The opening words

The opening words | everyone is a product manager?

Overview of article

01 | why everyone has to learn lesson product innovation?

The birth of the “product manager” position

The things people want to do are getting more complicated. When the goals of an organization are complex enough, there is a position called product manager

Project Manager & Product Manager

  • Project Manager:

    • Emphasis on getting things done.
    • Partial completion related, rarely involving commercial considerations. The goal can be “how fast, how cheap”
      • By many, I hope the scope of the project will be as large as possible
      • Fast, is to hope that the project cycle as short as possible
      • Good. I want the project to be as high quality as possible
      • To save is to consume as little as possible
  • Product Manager:

    • More emphasis on innovation is setting a goal and doing the right thing
    • It’s more of a business aspect
      • Such as number of users, activity, revenue, profit, market share

The whole market has changed from production-driven to demand-driven

  • Society, the supply of all kinds of products, are moving from shortage to abundance
  • When supply is short, getting the product done efficiently doesn’t matter as much as what the user wants
  • The supply is abundant, the user becomes more and more important, the product begins to emphasize the innovation more and more, the product manager post demand is also more and more

Development trend of product manager position

Why did the position of “product manager” first become popular on the Internet?

  • Internet products come in the simplest form, with no physical presence and few services, and so are the easiest to abundance
  • And because Internet products are used by everyone every day, so everyone can say two words, lower the threshold of entry
    • The way of thinking and the way of doing things behind it becomes a lesson

Subsequent development Trend

  • Specialization: Artificial intelligence product Manager, E-commerce product Manager, data product Manager…
  • Generalization:
    • Now: More and more peripheral positions of product managers, began to do part of the things of product managers,
    • Essence: Do product innovation, have product thinking
  • Back in business

Product managers do different things

  • Objective: The real product manager is ultimately responsible for the success of the product, so the product manager will do what will help the result.
  • Product managers in traditional industries tend to work in marketing because it is marketing that creates more value in mature industries
  • Product managers in the Internet industry mostly do research and development design, because in this new industry, the thing that can create more value is research and design. It’s about the maturity of the industry

Be a product, not a “Product manager”

  • More important than the solution is the problem to be solved
    • The job is not important, the problem is important
  • The three stages
    • Product manager stage: I am doing this position myself, and I will also serve the product manager counterparts.
    • Product thinking stage: I served the general product manager, abstracted the relatively general way of thinking behind, and influenced more people.
    • Product innovation stage: I realized that product thinking is the method, and product innovation is the purpose, more directly, from thinking to doing, from the way of thinking to the way of doing, more ground

02 | round MVP framework takeaway: from the product innovation, and the practice has killed?

VUCA problem

VUCA is a sign of The Times. It’s a sign that our world is changing too fast and the problems are getting more complex. The information of The Times is changing all the time, and the needs of users are changing all the time. So, if you’re still using the traditional way of making a product, you tend to make something that the market doesn’t want.

  • V: Volatility
  • U: Uncertainty
  • C: Complexity
  • A: Ambiguity

Four-wheel MVP framework and DS methodology

  • MV stands for Minimum Valuable
  • P
    • => The focus of the validation is on the question itself
      • You need to determine whether your problem is a real problem, how many people have it, whether someone has solved it, etc.
      • At this stage, the tasks can be done by a single person, mostly purely desk work, filtering out all kinds of dodgy ideas by looking at industry reports, doing competitive analysis, and chatting with users.
    • Prototype => Design Sprint => Validation focuses on solutions
      • Since there is no real product yet, some form of prototype (or prototype, Demo) is used to verify.
      • We want to see if the user understands the solution, if the solution has enough added value to make the user want to move, and so on.
      • At this point, we need a prototypal character to join the team, “diverge, converge” at the solution level, make a prototype, let the users play with the prototype, get feedback, keep revising the prototype, and even get back to the first round of Paperwork
    • Product => Development Sprint => The focus of the verification is whether the real Product can develop user habits
      • Users are willing to use it, it solves user needs more efficiently, creates value, and makes users willing to use it again and again. At this point, we look at some metrics that have something to do with retention.
    • Promotion => Distribution Sprint => Verify growth
      • What are the avenues for growth? Which distribution channel can acquire the highest quality customers at lower cost?
      • Make small-scale promotion attempts, test channels, and gradually determine the preferred channel to reduce distribution costs.

