The real feelings, is never hypocritical

In recent years, “feelings” has almost become a derogatory word. Entrepreneurship about feelings, products about feelings, as if there is no feelings are embarrassed to go out to meet people. We used to be passionate, open source advocates, full stack engineers have the future, and we wanted to change the world. But now we are anxious every day. There are programmer net friends in the question and answer platform, soliciting why to be a programmer, what is the original intention? The answer is mixed, with most of the negative comments. Let’s take a look at how netizens respond.

Another user replied: “A bull once said:” I used to think the computer was a great tool, but when I really got to know it, I realized that maybe it could have life like us! I want her to come back to life.” I am not so high force, the original contact this purpose is just to earn some extra money. I hope I can help you.”

The real feelings, is not forget the original heart.

No matter whether we have been a wife, mother, husband and father, we should play the role of life, keep the heart of the most true self, not noisy, not pretentious, just silently guarding, waiting, pursuing, do our best. True feelings, is not forget the original aspiration.

Some people go all the way, gradually lost; Some give up halfway, not always. There are many temptations and troubles in the world, so it is more valuable to stay true to our original aspiration. What does a programmer start out with? Just want to use the program to say hello to the world.

Programmers are people who dream of “ruling” the world through machines, whereas other people see us as people living in machines. We have the innocence of “Hello World”, but also the trouble of “Can not Find Object”. Our lives are wrapped up in logical thinking, but we crave emotional understanding and approval.

What is beginner’s mind? It may be a childhood dream, or it may be the purest motivation to do something from the heart. Some of the coolest companies in the world, like Google, started out with the idea of “integrating the world’s information and making it universally accessible and useful”. For example, Facebook’s original mission was to “make the world more open and connected”.

True love, to maintain beginner’s mind

There may be a lot of times when we don’t know what we are doing and suddenly have a big question mark about ourselves. Do you like it? Do you like the work you do every day? What do you want? Capacity? Salary? Knowledge of? Perhaps these questions can only be answered by deep self-examination. The Internet is a rapidly developing industry, and for many people, it may be an outsider. As the saying goes, you are like a brick, you move it wherever you need it. But is it really good to live so mindlessly without asking for anything? Sometimes think about it, maybe a little scary. Maybe true love is the best. To ensure that you can stay true to who you were, and not turn into the person you hated the most.

True learning, to maintain the beginner’s mind

Keeping a learning mentality in our daily work can also help us maintain our original aspiration, which is the ultimate pursuit of technology and change the world. Confucius “angry forget food, happy to forget worry, I do not know the old will come to the cloud” mentality of learning can also help us to eliminate negative emotions, conducive to physical and mental health. Technology is iterative, and a lot of times, if you don’t advance, you go back. After work, each of us needs to enrich ourselves and learn new knowledge and new things. Quantitative change will cause qualitative change, a little progress every day, ability will be invisible in the improvement. This can be as detailed as summarizing your knowledge, writing an outline, or writing a blog post. Or dive into a topic, read a few blogs, read a book, etc. Work is not all of us, we should always have a sense of urgency. Work is tedious, but the acquisition of knowledge is joyful. We are constantly learning all kinds of new technologies like Kotlin, Swift, React Native, RxJava, Hybrid ideas and so on every day, but how do we learn efficiently? Below is our promotion to senior level
Android engineers need to learn and master the mind map, including Android advanced, Java language and Android related technical kernel, mobile architect, wechat small program, Hybrid development.

Advanced learning mind map alone is not enough, xiaobian in order to help you save the time to search for information, also specially for you to organize the relevant learning materials, the following is part of the data screenshots:

1.Android advanced knowledge summary

2.Android Advanced architecture video

The above information packet, forward
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