There is no doubt that live broadcasting is one of the hottest fields of mobile Internet at present. Under the guidance of super heat, live broadcasting has also attracted a lot of commercial capital. At the moment when all the live streaming apps are blooming, it is also the real storm facing live streaming apps. In this situation, only by grasping the wind vane and launching differentiated functions with high user stickiness can live streaming apps gain a firm foothold and an unshakable position in this era of constant innovation.

The series of articles “Full practice of Lianmai Interactive Live Broadcasting Scheme” are based on
Netease cloud letterExploration and practice, from scene, process to scheme and architecture, in-depth optimization plan for live broadcast experience –”
Linmac interactive live broadcast”Gave a comprehensive explanation and introduction.

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Practice 2: Evolution process of Netease Yunxin Interactive Live Broadcast program of

Full Practice 3: The implementation scheme of Netease Yunxin Interactive Live broadcasting with Mai

The back view

At present, most of the live streaming applications in China use the single anchor mode, in which the anchor interacts with the audience only by means of text, likes and gifts. If the audience can have real-time video interaction with the host during the live broadcast and give the audience a chance to show their face, it will greatly improve the user’s sense of participation and happiness and increase user stickiness.

What is Linmac interactive live broadcast

To illustrate what interactive live broadcasting is more directly, take a simple example: traditional live broadcasting is just like watching “news broadcast”. The audience can only watch the program and occasionally interact with the program team through mobile phone short messages. Of course, now the live broadcast based on the Internet has been much advanced, you can use the Internet to send text, like, send gifts, the real-time information is also greatly improved, but in essence, the experience is similar to watching “news broadcast”.

The interactive live broadcast is like arriving at the recording site of Mango Channel happy camp. The audience sits in the audience of the recording site, can watch the program, but also have the opportunity to be invited to the stage and the host interaction, of course, the host can invite more than one audience on stage for interaction, and the interactive content can be seen by other audiences.

Compared with traditional one-way live broadcasting, Lianmai interactive live broadcasting gives the audience a more direct sense of participation and the satisfaction of real-time audio and video interaction with the host, which plays an obvious role in improving the activity and stickiness of live broadcasting applications.

Process of Interactive live broadcast function of Lianmai

(1) The anchor normally starts live broadcasting, and ordinary viewers see the single live broadcast screen of the anchor;

② The audience who need to connect to the mic initiates a request for connecting to the MIC and enters the list of connecting to the MIC application;

③ The host selects one or more viewers from the mianmai application list for mianmai operation, and the host and mianmai audience conduct real-time audio and video interaction, while the interactive live broadcast system generates a “composite screen”;

(4) Ordinary viewers see the live broadcast screen as a “composite screen” containing the anchor and the linmac audience;

⑤ After the end of continuous mic, the single live anchor mode will be restored.

Application scenario of Lianmai interactive live broadcast

The first is the scene of the entertainment show, which is well understood by everyone: the interaction between the beautiful hostess and the audience’s fans has an absolutely obvious effect on the improvement of users’ happiness. Let’s take a look at the left picture, which shows the status of the application list of the host terminal for connecting to the mic after the audience applies for connecting to the mic. The anchor selects an audience member to interact with the microphone, and the microphone member appears in the lower right corner of the broadcast screen.

The second is the scene of online education, where oral English teachers can let students participate in reading and speaking in the process of teaching. Teachers can correct pronunciation in time, which can achieve good educational effects. Other students will also gain something from the teaching process, which is an obvious progress for online education.

The third is the interactive scene of e-commerce, where buyers can interact with sellers directly. It has an obvious effect on improving user experience and sense of participation. In this way, the communication cost of buyers and sellers is greatly reduced, and the user activity of the live broadcast platform is also improved.

After talking about the application scenarios, let’s take a look at the evolution process of Netease Yunxin Interactive Live broadcasting program with MAC, which will be introduced in detail in the second article of Full Practice of Interactive Live Broadcasting Program with MAC.

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