01. My story

Yesterday I posed a question in a group: Readers, do you think your first job is important? Don’t be too uniform, it’s not important — it’s impossible.

Regular readers know some of my stories. College entrance examination failure, because too weak to do the work of moving bricks, on the junior college, when the third year after a short training inexplicably found a job.

So I was always grateful for my first job. Because it let me find a new life, from now on no longer need to reach out to parents for money, the feeling of self-reliance, good, just like a pedestrian in the desert to find an oasis.

What’s more, the first job makes my life meaningful and worthwhile. When you think about it, a young man who was confused and at a loss about his future, and might even end up on the street, was accepted by a company and offered compensation, it’s really hard to imagine what the company sees in me, because I’m handsome?

I remember that after the interview result came out, I was so excited that I ran 100 meters on the road, but I didn’t have time. I don’t know if I was a few milliseconds faster than Usain Bolt.

When I calmed down a little, I called my parents to tell them the great news. I did not expect my father to disregard this, icily replied a word: “raising you for 20 years, finally a little promising.”

I’m not sure if it’s going to work out. But it should make a small contribution to our country’s GDP.

02. Readers’ Questions

Brother, I have some questions about my present job. Well, I’m currently working in the programs department of a car company (my first job as well), and there’s only the manager and his only employee — me. It has been almost a month since I joined the company. The manager has a brief meeting with me once or twice a week, and the general content is to show me the user manual of ERP system. He said that it is to familiarize me with the business and facilitate my participation in project design and development in the future. However, I have not touched the ERP system code in the past month. I have learned it all by myself. According to the manager, I read the manual so that I could think holistically, not focusing on a nail, but on a building. I felt very uncomfortable, and I kept thinking: Will this continue to have a bad effect on my technical career? I doubt what the manager said.

The above paragraph is a question from one of my readers, Message, from which we can understand his distress: the job content is not what he wants, but if he leaves, he may face the dilemma of no income.

Message’s dilemma is one that most “normal people” face: having a bad first job and having to put food on the table. What to do?

03. First came the bread

Do you still remember the Period of The Three Kingdoms? I couldn’t get a job with Sun Quan because I was ugly. When just go to liu Bei, do not receive attention again, arrange a small county magistrate. Pang Tong was depressed and had no choice but to drink all day.

Later, the bad-tempered Zhang Fei could not bear to watch it any longer, so he decided to put a stop to this undutiful Pang Tong. Pang Tong was not stupid, the leaders came to inspect, of course, must be a good performance, more than a hundred days before the accumulated official business all disposed of. As a result, Pang Tong not only conquered Zhang Fei, but also completely conquered Liu Bei, and thus became a military adviser.

For a newcomer in the workplace, it is inevitable that he will not be liked. Companies often “test” us for no apparent reason, assigning us unimportant tasks that they believe are a better test of how committed a new recruit is to the job.

When I first started working, I was assigned the task of developing a calculator for two months. Pay as usual. I was also wondering if the company was stupid. It gave me 1,200 yuan a month for living expenses, accommodation and meals, and then asked me to make a stupid calculator — didn’t it come with the Windows add-on?

But it was only a fleeting thought.

1200 yuan, for me at that time, not less, I can not live up to the company’s hospitality. If you don’t do well, you lose your job. So, EVERY day, I studied the algorithm of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, which heap first in, first out (or first in, last out), when there are parentheses can auto-complete, etc.

After two months of observation, the leader praised my work, saying that I had made a beautiful interface and was willing to work hard.

But I came with several other friends, not so lucky, they were all fired. I remember that they turned up their noses at the company at that time, so they just went to work and did part-time jobs (cleaning pool tables) after work, and even checked how many X stores there were on the road of our company (the company is on Deng Wei Road in Suzhou, I wonder if any readers are familiar with that road).

So I urge Message, and anyone in a similar situation, not to take your first job lightly. At the very least, Message, aren’t you teaching yourself? It’s nice to get a paycheck on the side.

