Python Core Programming (3rd Edition) is a new and updated version of the classic bestselling book Python Core Programming (2nd Edition), which is divided into three parts. Part 1 covers some general applications of Python, including regular expressions, network programming, Internet client programming, multithreaded programming, GUI programming, database programming, Microsoft Office programming, and extending Python. Part 2 covers topics related to Web development, including Web clients and servers, Web programming related to CGI and WSGI, Django Web frameworks, cloud computing, and advanced Web services. Part 3 is a supplementary/experimental chapter, covering text processing and a few other things. Python Core Programming (Version 3) is for Python developers with some experience.

In this book, you’ll use everything you’ve learned about Python elsewhere and develop new skills to build your own toolbox. With this toolkit, you can develop various types of applications using Python. These advanced dives are a variety of dives. If you go beyond the specific application development areas covered in these chapters, you will find that they not only point you in the right direction, but also contain more information. But don’t expect an in-depth solution, because that defeats the purpose of this book, which is to provide a broader solution.

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