Today’s summary of the [book recommendation], you can not miss ~

Reading is never easy. Whether you want to learn business or something else, how to read a book effectively and how to keep reading to gain knowledge is crucial. The answers to these two questions can be found in the following two books.

1. How to Read a Book

A methodology for teaching people how to read. Some of the methods and theories introduced in the book are suitable for those reading patients who “want to read but can’t get into/finish reading but can’t get anything out of it”.

The author’s main idea is: as a reader with pursuit, or even as a person who has requirements for his mental growth, he must take the initiative to read and challenge himself to read “difficult” books. In self – demand and unremitting efforts to get mental growth.

The disadvantage of this book is that it is a bit boring and tedious due to its methodology. It is suggested to use mind mapping as an aid to clarify the structure when reading it. When you have mastered what this book teaches you, you will be able to read other books with ease.2. “Self-control” is rated 8.3 on Douban

There are people in the 21st century who burn themselves out procrastinating, leaving behind a pile of work that needs to be done but doesn’t want to start right away. Shouting to lose weight but have no measures, or have measures but did not stick to it; If you want to read, having a list of books is like having read them.

This is you. No one knows you better than you know yourself. I mention these people because most of us are more or less terrible at self-discipline. You may think you can’t control your own behavior at times, but you actually lack it.

If you don’t want to bookmark this article and really want to improve yourself by reading, read Self-control first.

By Kelly McGonigal

The essence of operation is to deal with people. If you are engaged in product operation, you need to understand the needs of users to make products more compatible with the psychology of users. If you are engaged in new media operation, what kind of copy can move people’s hearts is also need to think about.

The next few interesting but not boring psychology hard currency books will teach you how to gain insight into the human mind.

1. “The Mob: Studies in Public Psychology”, rated 8.2 on Douban

“Individuals in the group not only in action and himself the distinction that having essence, even before the full independence, his thoughts and feelings have changed, this change is so deep, it can make a miser profligacy, the skeptic into believers, honest man into criminals, make a coward hero.”

Le Pen’s “mob” psychology holds that in pursuit of happiness, people are willing to sacrifice their freedom, follow a powerful leader, grant him absolute power, and sacrifice everything for his ideals. Disturbingly, this seemingly one-sided view is strongly supported by history.

Therefore, it is necessary for us to study psychology to understand what makes us follow blindly and how to overcome it so as to ensure a stable and happy future.2. Social Psychology, 9.4 points on Douban

This book summarizes a lot of obscure professional terms in relatively simple language, and skillfully combines the rigor of science with the breadth of humanity. It has both sensibility and rationality, and makes it easy for people to grasp psychological knowledge in a pleasant reading process.

Even the abstract and rigorous psychological knowledge can be vividly displayed in front of readers through vivid illustrations, humorous cartoons, wise quotes, clear tables and beautiful language, making the learning of knowledge a pleasant journey.

By David Myers

1. 3. Smart refrigerator

How rational are humans?

Kahneman argues that our brains have two ways of making decisions: fast and slow. The commonly used unconscious “System 1” relies on emotion, memory and experience to make quick judgments, and it is informed and informed, allowing us to react quickly to the situation in front of us. Conscious “System 2” uses attention to analyze and solve problems and make decisions. It is slow and error-prone, but it is lazy and often takes shortcuts, directly adopting the intuitive judgments of System 1.

There are plenty of classic and interesting behavioral experiments to figure out when we can trust our instincts and when we can’t; It teaches us how to make better choices in business, in the workplace and in our personal lives, and how to use different techniques to avoid the mental lapses that often get us into trouble.By Daniel Kahneman

See operations professional books, it is recommended that you don’t pay attention to the skills section of the book, these skills in a bit operating experience knew (of course, if you are completely white is to see), skills are just some of the ways to help you achieve operation purpose, is most want to do operation thinking consciousness, a kind of macro control ability, it is a timeless essence.

1. “The Light of Operation: My Internet Operation Methodology and Confessions”, douban rating 8.0

This book is especially rare because: It both cognition about the concept of “what is operating” such kind of problem to learn to read, with a large number of practical work skills, thinking and working methods, also contains a lot of thinking, macroscopic analysis and Suggestions for operation, a complete and comprehensive content, at the same time to join in the book the author through a large number of real cases, let the book simple and interesting to read.

From the perspective of content audience, it not only explains specific working methods and suggestions for beginners in the Internet industry, but also has some case analysis and thinking method sharing suitable for 3-5 years’ operation practitioners. There are also more suitable for entrepreneurs, executives of Internet companies to read some of the operation system construction, different types of products suitable for the operation of more macro issues.

Author: Huang Youcan

1. 2. Smart water tank

How did Facebook go from obscurity to more than 2 billion users? How can Airbnb and Uber be valued at over $10 billion in a short period of time? How did linkedin step up to become the world’s leading professional networking platform? The common secret of these startups’ explosive growth is growth hacking.

