This is the fifth day of my participation in the August More text Challenge. For details, see:August is more challenging

In the last article, how to optimize the slow SQL, improve the speed of the application, detailed please move to optimize the system slow query

Group_id = group_ID; group_id = group_id; group_ID = group_ID; If you directly run SQL ALTER TABLE h_APP_message ADD group_id bigint(20) on the client, the database will be blocked and take a long time, which directly affects the normal online use.

Generally, for the modification of a large amount of data, if the online concurrency is not very high, it can be manually processed. The methods are as follows:

  • First back up, back up, back up. Say the important things three times
  • Delete indexes from a table
  • Modify table structure
  • Repair data
  • Recovery index
  • The table structure is modified

Our processing method is to use the pt-online-Schame-change tool to modify the field of the formal environment online and add group_id.

Benefits of this tool:

Reducing the risk of master/slave delay can limit the speed and resources, and prevent MySQL from being overloaded during operationsCopy the code


Do it when business is low to minimize the impactCopy the code

Alter table alter table

If a table has a large amount of data, modifying the table structure online affects the online environment and takes unpredictable timeCopy the code


You need to verify that the table must contain a primary key or unique index

The tool creates triggers, so there can be no triggers on the original table

Alter -foreign-keys-method for tables with foreign keys alter-foreign-keys-method


  • First, it creates a new table with the exact same name, usually with the _new suffix
  • The change field operation is then performed on the new table
  • Then add three triggers, DELETE/UPDATE/INSERT, to the original table to execute the new table
  • Finally, copy the data from the original table to the new table, and then replace the original table

1. Back up data

Do a good backup, no matter how sure you are (in case it’s scary)

2. Install

Download the installation package:

Wget HTTP: / / the code


The tar - XVF percona toolkit - 3.3.1. Tar. GzCopy the code

Install some dependency packages:

yum install perl-DBIyum install perl-DBD-MySQLyum install perl-Time-HiResyum install perl-IO-Socket-SSLyum -y install perl-Digest-MD5
Copy the code

3. Test availability

Run the command in the bin directory of the decompressed package. Check whether the command is running properly

./pt-online-schema-change --help
Copy the code

4. Parameter Meanings

parameter meaning
–user= Connection user name
–password= Connect the password
–host= Connect the IP
P= port
–alter= A statement that executes a table change
D= The database library name
t= The table name of the table
–charset=utf8 Use UTF8 encoding, avoid Garbled Chinese
–no-check-alter The ALTER statement is not checked
–print Printing Operation Logs
–execute To actually alter the table structure, you must specify either -dry-run or -execute. They are mutually exclusive
– dry – run Create and modify a new table, but do not create triggers, copy data, or replace the original table. Don’t actually execute, work with –print to see the execution details

5. Specific operations

1. Add a field

If the execution fails, check the ALTER statement and avoid checking if it is correct--no-check-alter

./pt-online-schema-change --user=xxxx --password=xxxx --alter "add column group_id bigint(20) not NULL default '0' comment 'test' " P=30306,D=h_pushcenter,t=h_message --charset=utf8 --no-version-check --print --execute
Copy the code

2. Modify the field

The SQL statement:

ALTER TABLE `h_message` MODIFY COLUMN `group_id` int(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'; ALTER TABLE `h_message` MODIFY COLUMN `group_id` int(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';Copy the code

Pt command:

--alter "MODIFY COLUMN group_id int(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'"
Copy the code

3. Change the field name

The SQL statement:

ALTER TABLE `h_message` CHANGE column group_id group_id_0 bigint(20);
Copy the code

Pt command:

--alter "CHANGE group_id group_id_0 bigint(20)"
Copy the code

4. Add indexes

The SQL statement:

ALTER TABLE `h_message` ADD INDEX h_message_n1(group_id);
Copy the code

Pt command:

--alter "ADD INDEX h_message_n1(group_id)"
Copy the code

6. Operation logs

  • Create a new table with the new ending
Creating new table...
CREATE TABLE `h_pushcenter`.`_h_message_new` .....
Created new table h_pushcenter._h_message_new OK.
Copy the code
  • The new table performs the ALTER operation
Altering new table...
ALTER TABLE `h_pushcenter`.`_h_message_new` add column  group_id bigint(20) not NULL default '0'  comment 'test'
Altered `h_pushcenter`.`_h_message_new` OK.
Copy the code
  • Create three triggers on the original table
Creating triggers...
Event : DELETE
Event : UPDATE
Event : INSERT
Created triggers OK.
Copy the code
  • Copy data to the new table
Copying approximately 8187 rows...
Copied rows OK.
Copy the code
  • Rename the old and new tables, then replace and delete the old table
2021-05-19T10:33:08 Swapping tables...
RENAME TABLE `h_pushcenter`.`h_message` TO `h_pushcenter`.`_h_message_old`, `h_pushcenter`.`_h_message_new` TO `h_pushcenter`.`h_message`
2021-05-19T10:33:09 Swapped original and new tables OK.
2021-05-19T10:33:09 Dropping old table...
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `h_pushcenter`.`_h_message_old`
2021-05-19T10:33:09 Dropped old table `h_pushcenter`.`_h_message_old` OK.
Copy the code
  • Delete trigger
2021-05-19T10:33:09 Dropping triggers...
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `h_pushcenter`.`pt_osc_h_pushcenter_h_message_del`
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `h_pushcenter`.`pt_osc_h_pushcenter_h_message_upd`
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `h_pushcenter`.`pt_osc_h_pushcenter_h_message_ins`
2021-05-19T10:33:09 Dropped triggers OK.
Copy the code
  • Finished work

The above is the formal environment big data table structure modification operation, how do you deal with the big table structure modification? Welcome to leave a message to inform, there are questions welcome to leave a message to inform!