The purpose of this series of tutorials is to make it easier and faster for Node/Javascript engineers to understand Express in an incremental way. Incremental is the process of starting with the simplest Web server and adding layers step by step to a complete Express.

The original

I have been working with Express for more than two years and have interviewed many Node engineers. I’ve found that many engineers can use Express, but don’t know how it works and can’t answer more in-depth interview questions, such as:

  • How do I catch errors passed by Next (Err)
  • At what point in the routing function an error is caught
  • How do I set an insensitive or strict route

At the end of the day, it’s about knowing why, not knowing why. And read the source code, is the best way to solve this problem. But there is a common problem with the high cost of reading source code time. What I wanted to do was explain how Express works and how it works in an innovative way.

I would start with the most basic HTTP modules and work my way through Express. The benefits of this

  • From the most simple start, basic white also can understand
  • Step by step and don’t get lost in complex code
  • Be very clear about why each piece of code was added

Directly into the source code, I put it on Github, welcome to read, talkback bad places, welcome to comment click to view the tutorial