Matters needing attention

Here are a few more things to note about these four MVP rounds:

  1. In each of these steps, user engagement is a must, because we live in a VUCA era where information and needs are constantly changing, and we have to keep up with the sources of information, much of which is what our users and markets are telling us.
  2. For the above four rounds, resource investment is increasing, so the opening of the filter should be smaller and smaller, that is, fewer and fewer products enter the next round. Finally, it is to concentrate superior forces and focus on breaking through a very few products.
  3. Different product forms, in each round of the stay time, investment resources are not the same. For example, compared with “making wechat small programs”, the investment of real products is much larger, so “making cars” will tend to do more work in the early rounds, while “making wechat small programs” will choose the mode of making products first, and then changing if there is a mistake.
  4. After these four rounds, the product has just begun to hit the road. How to evolve the product and how to move the company from a single product stage to a diversified stage are not discussed in this framework.

MV Paperwork

03 | since understand user story, ecology, portrait, journey

How to fully understand users

A user story

  • The first step to understanding your users is to reach them
  • When communicating, we should arouse the interest of users and create a relaxed atmosphere.
  • The questions asked should gradually bring the user into the field involved in the product, to experience the user’s feelings, emotions, pain points and so on. In addition to listening to what the user says, we should also pay attention to his facial expressions, body language and all other aspects that can convey information.
  • Ask for existing solutions to existing problems as well. After all, any problem that is really worth solving is one that users are already trying to solve.
  • The outcome of this step is a user story — who, under what circumstances, what problems they encountered, what feelings and emotions they had, what they did now, what pain points they had in doing so, and so on.

Users of ecological

  • What types of users are involved in the product, and what is the relationship between them?
  • Granularity, a user can continue to subdivide
  • Considering the boundaries, different users have strong or weak relationships with the product, and the widest sense of users is all the people who have a relationship with the product
  • Priorities, which have been drawn in the user ecosystem, are also important and secondary, and we definitely take care of the most important first

User portrait

Describe an important user group with some key characteristics. It helps the entire product innovation team keep in mind who our products are for.

  • Basic information, give the user’s representative a realistic looking name, choose a photo, and specify gender, age, occupation, and daily interests.
  • Describe specific information about the user, i.e. information related to the product area, such as lifestyle, value orientation, psychological expectations, etc.
  • Choose a few words that are typical of what users say when collecting stories to enhance the sense of authenticity.

The user journey

Focus on the user’s behavior

The user journey is divided into three stages

  • Prepare for STH.
  • 2. The process of doing STH.
  • After doing STH.

The user stories we collected in the first step can now be put into place, strung together by the user’s journey, allowing us to experience a “real journey” with the user.

For example, when a mother takes her 3-year-old child out for dinner alone, what to do before going out, what to do on the road, after arriving at the destination, in the restaurant, in the park, when the child is sleepy, etc., what to do on the return trip and after arriving home.

04 | competing goods ecology: truly effective competing goods analysis how to do?

Effective thinking of competitive analysis

Start from the simplest idea of innovation, first understand the problem, then understand the solution

The problem is the same as the plan

Direct competition is usually incremental innovation, but it is difficult to achieve disruptive innovation, nor can it be achieved directly by rubbing opponents on the ground

The problem is the same, the plan is different

Products that solve similar problems with different solutions often become the next generation of products that disrupt the industry’s giants

Pay special attention to these competing products, which can help you understand the nature of the user’s needs through the solution itself.

Different problems have different plans

This kind of product, is the object that we learn.

However, if there is the possibility of cross-industry migration of such products, it is also broad competitive products. For example, JINGdong used to sell only 3C digital, but after accumulated users and infrastructure, it can sell books no worse than when it is good. Starbucks used to only sell coffee, but also launched tea drinks in 2019.

Different problems, different solutions

  • You consume similar non-renewable resources such as time, money, talent, etc. The user’s time is limited, spend it here or spend it there.

  • There is also a problem with different solutions of competitors, may come from your products in the upstream and downstream industry chain. If a player in any industry gets bigger and stronger, he or she is likely to be tempted to occupy more positions in the chain of business and make more money.

Pay attention to

  • When your perception is too limited, many options don’t exist, and it’s hard to design a better solution. Opening the vision to the broad competitive products is the first step of product innovation, is very critical.

  • Competitors aren’t just products that look similar or solve similar problems. Competitors are an entire ecosystem that serves your users together.

