What kind of community are programmers?

In recent years, with the rise of programmers, there has been more and more talk about them

There was a story on Weibo a while ago

The headline reads: $1 million annual salary auctioned by mother.

See this title, really startled, into the web page to see a clear story

His son is a programmer from Shanghai with an annual salary of one million yuan. He is 36 years old and still has no partner. The woman has no choice, so she auctioned her son online and promised to withdraw all the money if she got married

Someone advised her: it doesn’t matter if her son gets married later.

Woman: Well, several of his colleagues are already bald

Online beg son’s heart shadow

According to some estimates, there are 240 million singles in China, and programmers in their own right now make up half the matchmaking market

So why are mother-in-laws’ favorite programmers stagnating?

I made a simple analysis after contacting several programmers around me

  • For programmers this work to see the sunrise, work to see the fate of the bitter B group, their private life is really very few
  • They are straight as you can’t imagine
  • Programmers have only product managers in mind

As long as there are programmers, there will never escape the topic: programmers really can not find a girlfriend?

One user shared:

One day, his friend Xiao Wang told him that he had gone to a dating website to find a girlfriend

This net friend feels very is gratified, hence concern ask 1: seek how

Xiao Wang: I found a bug on their website

So are programmers suitable to fall in love or get married?

I can responsibly give a 100% answer —- yes

Here are 8 reasons why you should marry

1. High pay and high demand

Programmers are more likely than others to find good jobs. They are in demand and popular in the market. The point is, their starting salaries are very high. Every programmer is a potential stock, maybe even the next Zuckerberg!

Single-minded, in addition to the code only you

Program ape every day in the code, basic do not have extra time to pick up a sister, so as long as find a good girlfriend to him, she will go to the death of love, and even can specially write a game to coax his girlfriend to play, the United States called: program ape romance. If you want to learn how to code, they’ll be more than happy to teach you.

3. Be very sweet to your girlfriend and love me, love my dog

The program ape is particularly good to his girlfriend, especially generous, will give his girlfriend to buy all kinds of expensive gifts, pay cards will be handed over to his girlfriend custody. They’re not just good at coding, they’re also pretty good at housekeeping, cooking, shopping and cleaning the house. They usually love me, love my dog, as long as it is about his girlfriend, they will give their heart, for example, he will patiently teach his girlfriend’s mother to use mobile phone, Internet, computer and so on.

People are so good and gentle

The greatest advantage of the program ape is not that the code is written well, but that the people are good. They are naturally nerdy, hard working and extremely friendly to everyone. Since they can live with buggy code, they’ll be more comfortable with you being less than perfect than others. When fighting, they will actively admit their mistakes and repair the family relationship as if they were fixing a bug.

5, rigorous, methodical work

In life, they followed the rigorous habits of their work. For example, they often have a schedule for themselves, when they should do something, and when they should go out, they can make a plan for the trip, and finalize the details, which is easy for them. Living with a programmer, they take over all the minutiae and plan ahead for a happy and fulfilling life.

6. Be logical

In terms of decision-making, because they have good logical thinking, they can often make decisions more accurately than others. They are good at math and can play a big role in the household budget, but they still obediently hand over the family finances.

7, strong hands-on ability, free maintenance workers

Their hands-on ability is very strong, whether it is to repair computers, or repair light bulbs, repair sewer pipes, for them are necessary small case of survival. If you marry a program ape, so you no longer have to worry about what things in the home and broken and have to spend money to repair, with him a jiao, program ape minutes to help you fix, remove trouble.

High salary, simple life, less money

With a salary of six or seven figures or more, they are likely to wear only the same pair of jeans and a few simple T-shirts year round. Whether it’s going to work or going to parties or meeting friends, he lives a very simple life. He spends very little on clothes, and he doesn’t spend much on other things. They were quite ready to defer to their wife in everything she wanted.

To sum up, programmer is really a rare husband candidate, no wonder mother-in-law is so fond of

Each MM sees above a few dot also feel sense of security is dye-in-stone, say is not

Of course, it is impossible to have both fish and bear’s paw, in the face of programmer’s bizarre brain circuit, pack up a slap to shoot dead his idea, more tolerant, more considerate, do a qualified ape sister-in-law!

So, if you meet a programmer who likes you and marry him, don’t miss a chance!

Today’s topic

Tell me about the programmers you work with.