Product manager is a role that comes with its own label, and product documentation is one of the labels most closely tied to product manager. How to produce product documentation efficiently? This is a skill that every product manager must develop. Today, we are going to focus on this topic: how to help product manager Sashkar write product documentation effectively.

According to | WHY product managers need to write the product documentation?

As an important work output of product managers, product documents carry an irreplaceable role:

  • Describe the overall design of the product research results, functions, logic, page details and other information;

  • Act as the carrier of development requirements review, is the bridge of team communication, can reduce the communication cost;

  • Provide developers with a basis for feature development to help them understand requirements and complete development.

Of course, product documents are also the product of product managers’ thinking precipitation. Product managers can write product documents, comb their thinking, and gradually improve their business capabilities.

WHAT WHAT | quality product documentation should be like?

It takes a lot of time and effort to complete a product document, and that time can be doubled if you pursue refinement and completeness. A really good product document has a lot of functionality behind it, and it needs to meet the following requirements:

  • Easy to write: easy to create, rich text writing, easy to use tables, can be fully expressed;

  • Easy to read: can be combined with the prototype diagram, design draft, and can quote each other deeply, illustrate each other;

  • Easy review: multi-person collaboration, making comments, real-time review, efficient communication;

  • Easy to check: tracking the modification record, and backup the historical version;

  • Easy to share: online preview and share;

Currently, Office documentation and Axure are popular product documentation methods for product managers, and while they both achieve some goals, unfortunately, neither of them meets the above five requirements. In addition, if flowcharts and interaction diagrams are required, the product documentation inevitably becomes a bloated collection of documents.

Clearly, product managers need a new way to write product documentation more efficiently and easily.

HOW | product manager should be HOW to write the product documentation?

How can product managers effectively and easily document products? Recently, the online writing function of product documents launched by Mick brings a new product document writing solution for product managers.

Mike is a one-stop cloud platform for design + collaboration. From product, design, to development, every part of the R&D process can converge on one platform to form a complete closed loop. Copyer seamlessly integrates online product document writing into its flexible workflow, creating a product document writing artifact with collaboration gene, which can not only help product managers efficiently write product documents, but also enable product managers to fully penetrate into the product development process, greatly reducing communication costs and improving team efficiency.

Click here for a quick overview

Online Writing mode

There is no standardized template for product documentation, so the freedom and fluency of writing a product document largely determines its efficiency. In this regard, copyists provide a new writing mode:

  • Rich text online editing, product managers can edit copy like Word, and view and modify it in real time through cloud storage;

  • Wire-frame prototype or high-fidelity design draft can be inserted into the product document for in-depth reference; If the design draft is updated in the copycat, the document will be updated automatically.

In addition, the product manager can also directly upload the product documents that have been written, and the copycat will automatically parse the catalog and generate a document tree for easy reference.

Perfect combination with the design draft

The product manager can insert the design document when writing the product document, and the team members can refer to the product document when commenting on the design document. They can refer to a certain part of the document precisely, create a reference point, and mark the content as highlighted for easy reference. This allows documentation, prototypes, and designs to seamlessly link and refer to each other, from requirements reviews to review during development.

Multi-person online collaboration and review

Once the document is written, it is shared with a link to team members who can review it in real time and mark it with comments without frequent meetings.

Historical version records

The writing of the product document is not a step in one step. It will be revised due to requirements review, and then reviewed and revised again. This repeated process will produce a large number of iterations and increase management costs. Copy can easily solve this problem, every time the document is updated, copy will automatically generate historical version, and support to restore to any version, comment information will follow the version update ~

Preview and share online

The product documents in the copy can be viewed online with excellent readability. A link can be shared with team members, who are free to view the link.

User guide of copycat product documents

1. Create product documentation

After creating a project, select the “Document” mode and click the “+” button to create a product document or directly upload the product document. Users can upload doc, DOCX and PDF files.

2. Create product documentation

When you create a new product document, you can see a canvas and create freely online

We have prepared a tutorial, please check it out:

Secretly tell you, Copycat product managers have also been using copycat to manage product documents, several PMS feel that the writing efficiency has been significantly improved, and the communication with designers and development engineers is more smooth. It seems that since the launch of the document function, the time to leave work is early, so a didiao, in the xiaobian view, how this is like a silent display of achievement ~

PMS, come and play with the product manager of