The text

String: general string operation

Re: regular expression operation

Difflib: Difference calculation tool

Textwrap: Text fill

Unicodedata: Unicode character database

Stringprep: Internet string preparation tool

Readline: the GNU line-by-line interface

Rlcompleter: GNU’s implementation of reading by line

Struct: Parsing bytes into packaged binary data

Codecs: codecs for registry and base classes

The data type

Datetime: Datetime-based tools

Calendar: Generic month function

Collections: Container data types

Collections. ABC: Container virtual base class

Heapq: Heap queue algorithm

Bisect: Array binary algorithm

Array: efficient array of values

Weakref: weak reference

Types: Dynamic creation and naming of built-in types

Copy: shallow copy and deep copy

Reprlib: Implementation of alternate repr()


Numbers: Virtual base class for numbers

Math: Math function

Cmath: Mathematical function of complex numbers

Decimal: Fixed-point and floating-point calculations

Fractions: the fractions are rational

Random: generates a pseudo-random number

Functional programming

Itertools: Generates iterators for efficient loops

Functools: Higher-order functions and operations on objects that can be called

Operator: Standard operation on a function

Files and Directories

Os. path: common path name control

Fileinput: Traverses rows from a multi-input stream

Stat: Interprets the result of stat()

Filecmp: compares files and directories

Tempfile: Generates temporary files and directories

Glob: An extension of the UNIx-style pathname format

Fnmatch: Matches unix-style path names

Linecache: Random storage of lines of text

Shutil: Advanced file operations

Macpath: MacOS 9 path control function


Pickle: Serialization of Python objects

Copyreg: Register machine support function for pickle

Shelve: Python object persistence

Marshal: Internal Python object serialization

DBM: Unix database interface

Sqlite3: API2.0 for SQLite databases

The compression

Zlib: GZIP-compatible compression

Gzip: Support for Gzip files

Bz2: Support for bzip2 compression

Lzma: Compression using lZMA algorithm

Zipfile: Operates the ZIP archive

Tarfile: Reads and writes tar files


Hashlib: Security hash and message digest

Hmac: Key hash for message authentication

Operating system tools

OS: Multifaceted operating system interface

IO: Stream core tool

Time: Time query and conversion

Argparser: A parser for command-line options, arguments, and subcommands

Optparser: Command line option parser

Getopt: C-style command-line options parser

Logging: Python logging tool

Logging. config: log configuration

Handlers: log handlers

Getpass: simple password input

Curses: Terminal processing of character display

Textpad: The text input field of the Curses program

Curses. ASCII: ASCII character set tool

Curses. Panel: Curses stack extension

Platform: Access authentication data of the underlying platform

Errno: indicates a standard error flag

Ctypes: Python external function library


Threading: Thread-based parallelism

Multiprocessing: process-based parallelism

Concurrent: Sends packets concurrently

Concurrent. futures: Starts parallel tasks

Subprocess: manages subprocesses

Sched: event scheduling

Queue: indicates the synchronization queue

Select: waits for I/OS to complete

Dummy_threading: Replacement for the threading module (when _thread is not available)

_thread: The underlying thread API (threading based on it)

_dummy_thread: Replacement of the _thread module (when _thread is not available)