There’s an important point in Anti-Vulnerability: the world is not designed, but iterated through trial and error. The essence of growth hacking fits well with the book’s emphasis on acquiring and retaining users at little or no cost through fast-paced testing and iteration. Its core is actually similar to Agile development, except that growth hacks are operations centric and Agile is product manager-centric.

The theory and practice of this book are very useful, growth hacking is not only a marketing approach, but also a philosophy, a way of thinking, worth our careful consideration.

3. Copywriting: How boring would the World be without Copywriting? It scored 7.7 on Douban

Copywriting is indispensable to managers, and well-known copywriting methodologies include Confessions of an Advertising Man, Complete Copywriting Creation Manual, and copywriting Training Manual. The most impressive copywriting is never based on methods and skills but a heart good at feeling.

Reading this book, I can deeply feel the emotion and power conveyed by the author through the words, and get some “inspiration” — I have been wondering why Taiwanese music, especially the lyrics, have such a strong appeal since CHILDHOOD, and now I understand. This is the power of Taiwanese literature.

This book can not completely improve copywriting ability, but can let everyone understand copywriting is not only technology, or mind.

Want to write good copy, care about others, is the mind.

Ps. Taiwan’s vertical printing has a unique flavor.

Author: Lu Jianzhang

4. The Long Tail

The value of the long tail, which illustrates an unconventional business model, is being discovered as the Internet connects everyone and the days when one or a few dominant products dominated are a thing of the past. Even a very small audience, because even the end of the long tail, is still a force to be reckoned with. Instead, the seemingly mainstream goods are being replaced all the time.

There is an economics adage that “80 per cent of business performance comes from 20 per cent of products” and the “long tail” is 80 per cent of things that were not worth selling in the past. Of course, the books are all theories, and no theory can be applied to all products. The purpose of reading such books is to guide my thinking and keep an active and sensitive thinking mode, and I must not blindly follow them.

By Chris Anderson

5. Apocalypse scored 8.5 on Douban

A great product manager manual that Outlines almost every step a PM needs to take part in, but almost every section can be written in its own book. This book is highly recommended if you want to become a product operator or product manager.

“But for beginners, it may be too grand. Many of the chapters have no feeling in the past, but are good in principle. Perhaps the author is taking too high a position and says a lot of things that only experienced product managers can relate to.”

Revelation itself, as the title suggests, is more of a conceptual revelation. For beginners, more is the concept and vision of the development, so is good ah.

5. 6. Smart water bottle

Why do we habitually open an App?

How does this usage habit develop after all?

Why do some products keep us hooked and others don’t?

Is there a secret to getting users hooked on your product?

Addiction reveals the basic design principles behind many Internet products and services that allow users to form habits and even become “addicted” to them. It is better than most marketing books in that it has a well-organized writing style with summaries and questions, and a complete theoretical structure with closed loops.

By Neil Eyal/Ryan Hoover

In the era of big data, data is everywhere. Whoever grasps the data can grasp the success. In the face of millions of information and data every day, how to make predictions based on the information objectively existing in the real world and how to make decisions with the big data at your fingertips is worth thinking about by every Internet practitioner.

1. Signal and Noise scored 7.1 on Douban

In the era of big data with the explosion of information, the speed and number of predictions we have to make are increasing as the pace of our lives gets faster and faster. It is hard to ignore the fact that many predictions in the real world have failed, at great social cost. The “black swans” of the September 11 terrorist attacks and the 2008 financial crisis were largely due to poor forecasting, in which forecasters were overwhelmed by the noise of information and missed the real signals.

Really good forecasters think in probabilistic terms, they’re humble and diligent, they know what’s unpredictable and what’s predictable, they pay attention to the thousands of little details that bring them closer to the truth, they recognize noise and signal.

If you want to improve your data acuity, this book may have some tips for you.

By NAT Silver

2. Digitalized Decision-making scored 8.7 on Douban

Are you still struggling to make decisions relying on intuition and experience? This book lets you make quantitative decisions:

How does Coca-Cola use 2, 000 researchers to run taste tests on 190, 000 people to make a final decision?

How to measure customer dissatisfaction with service or product quality without complaining?

How to find the perfect Partner through a mathematical formula?

Just like its English title “How to Measure Everything”, this book tells you How to measure everything. You only need some simple statistical knowledge and methods to make the scope of things very precise. In the era of big data, this is also a necessary means to make data really play a role.

3. Management with Data – 8.3 points on Douban

Data awareness and retail thinking are explained in a simple way through a large number of cases in the form of storytelling. The author integrates various data analysis methods into specific business scenarios and finally forms a data-based management model to help enterprises improve their operation and management capabilities.

It’s a very practical book with clear, persuasive, and practical ways of quantifying goals. Suitable for beginners with simple skills but deep business insight.

The only drawback is that the author pays too little attention to the user, which is a limitation of the book’s approach.

Author: Huang Chunming

**** — 【 THE END 】 —

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