Enjoy learning class guest author: Lao Gu

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Last time we introduced the origin of Lambda, today we will look at the use of Lambda, how to concise

Lambda expression syntax

(parameters)  -> expression
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(parameters)  ->  { statements;  }
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A Lambda expression consists of three parts:

Paramaters: a list of parameters similar to methods, where the parameters are those of a functional interface. The parameter types can be declared explicitly or implicitly inferred by the JVM without being declared, and the parentheses can be omitted if there is only one inferred type.

Be used for; be used for; be used for

3. Method body: can be an expression or a code block, is the implementation of a method in a functional interface. A code block, which can return a value or nothing, is equivalent to the body of a method. If it is an expression, it can return a value or nothing at all.


Lambda expressions are essentially anonymous methods such as

public  int add(int x,int y){
	return x + y;
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Lambda expressions can be written as Lambda

(int x,int y)  ->  {returnx + y; }Copy the code

The parameters of the function method are on the left, and the implementation body is on the right. To be even more succinct, the parameter types can be left out and Java will infer from the context

(x, y)  ->  {returnx + y; }Copy the code

If the implementation body is a statement, the return can also be omitted, along with the curly braces.

(x, y)  -> x + y;
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Several scenarios

There are several scenarios for the abstract methods of interfaces, let’s look at them

1. No parameter, no return value

public  void  print(){
	System.out.println("Hello Lambda!");
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Lambda expression notation

()  ->  System.out.println("Hello Lambda!");
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The typical example is the run method in Runnable

public  interface  Runnable  {
	public  abstract  void run();
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The way I wrote it before

Runnable r1 =  ()  ->  System.out.println("Hello Lambda!");
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2, 1 parameter, no return value

public  void  print(String str){
	System.out.println("Hello "  + str);
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The Lambda method

(str)  ->  System.out.println("Hello "  + str);
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If it is a single argument, you can remove the parentheses

str ->  System.out.println("Hello "  + str);
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3. Multiple parameters, return values, and multiple statements

public  int add(int x,int y){
	return x+y;
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The Lambda method

(x,y)  ->  {
	return x+y;
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Because this is multiple statements, curly braces must be used.

4, multiple arguments, return value, and one statement, omit curly braces and return

public  int add(int x,int y){
	return x + y;
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Lambda expressions can be written as Lambda

(x, y)  -> x + y;
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Top line: left and right in a parenthesis save

On the left is a parameter, so you can omit the parentheses; On the right is a statement that dispenses with curly braces

Next link: left inferred type save

The parameter types on the left can be omitted, with JAVA inferring from context

Hengpi: can province province

Can eliminate as much as possible to make the code concise

Functional interface

Let’s see what a functional interface is:

If an interface with only one abstract method is called a functional interface, you can use the @functionlInterface annotation to identify it and check whether it is a functional interface

Let’s define an operation interface

@functionalInterface // public interface MyFunction {public Integer getValue(Integer num); }Copy the code

Note that only one abstract method is required to implement the generic function implementation

public  Integer operation(Integer num,MyFunction mf){
	return mf.getValue(num);
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Where is Lambda used

In fact, the above knows where lambda is used, is used with functional interfaces. A lambda expression must have the same argument type as the abstract function description of a functional interface, its return type must be compatible with the abstract function’s return type, and it can throw exceptions only within the scope of the function description. A custom function interface, F is the parameter, T is the return value

interface  Converter<F, T>{
	T convert(F from);
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Traditional anonymous class approach

Be sure to observe the above parameter types and return types, as they are defined using a stereotype.

Lambda expression scheme

Both implementations above are equivalent. Let’s take a look at common thread examples

new  Thread(()  ->  System.out.println("hello lambda")).start();
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It’s pretty neat. This is the beautiful embodiment of Lambda


Lambda expressions are good for you. Of course, we need to write them often to master them. Lambda also has some advanced uses, which I will introduce to you next time. Thank you!!

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