There is no doubt that live broadcasting is one of the hottest fields of mobile Internet at present. Under the guidance of super heat, live broadcasting has also attracted a lot of commercial capital. At the moment when all the live streaming apps are blooming, it is also the real storm facing live streaming apps. In this situation, only by grasping the wind vane and launching differentiated functions with high user stickiness can live streaming apps gain a firm foothold and an unshakable position in this era of constant innovation.

The series of articles “Full practice of Lianmai Interactive Live Broadcasting Scheme” are based on
Netease cloud letterExploration and practice, from scene, process to scheme and architecture, in-depth optimization plan for live broadcast experience –”
Linmac interactive live broadcast”Gave a comprehensive explanation and introduction.

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Practice 1: What is Linmac Interactive Live Broadcast?

Full Practice 3: The implementation scheme of Netease Yunxin Interactive Live broadcasting with Mai

The first article in the Series of Full Practice of Lianmai Interactive Live Broadcasting Scheme introduced what is Lianmai interactive live broadcasting. Now let’s take a look at the evolution process of Netease Yunxin interactive live broadcasting scheme in Lianmai. Since the beginning of 2015, we began to study the interactive live broadcasting technology of Lian-Mai and put forward a plan to merge in the host client. Later, with the rapid rise of live streaming on mobile terminals, we iteratively launched a new scheme on the basis of the old one, namely the server-side convergence scheme.

Next, I will elaborate on the specific implementation methods of these two schemes, and analyze their advantages, disadvantages and applicable scenarios.

Anchor end confluence scheme

First let’s take a look at the old scheme, which we call anchorside confluence.

The traditional live broadcast process is as follows: after the host client collects and encodes audio and video data, it directly pushes the stream to THE CDN using the RTMP protocol, and other viewers pull the audio and video stream to the CDN using the corresponding pull stream address.

The scheme we don’t change by the host to push this architecture, only when the host need to interact with the audience even wheat using real-time audio and video system to the host and real-time interaction with the audience, through real-time channel anchor end receives the audience end send audio and video data, the anchor end will do mix your own voice and the voice of the audience, Finally, the anchor streams the mixed voice and picture to the CDN streaming media server. In this way, the audience and the host interactive live broadcast.

So what are the pros and cons of this plan?

Due to the above two problems, this solution is not the best solution for mobile terminal interaction.

In order to solve these two problems, our team spent three months on technical research, designing and developing an alternative solution.

Server confluence scheme

As an optimized alternative, the key of this new lian-Mai interactive live broadcasting program is: Anchor no longer push flow directly to the CDN streaming media server, but based on real-time audio and video systems, call forward by the transfer of real-time audio and video server to interact live server, after processing by interactive live server push again flow to the CDN streaming media server, interaction is our live server for 2 new research and development of a server.

Real-time audio and video call system, which can realize real-time interaction of multiple people, and in multiplayer mode, all data packets are transferred through audio and video transfer server. Wheat interaction with the host, if the audience required at this time only need to let the audience to join in real-time audio and video room, audio-visual transit server in the room is forwarded to other clients at the same time, forward a to interactive live server, interactive live server to remix of the received pronunciation, do mixed with video images at the same time, After processing, push the stream to the CDN streaming media server.

Through this scheme, the interactive live broadcast server will undertake the mixing and streaming operations done by the host end in scheme 1. For ordinary viewers, no additional processing logic is required to pull the live screen of lianmai interactive from the original streaming address.

What are the advantages of the new scheme?

For a brief mention, some apps use alternatives to the above two solutions to achieve interactive live streaming. In other words, the host and the mianlian respectively send one RTMP stream to the CDN server, and the audience achieves interactive mianlian live broadcasting by pulling the two streams of the host and the mianlian respectively.

The problem of this scheme is that the delay of RTMP protocol is very high, usually at least 3 seconds. The RTMP protocol is used for the interaction between the host and the mi-link, and the real-time interaction is unacceptable. At the same time, the ordinary audience has to pull two streams, which will complicate the functional process and increase the downward pressure of the ordinary audience.

Because of these two problems, this scheme is not a qualified and feasible low-latency interactional scheme with wheat.

So how did netease Yunxin’s new interactive live broadcasting program come true? The third article of Lianmai Interactive Live Broadcasting Program full Practice will introduce it to you in detail.

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