The Windows version

(1) Move to the beginning of the line: the home button

(2) Move to the end of the line :end keyboard

(3) Comment code: CTRL + /

(4) Copy line: CTRL + D

(5) Delete row :shift + delete

(6) Select column: Shift + Alt + left mouse button

(7) Move line: CTRL + Shift + up and down arrow

(8) Code formatting: CTRL + Alt + L

(9) Move multiple lines to the right: Select multiple lines and press TAB

(10) Move multiple lines to the left (indent) : Select multiple lines and press Shift + TAB

MAC version

(1) Move to the beginning of the line: Command + left arrow

(2) Move to end of line :command+ right arrow

Command + /

(4) Copy line :command +d

(5) Delete a line :command + delete

(6) Select column: Alt + left mouse button

(7) Move line: Option + Shift + up and down arrow

(8) Code formatting: Option + Command + L

(9) Move multiple lines to the right: Select multiple lines and press TAB

(10) Move multiple lines to the left (indent) : Select multiple lines and press Shift + TAB