This is the sixth day of my participation in Gwen Challenge

Pseudo elements and pseudo classes


A pseudoclass is a selector that selects elements in a particular state, such as the first element of a CLSSS, an element to hover, etc. , we can think of it as a specific CSS class, but unlike a normal class, it can only style elements in a state that the DOM tree cannot describe, so it is called a pseudo-class

Pseudo elements

Pseudo-elements are similar to pseudo-classes, but are similar to adding a new DOM node to the DOM tree, rather than changing the state of the element. Note that this is analogous rather than actually adding a node, which is why it is called a pseudo-element (essentially, the element is created outside the document).

The difference between the two

The key difference between a pseudo-class that operates on an existing element in the document and a pseudo-element that creates an element outside the document is this. In addition, to differentiate CSS writing, pseudo-classes are typically single colons, such as ==:hover==, and pseudo-elements are double colons ==::after==


Pseudo elements


The selector role
:avtive Match elements activated by the user (such as clicks)
:blank Matches an empty input
:checked Matches the selected radio or checkbox
:disabled Matches interactive elements that are in an unavailable state
:empty Matches elements that have no child elements
:enabled Matches the interactive elements in the available state
:first-child Matches the first sibling element
:first-of-type Matches an element whose sibling elements are the first of a type
:focus Matches the element that gets focus
:focus-visible Matches elements that get focus and can be seen by the user
:hover Matches the elements that the user hovers or touches here
:invalid Matches elements in an illegal state, such as<input>The regular check fails
:lang Matches elements according to the document language
:last-child Matches the last element in the sibling element
:last-of-type Matches an element whose sibling element is the last in a type
:link Matches links that have not been visited
:is() Matches the elements that match the result
:not() Matches elements that do not match the result
:nth-child(n) Matches the NTH child of the parent element. N can be a number, a keyword, or a formula
:nth-of-type(n) The NTH child of an element of a type that matches the parent element. N can be a number, a keyword, or a formula
:nth-last-child(n) Like nth-child(), count backwards
:nth-last-of-type(n) Like nth-last-type-child (), counting backwards
:only-child Matches elements that have no sibling elements
:only-of-type Matches an element that is the only type of its sibling element.
:placeholder-shown Matches the form element that displays the default placeholder
:required Matches mandatory form elements
:root Matching the root element
:valid Matches elements in a valid state
:target Matches the anchor element that matches the current URL
:visited Matches the elements that have been accessed

Pseudo elements

The selector role
::before Matches the area that appears after the actual content of the original element
::after Matches the area that appears before the actual content of the original element
::first-letter Matches the first letter of the element
::first-line Matches the first row of the element
::selection Matches the selected text or region