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A module for manipulating regular expressions is provided in Python, the RE module.

A regular expression decorator

The modifier describe Full name
re.I Make the match case insensitive re.IGNORECASE
re.A let\w.\W.\b.\B.\d.\D.\s\SMatches only ASCII, not Unicode re.ASCII
re.L Do location-aware matching re.LOCALE
re.M Multi-line matching, affecting ^ and $, is supported at the beginning of a line in multi-line mode re.MULTILINE
re.S make.Matches all characters, including newlines e.DOTALL
re.U Resolves characters according to the Unicode character set. This sign affects\w.\W.\b.\B. re.UNICODE
re.X This flag allows you to make your regular expressions easier to understand by giving you a more flexible format. re.VERBOSE

Find a single match


Re.match Returns a matching object if the 0 or more characters at the beginning of the string match the regular expression style. If there is no match, None is returned; Notice that this is different from zero-length matching.

Syntax format

re.match(pattern, string, flags=0)
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  • Pattern: indicates a matching regular expression
  • String: string to be matched.
  • Flags: flags used to control the matching mode of regular expressions, such as case sensitive and multi-line matching.

The re.match method returns a matching object on success, or None otherwise.

The sample code

""" -*- coding:uft-8 -*- author: Time :2020/5/30 """ import re string1 = "hello python" string2 = "hell5o python" pattern = r"[a-z]+\s\w+" # Print (re.match(pattern, string1)) # < re.match object; span=(0, 12), match='hello python'> print(re.match(pattern, string2)) # NoneCopy the code

Start Import the RE module. R “” is a regular expression

Because string2 has a number 5 in the middle, it doesn’t match

group gets the result from the Match object, but no group defaults to 0. Group indexes start at 0 (0 is a complete Match), and if there are multiple groups, the first group is 1. You can also give it a name

The sample code

""" -*- coding:uft-8 -*- author: Import re string1 = "Hello Python" string2 = "hell5o Python "pattern = r"[a-z]+\s\w+" pattern1 = r"(\w+)(\s)(\w+)" pattern2 = r"(? P<first>\w+\s)(? P<last>\w+)" print(re.match(pattern, string1)) # span=(0, 12), match='hello python'> print(re.match(pattern, string1).group()) # hello python print(re.match(pattern, string2)) # None print(re.match(pattern1, string2).group(0)) # hell5o python print(re.match(pattern1, Group (1)) # hell5o print(re.match(pattern1, string2).group(2)) # hell5o print(re.match(pattern1, string2).group(2)) string2).group(3)) # python print(re.match(pattern2, string2).group("last")) # pythonCopy the code

search scans the entire string for the first position of the matching style and returns a corresponding matching object. If there is no match, return None; Note that this is not the same as finding a zero-length match. The syntax is the same as match

The sample code

""" -*- coding:uft-8 -*- author: Time :2020/5/30 "" import re string = "Hi World Hello python" pattern = r"Hello python" print(, string).group()) # Hello python print(re.match(pattern, string)) # NoneCopy the code

The difference between the two

Re.match matches only the beginning of the string. If the beginning of the string does not match the regular expression, the match fails and the function returns None, while matches the entire string until a match is found.


Re.fullmatch Returns a corresponding match object if the entire string matches the regular expression. Otherwise, return None; Note that matching with zero length is different.

The syntax is the same as above

The sample code

""" -*- coding:uft-8 -*- author: Time :2020/5/30 "" import re string = "Hi World Hello Python "pattern = r"Hi World Hello Python" pattern1 = r"Hi World hello python" print(re.fullmatch(pattern, string)) # <re.Match object; span=(0, 21), match='Hi World Hello python'> print(re.fullmatch(pattern1, string)) # NoneCopy the code

The difference between the three

Match: matches the beginning of the string

Search: Searches for matches at any position

Fullmatch: The entire string must match the regular expression exactly

A match object

Matching objects always have a Boolean value True. Match () and search() return None if there is no match, so you can simply use the if statement to determine if there is a match

The sample code

import re string = "Hi World Hello python" pattern = r"Hello python" match1 =, string) match2 = re.match(pattern, string) if match1: print( # Hello python if match2: Print ( the code

Find multiple matches


Re.compile compiles the style of the regular expression into a regular object that can be used for matching

Grammatical structure

re.compile(pattern, flags=0)
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  • pattern: Indicates the matched regular expression
  • flags: flag bit used to control the matching mode of regular expressions, such as case – sensitive or multi-line matching.


Re.findall finds all substrings matched by the regular expression in the string and returns a list, or an empty list if no matches are found. Unlike match and search, which match once, findAll matches all.

Grammatical structure

re.findall(string[, pos[, endpos]])
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  • string: Indicates the string to be matched.
  • pos: Optional argument that specifies the start position of the string. Default is 0.
  • endpos: Specifies the end of the string. The default is the length of the string


All non-repeating matches of pattern in string are returned as an iterator that holds the matching object. * String * scans from left to right, matching in order. Empty matches are also included in the result.

The syntax structure is the same as match

The sample code

Import re from collections. ABC import Iterator string = "Hello Python hi javascript" pattern = r"\b\w+\b" pattern_object = re.compile(r"\b\w+\b") print(type(pattern_object)) # <class 're.Pattern'> findall = pattern_object.findall(string) for i in findall: Print (I) finditer = re.finditer(pattern, string) Iterator)) # True for _ in range(4): Finditer1 = finditer.__next__() # print( "" -- loop -- hello python hi javascript" "Copy the code

Finditer returns better performance than FindAll if there are a large number of matches, which is the difference between a list and an iterator.

Split the split

The re.split method splits the string according to the substrings that can be matched and returns a list

Grammatical structure

re.split(pattern, string[, maxsplit=0, flags=0])
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  • pattern: Indicates the matched regular expression
  • string: delimiter.
  • maxsplit: separation times,maxsplit=1The default value is 0 and the number of times is unlimited.
  • flags: flag bit used to control the matching mode of regular expressions, such as case – sensitive or multi-line matching.

The sample code

Import re string = "hello Hi good Morning Goodnight Python javascript Linux" "pattern = r'\s+' # Print (re.split(pattern, string)) # ['hello', 'hi', 'good', 'morning', 'goodnight', 'python', 'javascript', Print (re.split(pattern, string, 5)) # ['hello', 'hi', 'good', 'morning', 'goodnight', 'python\njavascript\nLinux\n']Copy the code

Unlike the SPLIT of the STR module, the split of the RE module supports re



Re.sub replaces matches in strings

Grammatical structure

re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0)
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  • pattern : Pattern string in the re.
  • repl : The replacement string, which can also be a function.
  • string : The original string to be searched and replaced.
  • count: Indicates the maximum number of times to replace a pattern. The default value is 0, indicating that all matches are replaced.
  • flags : Matching pattern used at compile time, in numeric form.

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Print (re.sub(pattern, "cute ", string) print(re.sub(pattern," cute ", string))Copy the code



Behaves the same as sub(), but returns a tuple (string, number of substitutions).


Re.escape (pattern) Escapes special characters in the pattern. Such as metacharacters in re.

The sample code

Import re pattern = r'\w\s*\d\d.' print(re.escape(pattern)) # \w\s*\d.Copy the code

Matches any text string that might contain a regular expression metacharacter, which is useful, but error-prone and better escaped manually


Re.purge () clears the regular expression cache.