3.68 has been cracked. With a series of new props, it feels much better (although 3.60 can also be processed by software for games that can only run 3.61+).

Online tutorials of various versions of the compression package…… Obviously are open source ah hello, so it is better to paste an open source version of the tutorial.

Lift the curing

Enso is needed to solidify. Currently 3.68 cannot be solidified, so it needs to be cracked again after boot. However, the battery life of PSV is not nintendo at all, so in fact, restarting itself is relatively less operation.

If you uninstall the solidified application enso, reinstall it, and start it, a small text will appear. Anyway, press “○” first, then “△”, and then any key to restart, the solidified startup page of the restart interface will be gone, and then you can start the next step.

Offline update

Install QCMA: github.com/codestation…

Then download 3.68 offline installation package: www.techspot.com/drivers/dri…

Save: github.com/codestation… You need to use it later.

Then place the update file and updatelist in the PSV Updates directory.

To change updatelist, all you need to do is change region and system_version.

If you do not know your own regions, you can try each region one by one:

  • Sa = Asian
  • Tw = Taiwan
  • Us = the United States
  • Au = Australia
  • Eu = European
  • Jp = Japan

(For example, I bought the Japanese version of region to write EU successfully)

Open PSV, open airplane mode, click Upgrade System, select Connect to PC upgrade.

Start to crack

Lazy cancer terminal, continue with the one-click tool: github.com/soarqin/fin… , then follow the instructions and it will help you install the H-Encore.

Once installed, start, ignore the trophy prompts, and select Reset Config configuration. Then choose the second hack, choose to install Vitashell if WIFI is available, and you’re done.

Each reboot requires restarting H-Encore, re-clicking Crack (without resetting config), and then clicking Exit. (Exit may be stuck, you can directly press the PSV button to return to the home page to exit).

If you have any questions, see here: github.com/TheOfficial…

Install black shop

PKGJ is a black shop, its list needs to be self-configurable, first download here: github.com/blastrock/p…

url_games http://thesite/games.tsv
url_dlcs http://thesite/dlcs.tsv
url_psx_games http://thesite/psxgames.tsv
url_psp_games http://thesite/pspgames.tsv
url_psm_games http://thesite/psmgames.tsv
url_comppack http://thesite/comppack/
Copy the code

Then fill in thesite if only HTTP is supported.

You can use the official source at nopaystation.com/tsv/ (black store official)

List in baidu post bar has a source localization according to the new version update: tieba.baidu.com/p/587235893… Python -simple-server, python-simple-server, python-simple-server

Install PSP Emulator

The PSP emulator should also be updated: github.com/TheOfficial… , encountered many problems in this update, searched for a long time according to this step to solve:

I believe ‘ux0:app/PSPEMUCFW’ is the directory you’re after. In older versions of adrenaline it was elsewhere. To install adrenaline with a manually downloaded psp update file:

  • Ensure you’re using ‘6.61 Adrenaline-6 fix’ (github.com/TheOfficial…) . Install the VPK.
  • Run adrenaline once and quit when it says it cant find the 661.PBP file (if you dont do this and instead manually create the PSPEMUCFW folder, adrenaline seems to wipe and recreate it when launched the first time).
  • The Download du01.psp.update.playstation.org/update/psp/…
  • Rename it to 661.PBP
  • Transfer to ‘ux0:app/PSPEMUCFW’ via FTP or USB with vitashell
  • Ensure you have edited ux0:tai/config.txt (edit ur0:tai/config.txt instead if using an sd2vita) to add the line ‘ux0:app/PSPEMUCFW/sce_module/adrenaline_kernel. SKPRX ‘in the ‘*KERNEL’ section, as per github.com/TheOfficial…
  • Reboot the vita after editing the config.txt
  • Run Adrenaline from the live area
  • Thank TheFlow 🙂

If the PBP is downloaded incorrectly, use the correct PBP and install according to the README.

The rest of the install CWCheat? Same as PSP.