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First, the function of the log

During project development and testing, logs can help locate and analyze problems accurately

2. Log level


The default log level is warning or higher. Debug and INFO are not output to the console

Three, a few important concepts

  • Logger: An interface that provides logging and is used by code
  • Handle: Where do log records (generated by loggers) go, i.e., where do they go out
  • Filter: Provides better granularity control to determine which log records to output, providing an elegant way to determine whether a log record is sent to Handle
  • Formatter: Specifies the specific format for logging output

4. Logger

1, an overview of the

Logger is a tree hierarchy that must create Logger instances before using the debug, INFO, warning, error, and critical interfaces. If this is not explicitly created, a root Logger is created by default. The default log level (WARN) is applied, the handler Handle (StreamHandle, which prints log information to standard output), and the Formatter (the default format is the one printed in the first simple utility).

Create method: Logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)

Logger objects are never instantiated directly, but through module-level functionality

Logging.getlogger (name) creates a Logger instance. When logging.getLogger(name) is called, it always returns the application of a Logger object instance if the same value of name is passed in.

2. After creating Logger instance, you can set the log level and add handler

  • Logger.setlevel (logging.error) = Set the log level to ERROR, that is, only logs with a log level greater than or equal to ERROR will be output (the default level is warning).
  • Logger. addHandle(Handle_name) = Adds a handler to the Logger instance
  • Logger. removeHandle(handle_name) = Remove a handler for the Logger instance

5. Handle

1, an overview of the

Handle sends log information to the specified location (file, window)

The types of handles are StreamHandle, FileHandle, and NullHandle

2, StreamHandle

Sh = logging.streamHandle (stream==None)

Send log output to the console

3, FileHandle

Sends logging to a disk file, which inherits the output functionality of StreamHandle


4, NullHandle

Without doing any formatting or output, it is essentially a “no-action” handler for developers

Is it essentially a “do nothing” Handle used by library developers

A Formatter

1, an overview of the

Set the log output format

Formatter = logging. formatter (FMT =None,datefmt=None), FMT and datefmt are used to set log format and time format

Default format: %(asctime)s-%(LevelName)s-%(message)s

The default time format is %Y-% M -% D %H:%M:%S

2. Use the Formatter object to set the final rule, structure, and content of the log message

Application of logging in real test cases

The wrapper class has the convenience of external file calls to the log, the example mainly completes the log output in the console and the log output to the external.log file

Steps to encapsulate the logging class:

To create a logger

Create a handle…

Create the formatter

To configure the logger

The chestnut:

1. Create the external log file test.log for the class in the project directory

2. Wrap the Logger class:

# Log synthesis case encapsulation
import logging

class Logger() :
    def __init__(self, LoggerName, FileName, CmdLevel, FileLevel) :
        FileName: external FileName CmdLevel: sets the log output level of the console. FileLevel: sets the log output level of the file
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(LoggerName)
        Set the log level
        Set the output format of the log
        fmt = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s-%(name)s-%(levelname)s-%(message)s')

        Export logs to the test.log file with handle
        fh = logging.FileHandler(FileName)

        Output logs to the console with handle
        ch = logging.StreamHandler()

        # configuration logger

        Add handle to Logger

    def debug(self,message) :

    def info(self,message) :

    def warn(self,message) :

    def error(self,message) :

    def critical(self,message) :

# The following is the test code, the actual operation can be commented out
if __name__ == "__main__":
    logger = Logger("appium"."test.log",CmdLevel=logging.DEBUG,FileLevel=logging.INFO)
    logger.debug("debug message!")"info message!")
    logger.warn("warning message!")
    logger.error("error message!")
    logger.critical("critical message!")
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3. Call Loger class:

Create an instantiation object of the Logger class outside of the class, passing in the required parameters

# Call the Loger class from another class
Instantiate the Logger class and pass in the parameters
logger = Logger("appium"."test.log", CmdLevel=logging.DEBUG, FileLevel=logging.INFO)

class Test:
    logger.debug("debug message!")"info message!")
    logger.warn("warning message!")
    logger.error("error message!")
    logger.critical("critical message!")
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4. Output results:

Console:2020- 09 -10 10:32:46.230-appium-DEBUG-debug message!
2020- 09 -10 10:32:46.230-appium-INFO-info message!
2020- 09 -10 10:32:46.230-appium-WARNING-warning message!
2020- 09 -10 10:32:46.230-appium-ERROR-error message!
2020- 09 -10 10:32:46.230-appium-CRITICAL-critical message! External files:20- 09 -10 10:32:46.230-appium-INFO-info message!
2020- 09 -10 10:32:46.230-appium-WARNING-warning message!
2020- 09 -10 10:32:46.230-appium-ERROR-error message!
2020- 09 -10 10:32:46.230-appium-CRITICAL-critical message
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