05 | create belong to your idea filters

How to filter out bad ideas?

Internal factors include: ability and willingness.

  • Ability: Internal ability includes human, financial and material three points, that is, the ability of oneself and the team, whether there is enough money, whether there are appropriate resources, etc.

  • Willingness: Whether what you want to do is in line with your mission, vision, and values or the company’s.

External factors include: value, cost.

  • Value, if from a professional perspective, we will first look at the direction of the ceiling is not high, fast growth. In venture capitalist parlance, “Is it a wide enough track?” Obviously, the more people want a product, the more often they use it, and the more user value a product has, the higher the ceiling.

  • Cost, which includes the “macro environment” and “micro industry environment”.

    • The macro environment is the general background of The Times, such as politics, economy, culture, society, technology, environment, law and so on, which is not affected by products. For most products, don’t challenge these factors, just avoid stepping on landmines
    • The micro industry environment you need to consider more factors. The micro industry environment mainly refers to the players in the industry, you have to consider the upstream and downstream of the industry chain, potential entrants, future replacements and so on.

MV Prototype

06 | Y model: from the problem domain to solution domain most hardcore their thinking

Y model

  • “Node 1” represents the user requirements scenario, often referred to simply as user requirements. This is the starting point, the appearance, the surface demand, the user’s view and behavior.

    • The main issues are Who (Who is the target user), What (What is the performance of requirements) and Where/When (When, Where, in What circumstances).
  • Node 2 is the goal and motivation behind the user’s needs, the reason for what the user says and does. But product managers also need to think about the company’s goals and the product’s goals when thinking about user goals.

  • “Node 3” is a product function, a solution, a description that a technical person can understand.

    • “Which” refers to Which plan to choose and Which function to do, Which is actually a judgment on value, such as how to evaluate the cost performance and priorities.
    • How many refers to How many features are done at one time. The test is to control the iteration cycle and the size of the product package.
    • How much is an assessment of resources such as time, money, team, etc
  • “Node 4” is the human nature and values, or the user’s mind, is the deepest manifestation of the needs, is the essence of the needs.

  • The stages of “Node 1” to “Node 2” and “Node 2” to “Node 4” correspond to the in-depth understanding of user requirements. This is the stage to answer the question of Why — to keep digging deeper into the requirements to understand Why users behave the way they do, Why they have goals and motivations.

  • As you go from “node 4” to “node 2” to “node 3”, you need to figure out How — that is, How the problem should be solved. This is called a shallower. You go deep and then shallower.

Pay attention to

  • User communication: The first half of model Y is to solve market risks, and the corresponding method is to listen attentively
  • Product development: The second half of model Y is to solve technical risks, and the corresponding method is not to follow

07 | using “prototype” low cost validation: poor programmer, also can do the product

The prototype of “fake to real”

Essence: “false” means that the product is not a real product, “true” means that it can verify whether the real solution is reliable.

  • Robot Turk: Design a product that looks like it has all the functions, but is actually being serviced by humans.

  • Hotel doorman: Find people who are interested in your new product concept and offer exactly the same service as the finished product, except it’s artificial.

    Hotel doormen are a bit like Turk robots in that they use human services instead of products. The difference between the two is that the concierge’s human service interacts directly with the user, who knows he is receiving a personal human service.

  • Crowdfunding: You don’t have a product, but you can create some graphic and video material to tell potential users what you’re going to do. Then let users use various actions to tell you whether you approve of the product, such as like, comment, retweet and share, if there is real money to vote, like many crowdfunding products on the crowdfunding website, that is even better.

    It’s great to raise money successfully, but there’s also great value in failing to raise money, at least to avoid the embarrassment of having to build a product and find out that users don’t like it.

  • The white lie: This is similar to crowdfunding, where you tell people what you’re going to do without a product, but the difference is that you pretend you’ve created a new product or service to see if they’re interested. Product flyers, for example, are often used to detect market feedback.

  • Taxidermy: Create a high-fidelity static prototype that looks exactly like the real thing and allows users to “pretend” to use it, but doesn’t really function.

    However, this method is mostly used to discover the design and experience details of the product itself, especially the appearance and form. It is important to note that this approach is usually only used to validate features that are external to the product.

  • The big shift: Take a competitor’s already released product and test certain assumptions by simply repackaging it and pretending to be your own.

