Pprecipitation environment setup and OSM. PBF data processing

Word of warning: Don’t bother to use the Docker environment directly

docker pull pgrouting/pgrouting
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1. Install required software

  • PostgreSQL(Version :11.12 Windows) download address
  • PostGis(version: PG11/3.1.0 Windows) download address

2. Create the database and load the extension

Using the PGrouting feature requires the following two extension features,PostGis: Pacrylate has been included in PG11/3.1.0 Windows

Use navicat or postgresQL pgAdmin to execute the following SQL statement

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To check whether the plug-in has loaded successfully, execute the following SQL to obtain postGIS and Pacrylate versions

SELECT postgis_full_version(),pgr_version();
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3. Prepare data

  • Downloaded by Geofabrik in. Osm. PBF format

    Currently, the vector data of China -latest.osm. PBF is used

    Other data sources that can split OpenstreetMap by city

  • Download the source data to include all layers, if necessary to extract the data

    Osmium-tool Github is required

    After pulling the source code, execute the following statement after compiling in Linux according to the official document

./osmium tags-filter /home/cq/gis/pbf/china-latest.osm.pbf  w/highway=motorway w/highway=trunk w/highway=primary w/highway=motorway_link w/highway=trunk_link w/highway=primary_link -o china-osm2pgrouting.osm.pbf
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Road network data with tags for motorway, Trunk,primary,motorway_link, Trunk_link and primary_link were extracted successfully

Description of highway Tag, address

  • Osm. PBF data transferred to OSM (PMT. PBF format data is not supported)

    Osmconvert currently uses the Windows support large file version download address

    Convert command

    osmconvert640.8.8p.exe --out-osm china-osm2pgrouting.osm.pbf>china-pgrouting.osm
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  • Install osm2pgrouting making

    After pulling the source code, run the following statement to import data after compiling it successfully in Linux according to the official document

    Osm2pacrylate -F./build/ China-pacrylate. Osm -h -P 5432 -d china_pacrylate -U Postgres -w root -c ./mapconfig.xml --clean
    #Mapconfig.xml is in the osm2pgoring directory
    #-f OsM file path
    #-h postgresql IP
    #-p postgresql port
    #-d PostgresQL database name
    #-u PostgresQL user name
    #- W posgtresql password
    #-c osm2pacrylate configuration file path
    #--clean Deletes the original data in the database
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4. Common queries

Osm data uses the SRID=4326 coordinate system

  • Query the nearest vertex position of any coordinates

    SELECT * FROM ways_vertices_pgr
    	ST_DWithin (
    		'SRID=4326; POINT (116.432583 39.910729) '.1000
    	ST_Distance (
    		'SRID=4326; POINT (116.432583 39.910729) '
    LIMIT 1;
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  • Calculate the result between two vertices using Dijkstra algorithm

    select * from pgr_dijkstra (
    		'SELECT gid AS id,source, target,cost, reverse_cost FROM ways'.153567.927741,
    		directed := FALSEDirected graph computations are often unavailable due to incomplete road network dataCopy the code
  • Dijkstra’s calculation results are presented in the form of GeoJson

    	ST_AsGeoJSON (ST_UNION(b.the_geom)) AS geojson
     select * from pgr_dijkstra (
    		'SELECT gid AS id,source, target,cost, reverse_cost FROM ways'.153567.927741,
    		directed := FALSE
    	) A,
    	ways b
    	A .edge = b.gid;
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  • Use the A* algorithm

    SELECT * FROM pgr_astar(
        'SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost, x1, y1, x2, y2 FROM ways'.153567.927741,	
    	directed := FALSE);
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