
  • Int function introduction
  • The int function is used
  • Guess you like it

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Int function introduction

Int is actually a variable type in Python that represents an integer, but it can also be used as a function. It is also a built-in function in Python that casts other numeric types to an integer. The syntax is as follows:

Parameter x: can be an integer, a floating-point number, or even a string STR type, such as 0,5,6.3, -78, "-10", "15"... Return value: Returns an integer number. <strong> If the argument is a floating point number, the decimal after the floating point number is removed by default. ''' int(x)Copy the code

Note: If the argument isString STRThe string cannot contain any character other than a number, for example, “10. A”.

The int function is used

#! Usr /bin/env python # -* -coding :utf-8 _*- "" @file :Python int function. py @time :2021/04/04 11:00 @Motto: A thousand miles without a single step, a small stream without a river or sea, the wonderful life of the program needs unremitting accumulation! "" "print (" {} after int () function is used to calculate the result is {} ". The format (5, int (5))) print (" {} after int () function is used to calculate the result is {} ". The format (20, int (20))) # if the parameter is a floating point number, Format (5.3,int(5.3)) print("{} : {}". Format (5.3,int(5.3)) print("{} : {}". Format (-5.3,int(-5.3))) Print (" {} after the int () function is used to calculate the result is {} ". The format (" 12 ", int (" 12 "))) # print (" {} after int () function is used to calculate the result is {} ". The format (12 a, int (" 12 a "))) / / valueError Output: 5 evaluates to 5-20 evaluates to -20 5.3 evaluates to -5 12 evaluates to 12 ""Copy the code

3.Guess you like

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  12. Python conditional derivations
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Python int function

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