  • The lure of a low spec: Develop a low spec version with limited features and see how users react.

    This is the only practice that requires a fraction of a real product, and of course it tests a few more assumptions.

Pay attention to

Do not easily real product function also has a realistic meaning – it is easy to go online but difficult to go offline.

Perfection is not that nothing can be increased, but that nothing can be diminished. And that requires us to be very careful when we’re adding.

One prototype can only test some of the key assumptions, so it is possible to build multiple prototypes for the same product, or a hybrid prototype with all of these features, but even then the combined input-output ratio is much lower than the actual product.

08 | design sprint: Google vc how to help product success?

Suitable for situations

  • Existing products hit a big bottleneck
  • About to launch a new product

Design the sprint

Practical implementation issues

  • Everyone on the team is a mature, professional, complementary player
  • Maybe it just proves that some of the ideas aren’t working

The actual implementation

The preparatory work
  • Identify the challenge: continue to solve, the granularity of the problem, invest time and resource matching
  • Build the team: Identify a decision maker, a mentor, and a diverse team
  • Determine the time and place
  • Consensus: Need for stakeholder involvement; The time is all the more important to try to prove “we’re wrong.”
The official start of the
  • Understanding the domain: The team’s various experts share the important information they already have – set goals for the sprint – and list all obstacles
  • Focus direction: Consult with sprint team internal and external experts — identify an obstacle to focus on this sprint
  • Spread the idea: move from the problem domain to the solution domain – contribute ideas – put them together on paper – develop detailed solutions
  • Choice solution: in the good idea, choose the best solution – collective decision
  • prototype
  • User testing

MV Product

09 | product service system: avoid narrow, talk to you what is the product

The core point of the product service system is that any broad product contains the entity part and the service part, three directions, from the entity to the service, the entity part is less and less, the service part is more and more, gradually transition.

The three major orientation

Entity oriented

First, entity oriented product service system. This type is entity oriented and contains a small number of services. Its service purpose is to let the user can use the product entity smoothly, is closely related to the entity. Such as air conditioning and its door-to-door installation, warranty services.

Use guide

The difference between a use-oriented product and service system and a bricks-oriented product is that what the supplier gives you is not ownership, but long-term Lease, or Renting/Sharing, or even Pooling under certain conditions. One hour access to mobike, for example.

In the case of use orientation, what users buy is not an entity, so there will be more related supporting services to ensure smooth use.

Result oriented

You are not buying an entity, you are buying an “outcome”, and using an entity is just a process or a medium needed to achieve the outcome. For example, network advertising, by click, pay by volume and other modes.

Sometimes you may not even be aware of the physical presence after consuming a result-oriented product, such as paid chat, light consultation, or even a visit to a buddhist temple.

The evolution of the three orientations

User mode

  • From closing to Closing.

  • From entities to services, the relationship between suppliers and users tends to be closer and closer, with more and more touch points and lower and lower costs for users to try.

  • How to reach more users, create value for users, and thus create more business value for the company.

  • The more important the user, the more the product service system with a high proportion of services to complete the delivery.

Growth model

  • From “copy by quantity” to “use by man”.

  • Volumes are easier to standardize so that they can be sold in bulk to more users. This is called quantitative replication.

  • The ultimate service experience is personalization, so the growth model taps into more needs from each user, which is called making the best of people.

  • With the great richness of product supply, there are fewer and fewer users who have not been developed, so we should think more about how to make an article on the existing users and refine the operation.

Financial model

  • From “current revenue” to “expected revenue.”

  • The service-oriented product service system has higher uncertainty, so we need to master new product innovation methods and have a long-term vision.

Inspired by the

  • In the analysis of the user, understand the other side can also use which type of oriented product service system to solve the problem, in order to find the product breakthrough in the adjacent oriented type;

  • In the analysis of competitive products, deliberately looking for other oriented types of product service system, in order to inspire ideas;

  • Subdivide their own user groups, with different types of products and service systems to serve different users more comprehensively.

10 | good product evaluation standard: a single product of two dimensions

A “good product” meets both the user’s goals and the company’s goals.

How do you determine if the product meets the user’s goals and the company’s goals?

Single user view

A good product should in turn make users feel useful, easy to use, love to use.

  • Useful: depends on the IQ of the product person and exists at the rational level. This layer focuses on problem solving, and many of the “non-functional requirements” mentioned in software engineering also fall into this layer, such as security, reliability, maintainability, scalability, and so on.