Interprocess communication

Socket: indicates the underlying network interface

SSL: TLS/SSL filler for the socket object

Asyncore: Asynchronous socket processor

Asynchat: Asynchronous socket command/response processor

Signal: asynchronous transaction signal processor

Mmap: Memory mapped file support

The Internet

Email: Mail and MIME processing package

Json: JSON encoding and decoding

Mailcap: MailCap file processing

Mailbox: controls the mailbox in multiple formats

Mimetypes: File names are mapped to MIME types

Base64: RFC3548: Base16, Base32, and Base64 encoding

Binhex: Binhex4 file encoding and decoding

Binascii: conversion between binary code and ASCII code

Quopri: Encoding and decoding of mimequoted-printable data

Uu: encoding and decoding of uuencode files

Internet Protocol and Support

Webbrowser: Simple Web browser controller

Cgi: CGI support

Cgitb: CGI script backtrace manager

Wsgiref: WSGI tool and reference implementation

Urllib: URL processing module

Urllib. request: Opens the extension library for URL connections

Urllib. response: Response class of the urllib module

Urllib.parse: Parses urls into components

Urllib. error: Exception class raised by urllib.request

Urllib. robotParser: a parser for robots.txt


Http. client: indicates the HTTP client

Ftplib: indicates the FTP client

Poplib: POP protocol client

Imaplib: indicates the IMAP4 client

Nntplib: indicates the NNTP client

Smtplib: SMTP client

SMTPD: SMTP server

Telnetlib: Telnet client

Uuid: uUID object of RFC4122

Socketserver: Network server framework

Http. server: indicates the HTTP server

Http. cookies: HTTPCookie state manager

Http. cookiejar: HTTP client Cookie handling

XMLRPC: XML-RPC server and client modules

XMLRPC. Client: xmL-RPC client access

XMLRPC. Server: XmL-RPC server base

Ipaddress: indicates an IPv4 / IPv6 control library


Audioop: Processes raw audio data

Aifc: Reads and writes AIFF and AIFC files

Sunau: Reads and writes Sun AU files

Wave: Reads and writes WAV files

Chunk: Reads IFF large files

Colorsys: conversion between color systems

Imghdr: Specifies the image type

SNDHDR: Specifies the sound file type

Ossaudiodev: Access osS-compatible audio devices


Gettext: Internationalization services in multiple languages

Locale: international service

Programming framework

Turtle: Turtle graphics library

CMD: Line-based command interpreter support

Shlex: Simple dictionary analysis

Tk graphical user interface

Tkinter: Tcl/Tk interface

Tkinter. TTK: Tk theme control

Tkinter. Tix: Tk extension control

Tkinter. scrolledText: scroll text control

The development tools

Pydoc: Document generator and online help system

Doctest: Interactive Python sample

Unittest: unittest framework

Unittest. mock: Mock object libraries

Test: Python regression test package

Test. support: Python test tool suite

Venv: Virtual environment construction


BDB: Debugging framework

Faulthandler: Python backtrace library

PDB: Python debugger

Timeit: Small code execution time measurement

Trace: Python execution status tracing

The runtime

Sys: system related parameters and functions

Sysconfig: Access Python configuration information

Builtins: Built-in object

Main: Top-level scripting environment

Warnings: warning control

Contextlib: context tool for the with state

ABC: virtual base class

Atexit: indicates the exit processor

Traceback: Prints or reads a backward trace of the stack

Future: defines the future state

Gc: Garbage collection interface

Inspect: Inspects live objects

Site: site-specific configuration hooks

Fpectl: Floating point exception control

Distutils: Generate and install Python modules

The interpreter

Code: base class interpreter

Codeop: Compile Python code

The import module

Imp: Access the inside of the import module

Zipimport: Imports modules from the ZIP archive

Pkgutil: Package extension tool

Modulefinder: Finds modules through scripts

Runpy: Locates and executes Python modules

Importlib: an implementation of import

The Python language

Parser: Accesses the Python parse tree

Ast: Abstract syntax tree

Symtable: Access the compiler symbol table

Symbol: Python parses constants in the tree

Token: Constant in the Python parse tree

Keyword: Tests Python keywords

Tokenize: Python source file segmentation

Tabnany: fuzzy indentation detection

Pyclbr: Python class browsing support

Py_compile: Compiles Python source files

Compileall: Python library compileall by byte

Dis: disassembler for Python bytecode

Pickletools: Serialization development tool


Formatter: Generic formatted output

Windows related

Msilib: Reads and writes the Windows Installer file

MSVCRT: MS VC + + Runtime useful procedures

Winreg: Windows registry access

Winsound: Windows sound player interface

Unix related

Posix: The most commonly used POSIX call

PWD: password database

SPWD: shadow password database

GRP: group database

Crypt: Unix password authentication

Termios: POSIX-style TTY controls

Tty: terminal control function

Pty: pseudo terminal tool

FCNTL: system calls FCNTL () and ioctl()

Pipes: Shell pipe interface

Resource: indicates the available information of resources

Nis: indicates the NIS interface of Sun

Syslog: indicates the Unix log service

This is a brief summary of Python’s built-in modules. Save this article for later retrieval as you work on your project. Hope this article has been helpful to you, and you are welcome to add Python built-in modules that are still commonly used.

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