Programmers themselves are not special, but the label “training institution” sometimes becomes a source of bitterness for programmers. A lot of programmers with similar backgrounds are applying for jobs and serving party A, how many have been disliked, and even discrimination of the hard experience.

So, let’s take a look at the interview with the editor. Have you ever felt the same experience?

The following content is reproduced from the public account: InfoQ (ID: InfoQChina), author: Chu Xingjuan

No one looks down on training institutions

“I am a training + outsourcing, indeed have been rejected by party A.” Xiaoyou, who graduated from electronic information major in 2016, talked about this topic with some loneliness.

Xiaoyou, who failed in the civil service exam, began to look for a job in the first semester of her senior year, but it did not go well because of her mediocre academic performance. After this situation continued for a while, Xiao Righted decided to attend a training institution Java training. “Although the electronic information major belongs to the computer category, but in fact and programming is not the same, I also can’t help it.” Small right very helpless.

Training institutions of the course for a certain C, C++ foundation of the small right is relatively easy. At the training institute where he works, the class is taught by teachers who work on projects, and the code they teach can be reused later. A few months later, Xiaoyou graduated from a training institution. Her first job was a well-known outsourcing institution in Beijing with a salary of 5K.

Compared with her classmates who have found good jobs after graduation, Xiao Righty still feels sad. “The tuition for the class, I was walking the loan. After signing an agreement with a training institution, you can find a job upon graduation. If it cannot be found, the loss shall be borne by the training institution; B: Yes, the institution takes a portion of my salary every month to pay my tuition. The cost of living in Beijing is already high, plus the institution’s share, for the newly graduated xiaoyou, no doubt a lot of pressure.

After a year at the outsourcing company, Xiao Right left — still an outsourcing company. “The programmers in this company are basically from specialized or training institutions, so the turnover of personnel is very fast.” Xiaoyou told reporters: “At the end of my first year, a whole team of colleagues across the project team left one after another, some went to Party A, some went back to their hometown, plus the salary is not high, all kinds of reasons. That’s how I got promoted. There’s no one left.”

Xiaojian, who had studied in the same training institution, also had a similar experience. A logistics major in business administration, He also decided to enter the IT industry after failing the national entrance examination. It was a complete 360-degree career change for him, who had no computer background. At that time, he went to a training institute for a nine-month “crash course for college students”.

When talking about this learning experience, Xiaojian said two words without thinking: hard.

He was living in the basement of the school, cold and damp. The school is under military management. It gets up at 6 am and lights out at 22 PM. It has one day off every week. “It’s similar to being a senior in senior three,” said Xiao Jian. “But I also have more time to learn and operate. “

Although he felt the pain of the 39,000 yuan tuition fee, xiao felt it was worth it. “The biggest gain is to make a pair of money hands.” Xiaojian’s first job was also an outsourcing company. “I interviewed more than 10 companies at that time, but I got the interview from that company and the salary was ok, so I joined the company.”

In response to the question whether programmers from training institutions will be “despised” compared with those from training institutions, Xiaojian clearly said: “This has nothing to do with training institutions, no one can look down on training institutions.”

We only despise the tech crap

In the circle, the “contempt” of programmers in training institutions seems to have vaguely become a consensus.

“Programmers coming out of training institutions know almost nothing. Don’t look at the technology, just out of training is false.” Jian said bluntly. There is even an even more extreme view on the Internet: the training courses are all rubbish, no exceptions.

“Programmers coming out of training institutions have a much weaker foundation. They may be familiar with a certain language but very rigid. Once the code environment changes, they may not be able to do so. Many people just came out without a complete case operation, there is no basic understanding of the industry, let alone thinking, pattern.”

These comments from the outside world have become a thorn in the heart of these programmers. Many training institutions out of the programmer in the interview is not to tell employers training background, some people will even deliberately hide this experience. “Many of them were fired after the company found out about them. Some of them still have mortgages on their backs and have to support the elderly, but there’s nothing they can do.” Kin said.

In Xiaorighty’s view, training institutions are actually a bunch of similar people copied and pasted out. “People spend four years in college, but when you train for a few months, it’s hard to fully grasp.”

Do not know whether small health, small right too sensitive, or not directly related to the interests of the class programmers on this issue is not so strong. Xiaoyuan, who went to work in an Internet company after graduating from a master’s degree, told us: “There is no contempt among employees, mainly to see whether the work they do is good, but in general, the quality of the work out of the training class is not very good. “Your code is messy, low quality, buggy, and unmaintainable, and it’s hard for someone to take over your code.”

“Everyone is working and nobody cares where you came from. We only despise those who are technical rubbish and can’t cooperate. It doesn’t really matter where you came from.” Xiao Yuan added.

Harry, a technical director at an Internet company, told InfoQ: “There are some companies out there that think of programmers coming out of training courses as” quick products “and then put on the resume. “In fact, it is not to say that the performance of programmers out of the training institutions are not good, but the performance of bad programmers may have training experience, the industry will be passed on ten, ten will think that the training institutions out of the programmers are not good.”

It’s almost a crash course. It’s hard to believe

There are more than 210,000 enterprises related to vocational training in China, among which 168,000 are still in operation, according to Qichumcha. Through the comparison of enterprise data of four training directions of management, financial accounting, IT and design, IT is found that only 3% of enterprises are involved in financial accounting training, while 29% of enterprises are involved in computer training.