  • Usability: On the experience-level, whether a product is “usability” or not is an emotional issue. It depends on the AQ (art dealer) of the person making the product. The narrow sense of “user experience” design matches this layer, with the main aim of making interaction smooth and visually comfortable.

  • Love is on an emotional level. Whether a product can make users “love to use” depends on the EQ (emotional intelligence) of the product person, which is a human problem. A sign that users are emotionally linked is often a “subculture phenomenon.”

Multi-user perspective

A “good product” evolves over time with individual value, individual stickiness, group stickiness, and ecosystem traits.

  • Individual value refers to the core of a product that provides functionality and value, plus elegant experience, packaging, etc., which corresponds to the above mentioned product to be useful and easy to use for users.

  • Individual stickiness refers to users’ preference for your product under the same conditions, and their valuable or emotional dependence on your product. This will become the moat of your product and can block some competitors, which corresponds to the love mentioned above. For example, the point system can make users worry about gains and losses, but also can make users more comfortable through personalized use.

  • Group stickiness, make the value network between multiple users, let users attract each other, produce value or emotional dependence. With such products, there will be network effects, and the cost of user migration will become higher and higher. I call this the product supercharger. For example, various communities, users stay because there are his friends, he is interested in the content. Group stickiness is to increase users’ dependence on the product through other users.

  • The ecosystem is the superlative state, metaphorically a petri dish, where products cultivate users. And there are two cases:

    • One is that users grow because of the product.
    • The second is that products can spawn new “species,” or new players in the value network.

    As you can imagine, in a Petri dish state, the user engagement with the product must be very strong, resulting in a symbiotic relationship, so that the domain in which the product is located becomes a living ecosystem, and your product occupies a strong niche.

11 | habit, departure, discover, master: the starting logic a good product


Going back to the “make a product” logic, its first module is habits.

This requires that you first create a loop of value to the user. The user comes, gets the value, and is willing to come back next time. This minimal Product module, which can be used to test the retention hypothesis, is the MVP of round 3, where P stands for Product.


The second module to do is the departure, the user’s first experience.

Starting module is the product verification object after the expansion, do for the relative “novice user”, the most common is a variety of products in the “novice” module.

The reason why we don’t start first is that early adopters of products are often experts. We often refer to these people as seed users or angel users. Even if there is no one to guide them, they can use it very well.


Then there is the discovery module. After we have a group of new users, we have verified the departure and habit module. At this time, the product should enter the promotion stage and start to do the “discovery” module.

We need to find out when, where, and through what channels users first encounter the product. In the case of a mobile App, the user sees an AD in the App store, searches for the product name, downloads and installs it, and then clicks open the App for the first time.

Proficient in

The last thing to do is to master the module. After a product has been in operation for a while, a significant number of users will be familiar with the product, and it is then necessary to build a “mastery” system for them to continuously receive new stimuli. This is an advanced feature, so consider engaging power users to contribute and take advantage of the deep needs and drives of your most passionate users.

For example, in the service product, let the power user do the volunteer, let the power user do the moderator in the forum, let the power user do the supervisor of the partition in the game, and so on, all are the proficient module of the product.

At this point, you’re already building the individual stickiness and group stickiness that we talked about last time, and the success of these features gives the product its own positive feedback loop, often called a growth flywheel.


The logic for users to use a product is to go through four modules in sequence: discovery, departure, habit, and mastery, but the order of making a product should be: habit, departure, discovery, and mastery.

This kind of product starting thinking has practical scenarios, and is more suitable for products that are gradually expanding from a small number of users to a large number of users. If you are serving a small number of large customers, the first delivery needs to be relatively complete.

MV Promotion

12 | grow up with the user: life cycle, different stages how to operate

The life cycle of the product

Validation period

The validation period is the period of preparation before the product is officially released to users, plus the period of preparation from the release to the start of the promotion.

  • Goal: Verify that the product is truly creating user value

  • Unless you find significant errors in positioning, you should be able to get better and better at meeting important needs around your established core audience

  • Dig deep enough in a single point, but don’t easily expand to meet more needs, let alone expand the user base.

  • Metrics to focus on: It has to do with retention. Typically, the positive ones are people who want to use it again, who come back, and who are willing to recommend it to friends and family.

