This is my subscription of Teacher Chen Hao’s column “Left Ear to hear the wind” on the geek, I sorted it out for my own convenience, but also to share with you to learn, of course, if interested, you can subscribe, in order to avoid advertising suspicion, I will not say more! The first person refers to Teacher Chen Hao.

Personal Technology blog

First, I’d like to recommend some good personal technology blogs.

  • Coding Horror, founded in 2004 by Jeff Atwood, is a blog that Chronicles his experiences in software development. To this day, the blog is visited by nearly 100,000 people a day, with readers contributing comments and a constant clash of ideas and wisdom. A selection of his posts has been translated in China as “Training for Effective Programmers” and has a score of 8.3 on Douban. In 2008, he and Joel Spolsky co-founded StackOverflow, a q&A site that saved programmers a lot of time when developing software, and started “StackOverflow Copy + Paste programming.”
  • Joel on Software, Joel Spolsky’s blog has many readers and fans all over the world. A selection of his blog posts has been translated into “Reflections on Software” in China and has a score of 8.7 on Douban. This is a collection of essays on software technology, talent, entrepreneurship and business management. The author presents his personal insights into the software industry in a humorous way. His views are fresh and unique, concise and practical.
  • Clean Coder Blog is the Blog of Uncle Bob, whose real name is Robert C. Martin, a world-class software developer, design pattern and Agile development pioneer, the first chairman of the Agile Alliance, and former editor of the C++ Report. By the younger generation of programmers respected as “Uncle Bob”. A selection of his blog posts has been translated in China as “Programmer’s Professionalism” and has a score of 8.8 on Douban.
  • Martin Fowler, another master programmer, Martin focuses on object-oriented analysis and design, unified Modeling Language (UML), domain modeling, and agile software development methods, including Extreme programming. His refactoring, Analysis Patterns, Enterprise Application Architecture Patterns, Domain-Specific Languages, and NoSQL Essentials are excellent books. There are many, many ways to learn programming and architectural patterns on his blog.
  • Paul Graham Essays is an American programmer, venture capitalist, blogger and technology writer. Hackers and Painters is one of his books. In 2005, he co-founded Y Combinator, a prestigious venture capital firm, and is the most sought after investor in startups. If you want to start a business, read his classic articles on entrepreneurship: How to Get Startup Ideas, Do Things That Don’t Scale, Startup = Growth. Graham’s articles are known for their freshness and depth of thought. Not only can you learn from Graham about entrepreneurship, about thinking, about technology, but you can learn about writing.
  • Steve Yegge, Steve Yegge is a well-known programmer, he was at Amazon, he’s now at Google, and his articles are long, his most famous articles are about Amazon and the Google platform, The article sparked discussion and discussion.
  • Bruce Eckel’s Programming Blog is the author of Thinking in Java. His previous Blog is at Artima – Computing Thoughts
  • Herb Sutter, C++ master, C++ standards committee expert, Microsoft software architect. Exceptional C++, author of More Exceptional C++, Exceptional C++ Style
  • Eli Bendersky’s website, who has been blogging since 2003, has very good articles on principle, mainly C, C++ and Python. There’s a lot of dry stuff in there.
  • Peter Krumins blog, this guy started his blog in 2007, and he has a lot of fun stuff on his blog.
  • Brendan D. Gregg Brendan is an engineer at Netflix. His blog is full of very, very good articles, mostly about Linux performance analysis. This is a blog that you should not miss if you want to play underlying performance analysis.
  • Evan Klitzke, discusses Linux and C++.
  • Julia Evans, discusses Linux debug tools and networking.
  • Null Program, and C/C++ related blog. There are some good articles on Linux system calls, Gpus, lockless programming, and JIT compilation.
  • Fluent {C++}, the blogger is Murex’s chief engineer, mainly plays C++, there are many good C++ related articles in this blog.
  • Preshing on Programming, another C/C++ related blog, has a lot of dry stuff.
  • Programming is Terrible, this blog has many strong-point articles, mainly some lessons in software development.
  • It’s advisable to implement the Quadratic accident. There are some very interesting articles here.
  • Hacker NoonThis is a blog written by a bunch of people with lots of high quality posts.

