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Python is a multifunctional language. It is often used as a scripting language for Web applications, embedded in software products, and for artificial intelligence and system task management. It’s simple and powerful, perfect for beginners and professional programmers alike.

There are too many books about Python on the Internet, such as: suitable for beginners, practical methods of Python, crawler technology, etc., can be said to be a variety of, dazzling, do not know which one to choose?

But you don’t have to read too many books to get started with Python. What matters is what direction you want to study Python, or what direction you are interested in, because Python has a wide range of applications, such as data analysis, machine learning, back-end development, Web development, front-end, artificial intelligence, big data, and so on.

So I’ve compiled a selection of 24 high-quality Python books. It covers a variety of books, including those for beginners, intermediate and advanced programmers, as well as those for specific areas, such as writing Python games and so on. It is well known in the Python community…

Fluent Python has a high score of 9.6 points on Douban

Also known as Smooth Python.

2. Hands-on Machine Leamning with SciKit-I earn & TensorFlow

Tip 3: Get started with Python programming

Recommendation 4: Django

Tip 5: Python programming from beginning to Practice

Recommendation 6: Collective Intelligence

Tip 7:59 Effective ways to Write High Quality Python Code

Recommendation 8: Python Tutorial


Recommendation 9: Father and Son’s Programming journey

Recommended Book 10: Python Flask Web Development

Recommendation 11: Parsing Python source code

Recommendation 12: Python3

Recommendation 13: Machine learning actual combat

Recommendation 14: Data analysis with Python

Tip 15: Think Python like a computer scientist

Recommendation 16: Python and its applications

Tip # 17: Start programming with Python

Recommendation 18: Deep learning in Python

Recommendation 19: Python Grey Hat

Recommendation 20: Python Learning Manual

Recommendation 21: Learn Python from Comics

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