This time RabbitMQ is also installed on Windows

Why install on Windows? Because this is the easiest installation step (ok I admit I haven’t learned Linux yet)

1. The official website to download the installation package…

2. Install rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management

3. Used port

5672: dedicated AMQP port, required for development 15672: dedicated management interface 25672: dedicated clusterCopy the code

4. Install necessary software

4.1 Jdk1.8 or above, the Java environment requires at least version 8 or later, because lambda expressions will be usedCopy the code

4.2 installation otp_win64_21. 3. Exe

4.2.1 Step 1 Click Install to select plug-ins to be installedCopy the code

4.2.2 Click Next to select the installation location (you can place it anywhere)Copy the code

4.2.3 Proceed to the Next stepCopy the code

4.2.4 end!Copy the code

4.3 install the rabbitmq server – 3.7.14. Exe

4.3.1 Installing Plug-ins (All Are recommended)Copy the code

4.3.2 Selecting an Installation PositionCopy the code

4.3.3 Ok is completeCopy the code

Note: If there is a firewall prompt to allow

After the installation is complete, start task manager to check whether it is started

Note that if this service is not available in the task manager, it may be because I am having a hard time installing rabbitmqServer with a Chinese or space hole in the installation path.

5. Install the management plug-in, start it, and log in

5.1 Commands for Installing and Starting the UI Plugin This is mainly used to graphically check the state of RabbitMQ. 5.1.1 Installing rabbitMQ in its own Dos window note that there is a pit if you type this command wrong on rabbitMQ's terminal, Bat enable rabbitmq_management. 5.2 Start server 'rabbitmq-server.bat' If you can't access this page, it means that its service is not started, so start it on my computer. If it fails to start, it will prove that the user in the user folder under disk C of your computer is In Chinese, but under normal circumstances it is in English. This is the error that happened hereCopy the code

The solution

Add a RABBITMQ_BASE to the system variable on your computer to a non-English path such as E:\rabbit and reinstall RabbitMQ. You will see that the RabbitMQ service is automatically registered and not stopped. Then you can access it as normalCopy the code

5.4 Administrator Accounts

Username: guest Password: guestCopy the code