When you’re ready, if things don’t change, quit. Pang Tong was not liked by Sun Quan, so he went to Liu Bei. Although he only worked as a small county magistrate at the beginning, he did not resign immediately. After all, he had to survive. If he has not been taken seriously in Shu, THEN I guess he will run to Cao Cao.

04. Be patient

I’ve mentioned this before, and quite a few readers have approached me to express their willingness to take on private work. But when I gave him a private job, what he did was unsightly. Is too urgent. As a result, the project failed and I lost one of my party A resources.

Under the current social atmosphere, people are restless and eager to soar. Message got her first job on her own, and after a month, she lost her temper. I think we should be more patient, not only for the company, but also for ourselves.

In other words, if you’re a new employee and you’re assigned a lot of problems to solve before you even get hot, that’s not a good company to work for.

We, as programmers, are supposed to code. But the premise is that the business understand, understand the requirements, otherwise knock out the code without bugs.

I have only one attitude at any time, no matter how bad your circumstances are, make the best of it. The whining, the whining mentality, the feeling that you have talent and nowhere to put it to use, try to reduce it as much as possible.

I remember reading an American preacher once saying, “People tend to overestimate how much they can accomplish in a year and underestimate how much they can accomplish in three years.” I think the first and second parts of this sentence correspond to impetuous and patient mentality respectively.

Give your first job a little more patience and you might see the light of day. My first job is in outsourcing, the first two months, that is, to do a copy of Win7 computer, but I in the company that three and a half years of the achievements, is obvious to all, up to now, I have left Suzhou for five years, but with the former colleagues, including the leadership, still maintain a very harmonious relationship.

05. Prerequisites

I urge readers to take their first jobs seriously, of course, with a caveat. The premise is that this job is reliable, always can’t be the first job is doing “pass” sales, I also advise you to squat in the pit. It’s not logical. Of course, my readers don’t.

So how do you determine if your first job is a good one?

1) Whether it has a good corporate culture

In my first job in a Japanese company, what was the most common item my colleagues brought back from their business trips to Japan? Can you guess?

Pan. Yes, readers of Chrysanthemum and The Knife should know that Japan is a country worth studying but controversial. I won’t go into that.

Japanese companies have a very reliable culture and are very rigorous in their work. At that time, our software development process was a waterfall, including BI, BD, FD, MK, code Review, unit test, integration test and so on, and every step was indispensable.

New recruits go through rigorous training, and even if they are hired, they still have to pass three written tests, and those who fail will still be fired. I’ve done all this before, and I’ve trained a lot of new people since.

Anyway, I learned a lot from my first job. Now that I think about it, I was very lucky.

2) Will it add to your resume

These days, everyone admires big factories, and some big names claim that programmers from BAT can find jobs wherever they want — leading to discrimination in many industries. I’m not that good and I don’t have experience working in a big factory. But I think there are only a few big factories and the jobs are limited. It’s impossible for everyone to get in.

The first job is a very important point for the resume.

Regular readers know that I returned to Luoyang from Suzhou in 2014. As far as my first job experience is concerned, finding a satisfactory job in Luoyang is more than enough. So you can evaluate if your current job is going to give you a leg up on your next move.

06. Final advice

When looking for the first job, you can start with your interest, if not, the next best thing is to find something related to your major. If none of these are available, look for what’s hot right now.

Anyway, if you find a job, you should take care of it, just like the first time you are in love. If you’re still in college, you might want to read this article: Living College Like this, Waiting for Offers to Fly in.

07, thanks

Well, readers, that’s all for this article. Can see here all is talented person, 2 elder brother must want to praise for you 👍. If you don’t like it and want to see more, check out my personal blog. In addition, I promise to update you every week with a Program Life article and a Java stack article. Stay tuned. If you have any questions I can help you with, or want to spray me, feel free to leave a comment.

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