There are many training institutions, but the quality is uneven. In fact, the purpose of many training institutions is to make money, only discipline, do not care about whether students learn, and even a large part of the training institutions like Xiaoyou will sign employment agreements with students. In addition, some organizations will be advertised as large and medium-sized enterprises input talents, but in fact, docking cooperation is only the outsourcing company of well-known enterprises, rather than these enterprises themselves, of course, the organization will not explain to students in advance.

Much of what these trainees learn in the training institutions is a set of “universal templates” that they can apply to their potential corporate jobs. “The training institutions are a bit like directional training, just like knowing what the company I will work for will use. The outsourcing companies recommended me.” Small right told reporters.

There are also some irresponsible training institutions, although given employment promises, but what kind of “industry” is a lot of possibilities, and the employment rate of students and teachers pay link, no matter how will let students get employed.

Xiaojian revealed that the salary of teachers in training institutions is basically from 20K, but also linked to the employment rate of students, the hand salary is more. The agency will teach you some interview skills, and if there is no serious development company, you will be randomly assigned a job that has nothing to do with programming in order to gain employment.

Do you still remember the self-mockery on Zhihu?

Most of the programmers who come out of the training institutions finally went to The United States, but also to Baidu, baidu less, because baidu takeout to match the helmet is not good-looking. Meituan takeout to the electric car and helmet style match, look very fashionable.

Although this is only a joke, but also see which contains helpless.

There were 30 people in xiaojian’s training class, but only about 3 remained in the IT industry. “Many fail to find a job or work for a period of time and then give up, losing nine months and the high tuition fees.”

Although training institutions provide many people with “admission tickets” to the Internet industry, programmers coming out of these institutions face fewer choices than those who are trained.

Training institutions provide employment opportunities for students, the starting point is very low, most graduates start from small companies, after a certain amount of accumulation is possible to go to large companies. In addition, many large companies now require outsourcing companies to cooperate not only at the overall level of the team, but also to detail the individual quality and other aspects of their employees.

Pony, the project leader of an insurance company in charge of big data background research and development, told InfoQ that since this year, the company has clearly required that the outsourcing must be a bachelor’s degree, preferably a computer major, rather than a training background. In particular, the training of aesthetics and human resources majors for several months.

“The human cost is too high. We are also under pressure from research and development. We are not willing to make trial and error. If we study hard for three years, even one year, we are willing to try. “It’s hard to believe that most of what comes out now is a crash course that can be completed in a few months.” Pony said.

The training experience turned out to be icing on the cake

Most of the programmers who come out of the training institutions finally went to The United States, but also to Baidu, baidu less, because baidu takeout to match the helmet is not good-looking. Meituan takeout to the electric car and helmet style match, look very fashionable.

Although this is only a joke, but also see which contains helpless.

There were 30 people in xiaojian’s training class, but only about 3 remained in the IT industry. “Many fail to find a job or work for a period of time and then give up, losing nine months and the high tuition fees.”

Although training institutions provide many people with “admission tickets” to the Internet industry, programmers coming out of these institutions face fewer choices than those who are trained.

Training institutions provide employment opportunities for students, the starting point is very low, most graduates start from small companies, after a certain amount of accumulation is possible to go to large companies. In addition, many large companies now require outsourcing companies to cooperate not only at the overall level of the team, but also to detail the individual quality and other aspects of their employees.

Pony, the project leader of an insurance company in charge of big data background research and development, told InfoQ that since this year, the company has clearly required that the outsourcing must be a bachelor’s degree, preferably a computer major, rather than a training background. In particular, the training of aesthetics and human resources majors for several months.

“The human cost is too high. We are also under pressure from research and development. We are not willing to make trial and error. If we study hard for three years, even one year, we are willing to try. “It’s hard to believe that most of what comes out now is a crash course that can be completed in a few months.” Pony said.


Looking at many well-known Internet giants nowadays, most of them do not attach importance to academic degrees in front of the media. In fact, these giants have implemented well in the early stage of growth, because if they do not adopt such standards to attract talents, it may be difficult to recruit people. In fact, education background and training are practically in the recruitment links of major Internet companies. There are many factors such as HR departments’ consideration of the huge amount of CV screening work, and training institutions’ guidance on CV beautification.

For the embarrassing situation of training background, the author suggests that many training background friends do not lose heart.

Because now developed new media, open source community and other open platform more and more, as long as you have real talent and learning, you can use these ways to show themselves, for their resume to promote more valuable, employing companies visible excellent results, still can let you stand out from a lot of people from the crowd!

The author also has several friends who once relied on training to enter the line and now mix the wind with fresh water. As the old saying goes, the master leads the door, and the cultivation is in the individual. Most of the time, training is to help us get started, but the subsequent practice can not stop, as long as we can be diligent in thinking, pay practice! So with the training born programmers, can the future of the road will not be too bad!

In the comments section, what is your attitude towards candidates from training institutions?

**PS: In addition, for those who are learning programming or working, if you want to improve your programming ability or even change careers, you can overtake on the corner and take a step faster! The author here may be able to help you ~

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