What is “Geek Share of the Week”

Hackershare.dev is a bookmark sharing site, and “Weekly Picks” is a section of the site that puts together selected bookmarks.

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1. Common network problem locating tools that programmers should master

During the daily operation and maintenance of the project, we often encounter various strange network problems. Then troubleshooting network problems becomes a necessary skill for a qualified programmer. Here are some commonly used instructions to quickly locate network problems in daily work.

Tag: # brace MC # programmer

2. Slidev

Presentation tools for developers

Tags: # devtools

3. SeaTable – a new generation of online collaborative forms and information management systems

Support “file”, “picture”, “Option”, “collaborator”, “Formula” and other rich data types, to help you conveniently record and manage a variety of scattered information, data processing automation and business process automation

Tag: # file system

4. Enterprise wechat trillion-level log retrieval system

New design log retrieval system.

Hashtag: # Log # Big Data

5. Talk about AMP and beyond

Yes, my personal blog is pro-AMP. Here’s AMP and how I feel about it.

Hashtag: #AMP # blog

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