🎺🎺🎺 Nuggets Open Class Spring recruitment special series live!! 🎉 🎉 🎉

Offer to come, dig friends take it! In this special livestream, we invite Kuang Jianxin, the head of volcano Engine’s livestream transmission protocol, and Liu Dezhi, the StreamNative solution expert, two 10-year technology veterans to share their growth methodology. 🎙 ️ 🎙 ️ 🎙 ️

⏰ Live time

19:30-21:00, March 22, 2022

🎬 live address (hurry to make an appointment)

Live. Juejin. Cn / 4354/941794…

🎙️ Live introduction

Share a: There is no limit to growth, build your own “Grow” model

Growth is an eternal topic, there may be no standard answer to the growth of technical people, everyone also has their own different career development path.

It is the spring recruitment season again. This time, I will review and analyze my personal growth experience, and share with you the detours and gains I have made in my career, as well as the changes in my thinking and mentality along the way. At the same time, I will talk about my thinking about career planning as an “old driver” and summarize the “methodology” of personal growth. Finally, here’s how Bytedance trains new talent.

I always believe that “all efforts will not be wasted, where the input, the harvest is where”, to be a lifelong learner, to create their own life growth curve. ‘!

  • Ten years of growing up as a tech veteran
  • Self-awareness and career planning for technical people
  • Embrace Growth Mindset and create your own Growth curve
  • Byte introduction of new talent training system

Share two: from ignorant graduates to technical experts transformation process

From an ignorant fresh graduate to a technical expert, will go through many different stages. While each stage can be confusing and challenging in its own way, let’s hear from a 10-year tech veteran how he navigated through each stage and improved his professional skills.

  • Career Confusion and career Planning of programmers
  • Improve programmer’s professional ability and ability
  • Interview skills for programmers

🎁 Watch polite

Of course, we have not only prepared wonderful dry goods content for you, but also prepared interesting and useful prizes for you! Air conditioning blanket, byte sports socks, nuggets mouse pad, many gifts, waiting for you to get home! 🎁 🎁 🎁

🙋 Guest Introduction

Kuang Jianxin, senior technical expert of Bytedance, is in charge of research and development of volcano Engine live transmission protocol. He has worked in Boya Hualu Audio-visual Technology Research Institute, Jinshanyun and other companies. In 2017, I joined Bytedance and participated in the construction of the original Bytedance live CDN system from scratch, including the construction of streaming media server, source station and basic streaming system, and supported streaming media access to the self-built CDN of Bytedance global live streaming business. After 2019, I successively took charge of QoS/Qoe optimization of live broadcast CDN in China and non-China regions. Self-built live broadcast CDN has significantly improved in PK system and commercial CDN, ranking excellent. In 2021, I was in charge of the on-site command of the streaming media distribution side in the live remaintenance of the Byte Spring Festival Gala, with satisfactory results. Currently, I am in charge of the research, development and management of volcano Engine live transmission protocol and QoS team.

Dezhi Liu, Apache Pulsar Contributor, StreamNative Solutions Expert. Once worked for Tencent, responsible for the implementation of Tencent billing platform architecture and technical solutions, and led the implementation of Tencent cloud TDMQ for Pulsar product, with rich experience in messaging middleware development, operation and maintenance. Active in Apache Pulsar community, the latest generation of cloud native messaging middleware open source project, has unique insight and thinking on messaging and flow systems, as well as rich industry practice precipitation.

Immediate appointment: live. Juejin. Cn / 4354/941794…

📖 Keep learning

Add nuggets sauce as a friend, reply “interview” into the group learning. With the consent of the lecturer, the live PPT will also be shared within the group!!

🎙️ Live streaming application

If you want to be a guest on nuggets Live, just scan the code and apply!!

Application through train: sourl.co/LECXgE

⌨️ Reviews are rewarded

Simple and crude, I’m just here to deliver the prize!

You can leave a message in the comments section to be considered as successful participation. You can offer your own confusion to the two live broadcast teachers, give advice to the Nuggets live broadcast, and share your own technology growth story…… Anyway, feel free to say anything, we will find two friends to send out the nuggets’ favorite neighborhood — mugs (one for each), so let’s go!!

🤫 attention oh, the drawing time is March 23, please pay attention to the comment reply/system notification.