    There are a lot of good blogs out there, but right now all the good ones abroad are in a place calledMediumI also find myself coming to this site when I do a lot of Googling. The content on this site is not only technical, but also many, many other aspects, such as culture, art, science and so on. The site is a blog publishing system created by Twitter co-founders Evan Clark Williams and Christopher Isaac Biz Stone, The two men felt that Twitter was full of junk and unnourishing information. So Medium was created, a platform for professional and non-professional contributors as well as hired editors.

    I already feel that Medium is going to be the place where quality writing is going to be in the future, because some of the company’s tech blogs are there, like Netflix’s. So, you need to follow authors, columns, and topics on this platform.

YouTube Technology Channel

Here are some programming related channels THAT I subscribe to that I think are good, and I recommend them to you.

  • Devoxx, Devoxx channel, which has all kinds of great technology sharing.
  • Coding Tech is also a great programming channel covering all kinds of technologies.
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Facebook Developers
  • Google Developer, the official Google I/O channel, includes the Google I/O Conference, tutorials, news, best practices, tips sharing…
  • Spring Developer, the official channel of Spring.
  • Microsoft Research
  • The MIT public class
  • Stanford Online
  • Prof. Dr. Jens Dittrich, a German professor, has a channel about databases, which has a very good content on the internal principles of databases.
  • RedHat Summit, the RedHat Summit channel, has lots of Linux related technical news and sharing.
  • Open Networking Summit, a web related channel.
  • Dan Van Boxel, this is a video of a machine learning engineer doing all sorts of things, and it’s kind of fun.
  • The New Boston, which should be a must-visit for front-end developers, is probably The best YouTube channel for front-end technology I know of.
  • Derek Banas is a tutorial channel covering programming languages, game development, Web development… Personally, I think it is a good channel to practice English listening.
  • Java, Java-related sharing.
  • CppCon, a video from the C++ conference, will give you an insight into many of the latest C++ features and related trends.
  • Computerphile is one of several channels run by Brady Haran, where you can get a lot of interesting technical tutorials, information, news and so on, all in a very simple way, so it has a lot of subscribers. Brady was a man who was passionate about any technology, and this channel was about computer technology. He also runs Numberphile (mathematics), Periodic Videos (Chemistry), Sixty Symbols (physics), Deep Sky Videos (Astronomy) and other popular channels. If you like, you can subscribe to all of them. It feels like a personal version of Discovery.
  • For safety, here are four channels you can subscribe to:

    • DEFCONConference, the official channel of
    • CCCen, Chaos Computer Club.
    • RSA Conference indicates the RSA Conference.
    • Black Hat – Black Hat Conference.

Major corporate technology blogs

If you are careful, you will notice that many of the recommended articles in this guide come from the blogs of technical teams in various companies. Yes, by following these company blogs, you can not only see the engineering technology of these companies, but also grasp some technical directions and trends.

Here’s a list of tech blogs from Airbnb, AWS, Cloudera, Dropbox, Facebook, Google, and more.

  • Airbnb Engineering
  • AWS related

    • All Things Distributed
    • AWS Architecture Blog
    • On Efficiency, Reliability, Scaling – James Hamilton, VP at AWS
  • Bandcamp Tech
  • BankSimple Simple Blog
  • Bitly Engineering Blog
  • Cloudera Developer Blog
  • Dropbox Tech Blog
  • Etsy Code as Craft
  • Facebook Engineering
  • Flickr Code
  • Foursquare Engineering Blog
  • Google Research Blog
  • Groupn Engineering Blog
  • High Scalability
  • Instagram Engineering
  • LinkedIn Engineering
  • Oyster Tech Blog
  • Pinterest Engineering Blog
  • Quora Engineering
  • Songkick Technology Blog
  • SoundCloud Backstage Blog
  • Square The Corner
  • The Reddit Blog
  • The GitHub Blog
  • The Netflix Tech Blog
  • Twilio Engineering Blog
  • Twitter Engineering
  • WebEngage Engineering Blog
  • Yammer Engineering
  • Yelp Engineering Blog
  • Smarkets Blog

The paper

If you want to study the technology in depth, the paper is essential. So how do you read a paper?

