The NVIDIA driver was installed on ubuntu18.04. When the project was ready to start, the driver crashed. Error:

nvidia-smi has failed because it couldn’t communicate with the nvidia driver. make sure that the latest nvidia driver is installed and running

After baidu for many times, Google found a variety of methods are unable to solve, what the kernel version is wrong ah and so on. Then I wondered how it could work after installing the driver. I was about to deploy the project and then I died. It turned out to be because I had a problem installing Cuda10.0. When installing cuda10.0, ** will install NVIDIA drivers again! ** It is this repeated installation of the driver that caused the driver to hang

If you are installing with deb, this will look like this: Select No

If it is installed using the run file, the following screen is displayed. Select No (CUDA in Run format is recommended so you can see the installation details)

After reinstallation, sure enough, the driver should display normally:

Of course, we encountered this mistake will not necessarily be my problem, may use the Internet to solve those methods. To provide a reference, see that there is no network similar to my same error cause, so record it