Today, a brand new series [Geek Activities I participate in] was launched. Why is this series opened? I will explain it to you in the following text.Copy the code

Two days ago, when I opened the website, an advertisement popped up which attracted my curiosity. When I clicked on it, it turned out that a conference on open source theme was going to be held, and the name was just as the title suggested -GOTC Global Open Source Technology Summit. July 9-10 in Shenzhen, Shanghai both have the venue.

Remembering that I had not participated in offline geek activities since the outbreak of the epidemic last year, I was full of curiosity and completed the registration by following the instructions on the page (PS: First of all, the admission is free). A screenshot of the page after successful registration is kept as a souvenir, as follows:

Soon, the mailbox was also alerted.

According to past experience, successful registration waiting for the audit, the final basic will pass. Don’t ask why, I’ve never failed.

Then wait until the next night, sure enough, received the mail. (For the first time)

Then open the event website to check the e-ticket, confirm availability. So that means July is the time to go to a geeky event that’s supposed to be full of geeks.

GOTC Global Open Source Technology Summit. If you are interested, click the link to sign up. Or more nonsense, the ticket is free of charge, but after signing up to review.

As for how to fill in the information when you ask me to sign up, my suggestion is to fill in the information according to the reality. Anyway, I am. Although I can’t tell what will happen if I fill in the false information randomly, it is better to be honest.

Okay, back to the original question, why did I start a new collection, because I’ve been to a lot of geek events before. Not to say THAT I am a god, but said, I used to like to go out waves And loaded force, And the so-called knowledge of big jia, exchange technology, exchange experience (dog head X3), probably calculate there should be 6-8. So, use the new series to take a good look at your geeky activities, write a few articles, and keep your programmer presence.

June 11 update: Today, Open Source China announced the postponement of shenzhen due to the epidemic. Ah, it seems that the opportunity to go out wave will be postponed, I hope the epidemic really passed earlier! Delay notice