How to Read a paper

Here are a few articles that will give you some tips on how to read papers.

  • How to read an academic article
  • Advice on reading academic papers
  • How to read and understand a scientific paper
  • Should I Read Papers?
  • The Refreshingly Rewarding Realm of Research Papers

Distribution center for papers

To grow into an expert, you have to read essays. Here are some very good computer papers centers.

  • 2 Minute Papers, a YouTube channel that gives you a great introduction to some of the most interesting computer science breakthroughs in about two minutes at a time.
  • Best Paper Awards in Computer Science, a collection of award-winning papers in Computer Science since 1996.
  • Google Scholar (English: Google Scholar) is a free online search engine for academic articles. It was developed by computer expert Anurag Acharya. In November 2004, Google first released a trial version of Google Academic. The index includes most of the world’s published academic journals.
  • Facebook, the thesis of Facebook Inc.
  • Research at Google, Google publishes some papers.
  • Microsoft Research, papers published by Microsoft.
  • MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Lab Publications, MIT and Artificial Intelligence Publications.
  • MIT’s Distributed System’s Reading Group, MIT and Distributed Systems.
  • arXiv Paper RepositoryArXiv is a collection of preprints of papers in physics, mathematics, computer science, and biology that began on August 14, 1991. As of October 2008, has collected more than 500,000 preprints. By the end of 2014, the collection reached 1 million.

    In 2014, it was adding about 8,000 a month. The existence of the arXiv is one of the factors that created the so-called open access movement in scientific publishing. Some mathematicians and scientists today routinely upload their papers to before submitting them to professional journals. This trend has caused considerable impact on the business model of traditional academic journals.

  • SciRate, there are so many papers on arXiv that SciRate indexes some of the most popular papers on arXiv for comments and ratings. (Open source.)
  •, this site, not just papers, but also technical manuals or interesting articles, including historical sources and so on.
  • Usenix: Best Papers, the Best paper recommended on Usenix.
  • The Morning Paper, which posts a Paper every day, is great.
  • Lobste. Rs Tagged as PDF, Lobsters is a community focused on technology, mainly link aggregation and discussion of topics. The PDF category can also be considered as a hub for papers.
  • Papers We Love, a nearly 30,000-star community of computer science Papers on GitHub.


So to sum up what we’ve done today. In this article, I mainly share with you some good learning resources to help you broaden your horizon and lay a solid foundation for your follow-up study.

First, I recommended Coding Horror, Joel on Software, Clean Coder Blog, Martin Fowler, Paul Graham Essays, and many other well-known personal technology blogs. I then shared some of the programming related YouTube channels I subscribed to that I thought were good, such as Coding Tech, Amazon Web Services, Facebook Developers, Google Developer, etc.

Follow the tech blogs of Airbnb, AWS, Cloudera, Dropbox, Facebook, Google, and more to get a sense of their engineering, as well as a sense of technology directions and trends. Finally, if you want to grow into a master, you must read the thesis. So, I’ve put together a great collection of computer papers and recommended learning resources to teach you how to read them.

I have always believed that learning needs to be self-driven, to learn to “find food” for yourself, rather than “wait to be fed”. Programmer training guide 2018 edition has been updated to today, but I think, this is actually just the starting point of technical training, there are a lot of knowledge and technology, we need to continue to explore and discover. Come on, if I can do it, you can do it, too.

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A stupid code farmers, my world can only lifelong learning!