
  • If a piece of code is used many times during development, it needs to be packaged into a small module, which is called a function.
  • Function to simplify the program structure, increase the reading line, code reuse,
  • Functions are divided into declaring functions and calling functions.
def print_hello(a):Declare a function
    print(Hello world.)# Function content

print_hello()# call function
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Results of the above code execution:

Function parameters

Positional arguments

  • How many parameters are there, and how many arguments must be passed
  • The arguments correspond to the parameters one-one
def calcu(x, y):# x, y, called parameters
    print("X is %d"%x)
    print("Y is %d"%y)
    z = x + y
    print(z) calcu (1, 2)# 1, 2 arguments
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Results of the above code execution:

Keyword parameter

  • It is possible to pass parameters in a different order than the defined parameters
  • Positional arguments must precede keyword arguments, and there is no order between keyword arguments
def calcu(x,y):# x, y, called parameters
    print("X is %d"%x)
    print("Y is %d"%y)
    z = x + y

calcu(1.2)# 1, 2 arguments
# # calcu (x = 1, 2) is not correct
# # calcu (y = 2, 1) is not correct
# # calcu (x = 2, 1) is not correct
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Results of the above code execution:

The default parameters

  • When a function is called, if no arguments are passed, the default arguments are used. If a parameter is passed, the passed parameter is used.
  • Default arguments must be placed after positional arguments. Bear in mind that
def introduce(age,name="Wang"):
    print("My name is % S and I'm % D"%(name,age))

introduce(23)# if no name is passed, Lao Wang will be used by default
introduce(23."Xiao Ming")# pass name, the passed value will be used

The following defines the function as an error the default argument must be placed after the positional argument ~ remember! Def introduce (name = "Lao wang," age) : print (" my name is % s, I "age of % d % (name, age)) ' ' '
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Results of the above code execution:

Variable parameter

  • When you want a function to handle more than one argument, those arguments are called mutable arguments.
def introduce(age,name,*args):#*args stands for variable parameters, or variable length parameters
    print("My name is % S and I'm % D"%(name,age))
    print(args)The variable argument is a tuple
    for arg in args:
        print(arg)# walk through the mutable arguments

introduce(23."Xiao Ming"."Male"."Characters from elementary school textbooks.")
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Results of the above code execution:

  • Dictionary type arguments for mutable arguments
def introduce(age,name,*args,**kwargs):
    Args stands for mutable arguments, or indeterminable arguments **kwargs stands for dictionary type mutable arguments. ' ' '
    print("My name is % S and I'm % D"%(name,age))
    print(args)The variable argument is a tuple
    print(kwargs)Mutable arguments, is a dictionary
    for arg in args:
        print(arg)# walk through the mutable arguments

    for k,v in kwargs.items():# walk through the dictionary
introduce(23."Xiao Ming"."Male"."Characters from elementary school textbooks.",address="Beijing",phone="123456")
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Results of the above code execution:

  • unpacking
def introduce(age,name,*args,**kwargs):
    Args stands for mutable arguments, or indeterminable arguments **kwargs stands for dictionary type mutable arguments. ' ' '
    print("My name is % S and I'm % D"%(name,age))
    print(args)The variable argument is a tuple
    print(kwargs)Mutable arguments, is a dictionary
    for arg in args:
        print(arg)# walk through the mutable arguments

    for k,v in kwargs.items():# walk through the dictionary
# introduce (23, "Ming", "male", "primary school textbook" characters, address = "Beijing", phone = "123456")
desc = ("Male"."Characters from elementary school textbooks.")
other = {"address":"Beijing"."phone":"123456"}
introduce(23."Xiao Ming",*desc,**other)# This method is called unpacking
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Results of the above code execution:

Combination of parameters

def introduce(name,age,*args,sex="Male",**kwargs):

introduce("Xiao Ming".12."Textbook characters."."Female",phone="123")
# introduce (12, "Ming", "textbook" characters, phone = "123")
# Introduce (" xiao Ming ",12," people in textbook ") # Introduce (" Xiao Ming ",12," people in textbook ")
# introduce (" Ming ", 12)
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Results of the above code execution: