be wild with joy


There was an architect summit sponsored by Wang Xu’s company in Wangjing, and Kang Shen was invited to attend it. I glanced online at the itinerary of the conference, which will last all day, and couldn’t help beaming.

One of the rarest moments of pleasure at work is when the boss suddenly goes out, and the whole person feels unwatched and let loose.

Kang God front foot just walk, hind foot group inside fry open pot. The development task is not much and it is Friday, we are not working, so someone took the lead to talk about the mountain. What started as a few people gathering for a small chat turned into an orgy for the whole group.

Usually we dislike the opposite operation group is too noisy, anxious to fan their big mouth ba son, today they to our side to cast countless eyes.

I sat back, crossed my legs and fiddled with my phone. A few minutes ago, Wang Xu updated a few wenchan pregnant photo in the circle of friends. Wenchan in the photo wearing gauze, a big belly, Wang Xu stroked her belly, two people smile at each other, happiness overflow the whole screen.

Group inside person plaint Wang Xu is life winner in succession, begin to chat about his recent situation. After leaving From Lang Yun, Wang Xu soon became the technical leader of their team, currently in charge of three or five people. Kang Shen as a technical expert to participate in the architect summit, and the keynote speech is recommended by Wang Xu.

Soon the conversation turned to marriage and children, and naturally the conversation turned to houses. Then the down payment, monthly mortgage, intermediary, household registration, residence permit and other issues began to shuttle between the ears. If there were a technical means to calculate what people talk about in the streets and alleys and bungalows in China, the topics related to sex would definitely rank no.1.

I don’t usually start, and I certainly don’t lead, group chitchat. I am used to listening and occasionally commenting, but rarely arguing. She was buried in front of her computer, working on the few small development tasks I had assigned her.

A lot of people ramble down, sigh and shake their heads more than laughter. Married men suffer from family pressure, and lovers suffer from love pains. In contrast, the bachelors in the group seemed to have the best of it, feeding the whole family.

But I know a lot of people who are only smart when they talk about it. Previously, I often shout that a person is very good, but the heart is very looking forward to with the beauty of the pair. Never underestimate the power of darkness and loneliness.

Out of the campus into the society, I found around both men and women, most very sad. Some people sad in love, some people angry at housing prices, some people call empty, some people cry out…… As more and more people turn their backs to the sun and stare closely at dirt and dust, negative pessimism often spreads.

Of course, there are exceptions. The girl sitting next to me had a sunny vibe. So much so that I wondered if she had murdered the sad little man in her heart. What’s more, the positivity she displayed was not the kind of intermittent uplift that comes from reading a few chicken soup articles and listening to the sermons of a few spiritual teachers.

Perhaps it was the constant smile on her face, and the smile was always associated with such nice words as pure, positive and lively, that made her seem untroubled.

In my sense of beauty, Teresa can’t be classed as a beauty, not even cute. But she’s incredibly good with the opposite sex. Langyun is less than two months into the job, before and after several boys came to the station to find her, to her gallant.

The boys made all sorts of excuses to visit her. Disguised as sincere friendship, but really happy. I can always see through their little thoughts and tricks. After all, I was just like them, naive and flustered.

Most guys who woo her don’t show up empty-handed, some with cupcakes, some with soft drinks. She was not the kind of girl who liked receiving gifts, but sometimes it was hard to be kind. What cannot be avoided is partly cheap for Li Xiangyang and partly cheap for me.

Since Deng puyun joined our dining team, li Xiangyang and I gradually preferred sichuan cuisine. Deng has a habit of drinking a bottle of yogurt after dinner, she said that drinking yogurt beauty. The fact that she doesn’t have a pimple on her face makes her words convincing.

After Li Xiangyang learns Deng Uncut jade charm to drink yoghurt of period of time, hairdressing raises the effect of yan not very apparent, old constipation is eased somewhat however. So he started eating three meals a day without yogurt, even though he often ran away with diarrhea.


It was sunny on Saturday. My dear friend was coming to Beijing, so I took the subway to Beijing West Station early.

West station of the north two exit, pedestrians for wave after wave. Some passers-by looked at me sideways, but I knew it wasn’t me they were curious about, it was the 18 roses in my arms.

18 red roses wrapped in what looks like a newspaper but is not a newspaper. I don’t know what kind of paper. It and I are waiting for an old friend who has come from afar. The old man was none other than Hua Mei.

