In the company, who can make 500,000 yuan a year

This is limited to the software industry.

Annual income of 500,000, then the average monthly salary of 53K +, such deduction of tax, payment, etc., the average monthly income can achieve 40+.

As for which form? Such as pure salary, salary plus year-end bonus, or salary plus bonus plus equity, etc., this article does not care.

If someone has reached that level, then the company will naturally give that price, and how to give it, it may be a math game.

Generally speaking, entry-level developers (within three years) earn between 12K and 20K a month. Advanced development (5 years) high can have 25 k, senior architecture or senior project manager (6 +), can reach 35 k, can tube 20 people within the team structure or project manager, can reach 45 k, and with 50 + team manager (generally in more than 10 years work experience), even if it is low, can reach 50 k +, You can reach the income level mentioned in this article.

Another is to take the route of technology plus, such as the recently popular AI, big data or blockchain, such senior talents can reach this level if they have 5 years of relevant senior experience.

Or work as a cTO at a small company or startup for at least the same price, but will it last? I wouldn’t dare judge.

Two, can calculate some of the income outside work appropriately

In addition to the income from work mentioned above, I’ve seen the following ways to make money.

Do software products to sell, or help people do software part-time. If you work full-time, you can expect to earn less than $100,000 a year.

2 do the training, if it is a basic content, every weekend to speak a word, estimates could add 8 to 100000 a year, if speak hot knowledge, such as block chain, then into the can to 100000 to 150000, if Daniel became a domain, to do the high-end enterprise training, each of at least 20000, a month on average is about a, Then the estimated annual income of 200,000 +.

3. According to the current book market, the income of each book is estimated at 1.5W, which is estimated to be 3 books a year, so it is about 50,000 yuan. However, if the intangible value brought by writing books is included (such as the accumulation of fame by publishing books, and then going to lectures), it is estimated to increase the income by 100,000 yuan a year.

4. Do all kinds of technical consultation, such as making plans. I don’t know much about this, but if I can guarantee my long-term survival, I estimate that I can increase by 100,000 yuan every year.

5. Do some investment properly, such as buying some funds or financial products, the current market is about 5% annual income. In fact, if there is 10 million, the annual conservative financial income can also have 500,000.

3. The people I met who made $500,000 a year

1 Little A, A foreign company department manager, managing more than 50 people.

I arrive at the company at about 9:30am every morning, and I estimate that I have 6 hours of meetings (teleconference and on-site meeting) and 2 hours of communication with leaders and customers every day, and the rest is to write PPT, email and follow the progress. Generally speaking, it’s good to have a free day on weekends.

2 Xiao B, architect of a large factory, technical talent, 5 years + experience in distributed architecture, with senior practical experience in reverse proxy, MQ, database cluster and other components in distributed system. The average meeting time and problem solving time are estimated to be 6 hours per day. Generally, I have time to do my own work after work. Usually, I don’t write codes, but come up with solutions. And the need to keep the phone on, there are problems to solve in time.

It should be noted that Little B is a senior architect and has not reached the level of technical director. If he can become the chief architect or technical director in charge of a product, his annual income is estimated to be 700,000 +.

3. Little C, who owns his own company, usually provides solutions for others, sells products of his own company, does supervision, training and so on. Anyway, I do all kinds of work, usually on the plane, and need to talk about projects with others from time to time. Moreover, from talking about customers to implementation to problem solving to subsequent maintenance, most are to solve their own.

The training content covers PMP, database, AI and so on. I do large-class training and enterprise training, and I am relatively famous in the industry. I also have my own company, and I have been doing it for a long time. But there are endless clients and endless things to do every day.

5 small E, a startup (normal size) technical director, in 550000 +, the boss asked that to solve any technical problems, from development to test with to on-line deployment to performance optimization, all pipe, big to rent server online project, selection of distributed component development projects, small to test code review, no involved. And you have to worry about it all the time, because starting a business is hard.

To sum up in one word, annual income of 500,000, busy.

But compared to those who just sit around and do nothing, these people can make money by being busy. At least they are willing to make an effort to do so.

Fourth, summarize the technical and soft power requirements of the annual income of 500,000

First, summarize the technical requirements.

At least an architect should be able to build various components in the project, including but not limited to: reverse proxy cluster, messaging middleware cluster, micro-service cluster component, cache implementation, log management component, database cluster, database sub-database sub-table cluster, etc.

2. When the architecture components in the project encounter problems, the actual problems can be solved by viewing the source code through debugging.

3. Able to write Linux release scripts and build projects based on Spring Boot or Tomcat in Linux. Similarly, once problems occur in project operation, able to quickly locate and analyze problems by checking logs.

4. Be an expert in at least one area, such as database, oracle tuning, or how to build clusters, in general, database deployment tuning troubleshooting, etc. There is no substitute for you on the team in this area. In fact, a real bull is not limited to just one area, but is often an expert in many areas at the same time.