Outbreak period

  • The main goal is to bring in new people.

  • To do a good job in the “departure” module, improve the conversion rate of users, and the product inside and outside the new action itself, is the “discovery” module.

  • The right approach still follows the strategy of trial and error and small steps, first diverging to test the efficiency of various new channels, and then converging to a few channels to invest heavily.

  • Carefully analyze whether these users are your target users and how many can stay.

A plateau

After a period of time, the product will plateau.

  • The main goal of operations is to activate users, often called “enablement,” to allow users to spend as much time with the product as possible.

  • To consider, expand product functions, to meet more needs of users, multiple attacks.

  • Start thinking about satisfying more user roles.

  • It’s time to think about commercialization, how to turn the large number of users you’ve accumulated, the large number of users and the scene of interaction with the product into cash revenue.

The recession

  • Products only need to be maintained, and all operations can do is find ways to squeeze the rest of the value out of the product.
  • There are several kinds of surplus value that can be extracted:
    • Revenue: Make the last bit of money from your users without hurting your word of mouth, because they are likely to be your 2.0 users.
    • Users: Smoothly and unknowingly import users into 2.0 or any other product
    • Team: let the team to do more valuable things, improve the company’s overall human resources input-output ratio

Long time scale: multi-period superposition

  • Decided by the product team and the user.

  • The product and the user grow together, and the product will respond to the growth of the user with one version iteration after another, and go through the superposition of countless curves of “verification, explosion, platform, decline”. Finally, it is the right way to treat the user as a part of the product and create a large ecosystem.


Validation period to do the retention, the outbreak period to do the new, the platform to do the activation, the decline period to do the realization. We should respect the law of nature and follow the trend.

13 | real success indicators: users, income, and so on

Indicator cheating is rampant

  • DAU (Daily Active Users) : Buy junk traffic, do all kinds of undependable activities.
  • Downloads: False claims that exaggerate the value of the product.
  • Registered users: cash back for retained registrations is not considered.
  • Activity: Play with the numerator/denominator formula and play with the definitions of numerator and denominator.
  • PV per person: an article is divided into N pages, and the length of stay per person is similar.
  • Click rate: software download site, a variety of colorful “download” button, click several times may not be able to point to the real download link.
  • Duration: Running in the background, or deliberately “confusing” the user so that the user cannot complete the task quickly.
  • Paying users: 1 cent for the first order.
  • Re-purchase rate: the first order is 9.9 yuan, the second order is 1 yuan.

The principle of true success indicators

  • Targets set before implementation begins are meaningless if they are always eventually achieved.

  • Success indicators

    • Refer to SMART principles: Targets should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant to larger goals, and time-limited.

    • The success metrics are not the number of users, the number of paying users, or the activity, but the data that users share with the content;

    • In the early years, the success index of Alipay was not the number of users, the number of payments, the amount of payments, etc., but the success rate of users.

    • The success indicator of netease Cloud Music is not the number of users, the number of songs and the duration of users’ use, but the relevant data of users’ active comments.

    • The real success indicator can reflect the user’s “non-forced, non-induced success behavior”.

      “True success metrics” are aligned with the right business goals

      • Non-coercive: Users are not forced to do worthless things, such as checking in in some apps to get a value;
      • No induction: the user’s behavior is not “reward, no reward, no”, such as a red envelope will be forwarded;
      • Successful behavior: The behavior that the metrics measure creates value for the user, not just the company.
  • Vanity metrics: They can also be used in certain “external” scenarios. Because vanity indicators tend to be large and broad, they tend to impress people, so they can be used to seek partnerships and gain some attention.

14 | making money is only a result: come and out of efficiency

Product innovation from nothing to

  • Think clearly — broadly defined products
  • Make it — broadly technical
  • Roll it out — operations in a broad sense

Improve the efficiency of doing and pushing

  • In the management profession, they say,”Scalability of manufacturing
    • Common ways to improve the efficiency of production:
      • Reduce the cost of reproduction, such as standardization, digitalization and intelligence;
      • Provide the infrastructure and then crowdsource/outsource the production process.
  • The technical term for the efficiency of pushing out is”Scalability of sales communication“.
    • Common ways to promote efficiency:
      • Eliminate time, location and other limiting factors of sales dissemination;
      • Digitizing products, reducing or even eliminating logistics;
      • Provide the infrastructure and then crowdsource/outsource the distribution process.