
  1. PIP will list all packages in conda.

  2. Conda standard Virtualenvwrappe L, but some enhanced features;

    • Clone a Python environment that does not exist locallyConda create --name New environment name --clone the old environment name ;
    • Create a local version of Python that is not installed (you need to add searchable sources, such as default source python==3.5),

    Conda config – add channels after add the rest of the source to find at

    • set CONDA_FORCE_32BIT=1Switch to 32 bits
    • set CONDA_FORCE_32BIT=0Switch to 64 bits
    • Conda create -n Specifies the environment name python=3.7; Conda 64-bit creates 64-bit Python by default. Switching to 32-bit installation is the only way to install 32-bit python
  3. Conda install is not easy to use and needs to work with PIP.