5 has the ability to solve real problems in a current hot field (AI big data or blockchain) rather than just build a scaffolding project.

In short, you should be technically well-rounded, proficient in one or more areas, and preferably hot on the spot. But some of the top earners don’t stop there. Here are some of the skills I’ve seen in non-technical areas.

1. Able to lead a team, and be able to smoothly implement the plan I designed for my subordinates, which includes team collaboration, communication, progress control, risk control and other abilities.

2. Ability to communicate and even wrangle with other team members. After all, a final plan needs to take into account the interests of various parties, and sometimes the technology has to compromise with the schedule cost and other factors.

The ability to keep learning, including being able to recognize what to learn and how to learn, is simple enough to say, but difficult in practice.

Ability to deal with all kinds of people. This is often engaged in software development programmers more lack of ability.

5 More importantly, I can be aware of the current hot issues and know which direction I should go in. At the same time, I can make continuous progress either through learning or by cooperating with others.

For example, I saw a man who saw that blockchain was popular at that time, so on the one hand, he dug mining, on the other hand, he learned this field, and now he is engaged in the development of this field, and his income is much higher than before.

Five, how to efficiently reach the annual income of 500,000 level

What I’ve seen so far is that in Shanghai, some of the most competent people (about 10 percent) reach this level after five years of work experience, and between 30 and half of the people with eight years of experience reach this level. So your goal should be to raise your income to that level in 8 years. Let me suggest some actionable measures.

1 Set a goal for yourself, for example, I am currently a senior developer, but in two years, I need to be able to practice architecture and play the role of architect. What’s more, you should make a list of your study and practice, such as what you should learn and what you should practice.

Although the goal can be illusory, but no goal, must be nothing.

Understand not only how architecture components are implemented and configured, but also how they are deployed and configured, and how to debug and troubleshoot problems. In the case of the Kafka component, not only do you know how to use it, but you can also write scripts to deploy clusters, and if something goes wrong, you can log and even debug the underlying code to troubleshoot the problem.

3. In the requirement of point 2, master as much as possible the technical points in the high concurrency scenario, such as database sub-database sub-table, message cache, etc.

4 Many systems are deployed on Linux, so Linux skills are also a must. Not only can you deploy applications using Linux commands, but you also need to write deployment scripts, and it is better to be able to configure various clusters in Linux.

The above is the technical requirements, in fact, it is very simple to achieve the above requirements is not easy. Here are some lessons learned in practice.

As you accumulate these skills, you need to step on holes to gain experience, especially as advanced development moves up the architectural ladder. At this time, you may find that you owe too much debt, or the work pressure itself is big, and it is difficult to troubleshoot problems. Often at this time, you have to insist on grinding your teeth. (I am currently in this stage)

2. It is better to enter a large factory, such as BAT or an Internet company. This does not mean that foreign companies and other companies cannot improve themselves, but after all, Internet companies can improve themselves more efficiently. If you find that your current employer is comfortable but doesn’t offer you a better future, you might want to think twice about yourself.

Here’s a joke: A person’s speed of advancement is proportional to 1 pit rate (number of pit breaks divided by number of days), 2 average overtime hours, and 3 number of great people around them. Which companies can do all of those things?

3. Keep building up and at least understand the skill points you’re using in your work. For example, I’ve been using threads recently, so you need to understand details like volatile. For example, I am deploying and troubleshooting projects in Linux these days, so I have to keep up with Linux commands.

4. As an apprentice and then a master, it is impossible to have practical opportunities at the beginning, and you will always do odd jobs behind the architect. In this case, you need to think more about how the architect analyzes and solves problems. For example, RECENTLY I was following some big talents to do database sub-database sub-table. When the program was adjusted, I did not talk about the actual situation, but further to understand the underlying details of relevant components and cluster configuration mode. Therefore, RECENTLY I feel that I have made a lot of progress in the architecture level.

At the same time, practice my leadership skills in sharing, communicating with others, executive ability and time management.

6 usually can not just bury oneself in work, have to regularly go outside to find some work, such as writing books to do software to do training and so on, so that money is on the one hand, and can see more people, so that their perspective is broader. When they have a wide network of contacts, small to find a job, to change jobs, are helpful.

Six, summarize, ask for help, ask for recommendation

Although the main purpose of this article is to introduce how to earn 500,000 yuan a year, but the whole article is to introduce positive legitimate means, so it is not money worship. Moreover, only by always keeping positive and progressive enterprise can we continuously improve ourselves.

From conception to completion of this paper, there were more than 3 hours before, I think the points listed are also my own views and thoughts, so I hope to help you, if so, I would be honored, and please recommend more.

In addition, I feel that the motivation of learning and earning money is ok, but I have been suffering from no direction, so if possible, please provide more information in the message, so that we can make progress together.

1. Introduce some Spring Cloud micro-service system, high concurrency components related knowledge of the public account, so that I continue to read such articles.

If you can, please share more and give more guidance in the comments.

If you can, share legitimate revenue sources for your software.