if choice < 1 or choice > hosts_len: os.system('cls') print('[Warning]:Number inexistence... ') continue del hosts[choice-1] is_num = True except: is_alias = True if is_alias: if choice.strip() == '#q': os.system('cls') break n = 0 for h in hosts: if choice.strip() == h.split(' ')[4].strip(): del hosts[n] is_num = True n += 1 if not is_num: os.system('cls') print('[Warning]:Alias inexistence... ') continue else: choice = input('Remove? [y/n]:') if choice.strip().upper() == 'Y': f = open("{}/data/info.d".format(path), "w") for h in hosts: f.write(h) print('Remove Successfully... ') f.close()

Add/remove IP, port, password required to connect to the server. 594356095 import os import sys import settings import auto_ssh path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) def main(): while True: print('='*15 + 'SSH[Menu]' + '='*15) print('<1> Connect a host\n<2> Add host\n<3> Remove host\n<4> About\n[Help]: <q>:quit <clear>: clear screen') print('='*40) choice = input('Please select depend on tips:') if choice == 1 or choice == '1': auto_ssh.choose_host() elif choice == 2 or choice == '2': settings.add_hosts() elif choice == 3 or choice == '3': settings.remove_host() elif choice == 4 or choice == '4': settings.about() elif choice == 'q' or choice == 'Q' or choice == 'quit' or choice == 'exit': print('Bye... ') sys.exit() elif choice == 'clear' or 'cls': os.system('cls') else: print('No use input... ') if __name__ == '__main__': try: f = open('{}/data/info.d'.format(path)) except: f = open('{}/data/info.d'.format(path), 'w') f.close() main()

That’s it for now. Thank you for watching. Follow me for my daily series on Python gadgets

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