Three days ago, Hua Mei told me on the phone that she had been scolded by her boss and was upset. I took the opportunity to persuade her to come to Beijing for relaxation. After much persuasion, she accepted my invitation.

I stood in the crowd staring at the exit, wistful. For a long time, hua Mei finally as promised. Eyes meet, I walk to her, she walks to me. In the crowd, we embraced together.

This time, I did not have the uncontrollable bulging of individual organs that I had seen in the last few hugs. Only feel around is very quiet, those noisy noisy moment have no trace, there is a big world, only me and beauty alone in the feeling.

I handed the rose to Hua Mei’s chest, hua Mei took the flower, a smile on her face.

“Wow, there are flowers. It must have been a long time. When you sent me wechat, the train had just left Baoding.”

“It didn’t take long.”

“Did you miss me?” Hua Mei quips way.

“Every day say you, ears afraid is all heard cocoon son?” I quipped.

“It feels different on the phone than in person.” Hua Mei smiled happily way.

“Dreaming about it.” I swallowed the last part, “so I have to change my underwear so often.”

“How have you been these days? You’re not flirting with any of the other girls?” Hua mei turned, began to check.

“Wechat, QQ, call records, SMS, email, you just turn over.” I was smug.

Ask yourself, I have achieved a straight, natural not afraid of the shadow oblique.


That hua mei came to the imperial capital, and she had not sought to meet Wang Xu asked us to dinner. Since the pregnancy of wenchan, we two people some days did not get together for dinner, really should meet to consolidate the friendship. I asked hua Mei’s opinion, hua Mei answered.

That night, I took Hua Mei, Li Xiangyang with two yuan sister, Wang Xu with Wen Chan, we line of six people met in a Beijing restaurant near Wang Xu’s home.

Listen to Li Xiangyang said before, Wenchan a little prenatal depression, the whole night the whole ground sleep well. When we met again, she was really haggard, with heavy black circles under her eyes. Pregnant woman, figure went form, still cannot change thick makeup, the figure of wen Chan is discounted greatly.

The most rare thing today is that Li Xiangyang actually pulled the two-yuan girl to our front. In the same company, I met with the two-yuan girl many times, but rarely communicated. On weekdays she was cold and unapproachable.

Six people sit around the dinner table, introducing each other and making small talk.

Wenchan’s due date in December, the child is likely to be a flower heart Sagittarius. On the question of boy or girl, wenchan shook her head with Wang Xujun that it was not clear and did not ask the doctor, giving birth to a baby is a surprise. Wang wanted a daughter, wen chan preferred a son.

I don’t know if society is moving forward, or if I felt too hard growing up as a boy, or if wanting a daughter is political correctness. Most of the boys around the same age prefer intimate small cotton-padded jacket.

Chat in the process, I actively to hua Mei interested in the topic of guidance, for fear of snubbing her. Wen Saw through my mind and took the initiative to talk to Hua Mei. First they talked about cosmetics, then they talked about parenting. Although hua mei is not a medical background, but sold so many years of medicine, in parenting quite experience. Most friendships between women develop more quickly than do men.

It’s rare that friends get together, and when they do, they don’t talk about houses or cars or tickets.

The two-yuan girl basically did not participate in our chat, only to play with the phone head down. Later, went out to take a phone call, again after sitting down, he said something had to go first.

The sky is late, Li Xiangyang can not rest assured, to personally send sister back. “I’m not going home tonight,” he whispered as he unlined his clothes. “The sofa, bathroom and kitchen are all yours.”

I heard what Li xiangyang was saying, and my heart thumped with anger and excitement. I was afraid that Li Xiangyang would say anything out of line and embarrass Hua Mei, so I waved his hand and beckoned him to roll.

Li Xiangyang had just walked a few steps when he suddenly turned back. As if he had something important to tell me, he leaned over and patted me on the shoulder and whispered, “Seize the opportunity tonight. Flowers can fold straight must fold, mo wait for no flowers empty fold branches. There’s a brown box on top of the bookcase in our living room, and it’s got Adu, Adj, a whip, a candle. If you need something, take it.”

Li Xiangyang is an old pervert. However, the words of this boy let me that originally still calculate calm heart instant waves, a inexplicable true gas from the Dan tian straight force temple.

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