Electricity interface

Interface for JD to obtain the price of a single commodity:

http://p.3.cn/prices/mgets?skuIds=J_ goods ID&type = 1

Ps: commodity ID so access: http://item.jd.com/954086.html

Logistics interface

Express interface:

http://www.kuaidi100.com/query?type= express company code & postid = express a single number

Ps: Express company code: Shentong = “Shentong” EMS= “EMS” SHUNfeng = “Yuantong” Zhongtong = “Zhongtong” Yunda = “Yunda” Tiantian = “Huitongkuaidi” Quan feng = “quanfengkuaidi” debang = “debangwuliu” zhaijisong

Google interface

FeedXml to JSON interface:

http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/feed/load?q=Feed address & v = 1.0

Alternate arguments :callback: &callback=foo will be nested outside json with foo({}) for jSONp use.

Alternative parameters :n: How many records to return.

The interface

Baidu Interface:

http://api.map.baidu.com/telematics/v3/weather?location= & output = json&ak = 5 slgyqgdenn7sy7pw29iuvrz in jiaxing

Location: city name or latitude and longitude AK: developer key output: default XML

Meteorological Bureau interface:


Music interface

Dried shrimp interface:

http://kuang.xiami.com/app/nineteen/search/key/ song song name/diandian / 1 / page/the current page? _ = current ms & callback = getXiamiData

Qzone Music interface:

http://qzone-music.qq.com/fcg-bin/cgi_playlist_xml.fcg?uin=QQ number & json = 1 & g_tk = 1916754934

QQ space collection music interface:

http://qzone-music.qq.com/fcg-bin/fcg_music_fav_getinfo.fcg?dirinfo=0&dirid=1&uin=QQ no. & p = 0.519638272547262 & g_tk = 128423485 6

Domi Music Interface:

Keyword & PI = http://v5.pc.duomi.com/search-ajaxsearch-searchall?kw= page & p z = music each page number

Soso interface:

http://cgi.music.soso.com/fcgi-bin/fcg_search_xmldata.q?source=10&w= & keyword perpage = 1 & ie = utf-8

Video interface

Potato interface:

http://api.tudou.com/v3/gw?method=album.item.get&appKey=Appkey&format=json&albumId= video series ID&pageNo = & pageSize = each page shows the current page

The map interface

Alicloud obtains the longitude and latitude interface according to the region name:

Suzhou http://gc.ditu.aliyun.com/geocoding?a=

Type 001 (100 represents road, 010 represents POI, 001 represents gate address, 111 can display the first three items at the same time)

Ali Cloud according to the longitude and latitude to obtain the region name interface:


The IP interface

Sina interface (local if IP value is null) :


Taobao interface:


Mobile phone information query interface

Taobao Interface:

http://tcc.taobao.com/cc/json/mobile_tel_segment.htm?tel= mobile phone number

Tap interface:

http://virtual.paipai.com/extinfo/GetMobileProductInfo?mobile= mobile number & amount = 10000 & callname = getPhoneNumInfoExtCallback cases

Baifubao interface:

https://www.baifubao.com/callback?cmd=1059&callback=phone&phone= mobile phone number

115 interface:

http://cz.115.com/?ct=index&ac=get_mobile_local&callback=jsonp1333962541001&mobile= mobile phone number

Youdao interface:

http://www.youdao.com/smartresult-xml/search.s?jsFlag=true&type=mobile&q= mobile phone number

Mobile Online Interface

http://api.showji.com/Locating/www.showji.com.aspx?m= mobile number & output = json&callback = querycallback

Video message interface


http://v.youku.com/player/getPlayList/VideoIDS/ video ID

(for example, the ID of http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTQxNzc4ODg0.html is XNTQxNzc4ODg0)

Translation, dictionary interface


http://dict.qq.com/dict?q= words

Part of Tencent’s interface

Get QQ nickname and user profile picture:


From: Andu blog

Link: http://www.itbbu.com/1421.html