
Source I would like to put their own before the micro blog account in the micro blog are deleted, no more nonsense, let us begin happily

The development tools

Python version: 3.6.4

Related modules:

DecryptLogin module;

The argparse module;

And some of the modules that come with Python.

Environment set up

Install Python and add it to the environment variable, and the PIP will install the appropriate module.

Introduction of the principle

The principle is actually quite simple. First of all, we use the open source DecryptLogin library to implement the simulated login operation of Weibo:

From DecryptLogin import login @staticmethod def login(username, password): lg = login.Login() infos_return, session =, password, 'pc') return infos_return, session

Then, all we need to do is constantly get all the micro blog IDs of our home page:

"' get a user home page list of weibo ' 'def __getweibolist (self) : url =' 'params = {' ajwvr' : '6', 'domain': '100505', 'is_search': '0', 'visible': '0', 'is_all': '1', 'is_tag': '0', 'profile_ftype': '1', 'page': '1', 'pagebar': '1', 'pl_name': 'Pl_Official_MyProfileFeed__19', 'id': f'100505{self.user_id}', 'script_uri': f'/{self.user_id}/profile', 'feed_type': '0', 'pre_page': '5', 'domain_op': '100505', '__rnd': str(time.time()*1000)[:13] } response = self.session.get(url, params=params) data = response.json()['data'] weibo_mids = re.findall(r'\s+mid="(\d+)"\s+', data) return weibo_mids

And according to these micro blog ID to batch delete these micro blog is OK:

"" def run(self): user_input = input(" Do you really want to delete all your tweets? (yes/no):') if not (user_input.lower() == 'yes' or user_input.lower() == 'y'): return url = '' headers = { 'Referer': f'{self.user_id}/profile?rightmod=1&wvr=6&mod=personnumber&is_all=1' } del_count = 0 total_count = 0 while True: weibo_mids = self.__getweibolist() if not weibo_mids: break for mid in weibo_mids: Total_count += 1 print('[INFO]: '... ' % (total_count, del_count)) response =, data={'mid': mid}, headers=headers) if response.json()['code'] == '100000': del_count += 1 time.sleep(random.randrange(1, 3)+random.random()) time.sleep(random.randrange(3, 6)+random. Random ()) print('[INFO]: %s of your account is detected, and %s of your account has been deleted successfully... ' % (total_count, del_count))

This is the end of the article, thank you for watching, follow me every day to share the Python simulation login series, the next article to share batch delete about.

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