Proxy IP Three protocols commonly used by software. Proxy IP software is a kind of encryption software that transmits data through a third-party network protocol. It adopts tunnel technology to encapsulate data in a tunnel for transmission. Tunnel protocols are mainly divided into three types, namely PPTP, L2TP and IPsec. The following is a brief introduction to

Layer 1 tunnel protocol — PPTP

Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP). The protocol is a new enhanced security protocol developed on the basis of PPP. It supports multi-protocol virtual private network (IP switching software), and can be enhanced by password authentication protocol (PAP), extensible authentication protocol (EAP) and other methods. Remote users can securely access the enterprise network by dialing into an ISP, directly connecting to the Internet, or other networks.

Layer 2 tunnel protocol – L2TP

L2TP is an industrial standard Internet tunnel protocol. It has similar functions to PPTP. For example, it can encrypt network data flows. For example, PPTP requires IP network, while L2TP requires point-to-point connection for packets. PPTP uses a single tunnel, and L2TP uses multiple tunnels. L2TP provides packet header compression and tunnel authentication, but PPTP does not.

Layer 3 tunnel protocol IPsec

IPsec The IPsec protocol based on the PKI technology has become the foundation of the virtual network architecture. It provides encrypted and authenticated communication between routers, firewalls, and routers. While its implementation is more complex, its security is much better than other protocols. The above is a brief introduction of the three protocols commonly used by IP switching software. Choose proxy IP software dazzled do not know to choose which good? Recommended tomato acceleration, 100% self-built proxy server, proxy IP availability as high as 99%, not the market scan collection of low quality proxy IP, dynamic IP proxy security, stability!