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“Itchat” is an open source personal interface of wechat. Today, we will use itchat to crawl the information of our friends on wechat. The three graphs are “Wechat friends’ profile picture Mosaic”, “Gender Statistics” and “Personality signature Statistics”.

“Wechat friends’ Profile picture Mosaic”

“Gender Chart”

“Personality Signature Chart”

The installation

pip3 install itchat
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Main methods used: Itchat.get_friends () returns a complete list of friends. Each friend is a dictionary. The first item is the user’s account information. Get_friends (update=True) itchat.get_head_img(userName=””

Spliced photos of wechat friends’ profile pictures

Get_head_img gets each friend’s profile picture, saves the file, and splits the profile picture into a larger image. Get your friend’s profile picture first:

def headImg():
    friends = itchat.get_friends(update=True)
    # itchat.get_head_img() retrieves the avatar binary and writes it to a file, saving each avatar
    for count, f in enumerate(friends):
        # get avatar based on userName
        img = itchat.get_head_img(userName=f["UserName"])
        imgFile = open("img/" + str(count) + ".jpg"."wb")
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The img folder must be created in the same directory in advance, otherwise the error “No such file or directory” will be reported. The img folder is used to save the profile picture, traverse the friends list, and name the profile picture according to the subscript count.

The next step is to splice the heads

Shuffle (IMgs) to shuffle images through a folder

Average each profile picture with a large picture of 640*640, calculate the length and width of each small square picture, compress the profile picture, splice the picture, fill up the line, splice the picture with line breaks, and increase the area of the large picture appropriately if there are many friends’ profile pictures. The specific code is as follows:

def createImg():
    x = 0
    y = 0
    imgs = os.listdir("img")
    # create a 640*640 image to fill each small image
    newImg ='RGBA'), (640, 640)Square root of math.sqrt() to calculate the width and height of each small image.
    width = int(math.sqrt(640 * 640 / len(imgs)))
    # number of images per line
    numLine = int(640 / width)

    for i in imgs:
        img ="img/" + i)
        # Zoom out
        img = img.resize((width, width), Image.ANTIALIAS)
        # Splice picture, line full, line break splice
        newImg.paste(img, (x * width, y * width))
        x += 1
        if x >= numLine:
            x = 0
            y += 1"all.png")

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Friend profile picture forming, profile picture is randomly shuffled splicing

Gender chart

Similarly, itchat.login() login to obtain the information of friends, and determine the gender according to the Sex field. 1 represents male (man), 2 represents female (women), and 3 is unknown.

def getSex():
    friends = itchat.get_friends(update=True)
    sex = dict()
    for f in friends:
        if f["Sex"] = = 1:# male
            sex["man"] = sex.get("man"+ 1, 0)elif f["Sex"] = = 2:Female #
            sex["women"] = sex.get("women"+ 1, 0)else: # the unknown
            sex["unknown"] = sex.get("unknown"+ 1, 0)# Bar chart display
    for i, key in enumerate(sex):, sex[key])
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Bar chart of sex statistics

Personality signature statistics chart

The Signature field is the Signature of the friend. Save the Signature to the.txt file. Some of the signatures contain emojis and other words that will become emojis, and replace them with special symbols.

def getSignature():
    friends = itchat.get_friends(update=True)
    file = open('sign.txt'.'a', encoding='utf-8')
    for f in friends:
        signature = f["Signature"].strip().replace("emoji"."").replace("span"."").replace("class"."")
        # regular match
        rec = re.compile("1f\d+\w*|[<>/=]")
        signature = rec.sub("", signature)
        file.write(signature + "\n")

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TXT file to write the personality signatures of all friends, use wordcloud package to generate wordcloud map, PIP install wordcloud can also use jieba word to generate word map, do not use word partition is sentence display. To use jieba, the max_font_size attribute can be increased appropriately, such as 100. Deactivate deactivate deactivate deactivate deactivate deactivate deactivate deactivate

# Generate word cloud
def create_word_cloud(filename):
    Read the contents of the file
    text = open("{}.txt".format(filename), encoding='utf-8').read()

    # Stutter
    # wordlist = jieba.cut(text, cut_all=True)
    # wl = " ".join(wordlist)

    # Set the word cloud
    wc = WordCloud(
        # Set the background color
        background_color="white".# set the maximum number of word clouds to display
        # this font in the computer font, window in C: \ Windows \ Fonts \, optional under MAC/System/Library/Fonts/PingFang TTC Fonts
        Set the maximum font size
        # set how many randomly generated states there are, i.e. how many color schemes there are

    myword = wc.generate(text)  If stuttering is used, use WL instead of text to create a word cloud
    # Show word cloud
    wc.to_file('signature.png')  # Save the word cloud

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Sentence figure

The word cloud map produced by using jieba

Itchat in addition to the above information, there are provinces and cities and other information can be captured, in addition to the robot automatic chat and other functions, here is not an overview.

Finally, attach github address:…

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