1. The outer for loop uses the built-in function range to load each number in the range from 1 to 9 into the custom variable I in turn. At this point, variable I is cyclically assigned for 9 times

2. The inner for loop will load each number in the range of 1~ variable I into variable J in turn, and then variable j will be assigned a value of I times. At this time, the outer for loop will circulate once and the inner for loop will circulate for I times

3. The range value node of the inner layer for loop should be the outer variable I plus 1, so that the inner variable j can take the value of I

4. At the end of the program, print() is equivalent to enter, which is executed every time the external loop is completed to beautify the execution result

Step 1: Write the script

1.  vim mtable.py
1.  #!/usr/bin/env python3
1.  for i in range(1.10) : # [0.1.2]
1.  for j in range(1, i+1):         # i->0: [0], i->1: [0.1], i->2: [0.1.2]
1.  print('%sX%s=%s' % (j, i, i*j), end=' ')
1.  print()
1.  [root@localhost day03]# vim mtable.py
1.  #!/usr/bin/env python3
1.  i=1
1.  while i<=9:
1.  j=1
1.  while j<=i:
1.  print("%d*%d=%d" % (j,i,j*i),end="")
1.  j+=1
1.  print("")
1.  i+=1
Copy the code

Step 2: Test script execution

  1.  python3 mtable.py
  2. 1X1=1
  3. 1X2=2 2X2=4
  4. 1X3=3 2X3=6 3X3=9
  5. 1X4=4 2X4=8 3X4=12 4X4=16
  6. 1X5=5 2X5=10 3X5=15 4X5=20 5X5=25
  7. 1X6=6 2X6=12 3X6=18 4X6=24 5X6=30 6X6=36
  8. 1X7=7 2X7=14 3X7=21 4X7=28 5X7=35 6X7=42 7X7=49
  9. 1X8=8 2X8=16 3X8=24 4X8=32 5X8=40 6X8=48 7X8=56 8X8=64
  10. 1X9=9 2X9=18 3X9=27 4X9=36 5X9=45 6X9=54 7X9=63 8X9=72 9X9=81