Return of missing persons

Componentization has been used for a period of time, encountered a lot of problems, but it can be considered to be solved. To sum up some problems of manual introduction of third-party components, I have not practiced the solution method of Swift and OC. Podspec is mainly composed of subspec methods, including wechat, Alipay, Weibo, Aurora, and Umeng


Wechat needs to introduce.a and.h files

H files use source_files

A files use vendored_libraries

The original directory is as follows do |s|             = 'xxx-BaseCore'
  s.version          = '1.0.7'
  s.summary          = 'Base components'

# This description is used to generate tags and improve search results.
# * Think: What does it do? Why did you write it? What is the focus?
# * Try to keep it short, snappy and to the point.
# * Write the description between the DESC delimiters below.
# * Finally, don't worry about the indent, CocoaPods strips it!

  s.description      = << -desc Base component DESC

  s.homepage         = 'homepage'
  s.license          = { :type= >'MIT'.:file= >'LICENSE' }           = { '[email protected]'= >'[email protected]' }
  s.source           = { :git= >'[email protected]'.:tag => s.version.to_s }

  s.ios.deployment_target = '11.0'
  s.swift_version = '5.0'
  s.source_files = 'xxx-BaseCore/Classes/**/*'
  s.default_subspec = "Core"

  s.resource_bundles = {
          'xxx-BaseCore'= > ['xxx-BaseCore/Assets/*{.storyboard,.xcassets}'.'xxx-BaseCore/Assets/**/*']
  s.static_framework = true
  s.frameworks = 'UIKit'
  # Core modules
  s.subspec 'Core' do |subspec|
    subspec.dependency 'RxSwift'                  , '4.5.0'
    subspec.dependency 'RxGesture'                , '2.2.0'
    subspec.dependency 'RxDataSources'            , '3.1.0'
    subspec.dependency 'Moya/RxSwift'             , '13.0'
    subspec.dependency 'ObjectMapper'             , '3.4.2'
  # wechat module
  s.subspec 'WXManager' do |subspec|
    subspec.dependency 'xxx-BaseCore/Core'
    subspec.frameworks = 'CFNetwork'.'CoreMotion'.'Foundation'.'CoreGraphics'.'SystemConfiguration'.'UIKit'.'CoreText'.'QuartzCore'.'CoreTelephony'
    subspec.libraries = 'z'.'sqlite3.0'.'c++'
    subspec.source_files = 'xxx-BaseCore/WXManager/*.h'
    subspec.vendored_libraries = 'xxx-BaseCore/WXManager/libWeChatSDK.a'


Copy the code


Alipay needs to introduce.framework and.h files

The catalogue is consistent with wechat

.framework files use vendored_frameworks

H file usagesource_filesThe important thing is to include all the.h files in the framework

  # Alipay module
  s.subspec 'AliPayManager' do |subspec|
    subspec.dependency 'xxx-BaseCore/Core'
    subspec.frameworks = 'CFNetwork'.'CoreMotion'.'Foundation'.'CoreGraphics'.'SystemConfiguration'.'UIKit'.'CoreText'.'QuartzCore'.'CoreTelephony'
    subspec.libraries = 'z'.'sqlite3.0'.'c++'
    subspec.source_files = 'xxx-BaseCore/AliPayManager/*'.'xxx-BaseCore/AliPayManager/AlipaySDK.framework/Headers/*.h'
    subspec.vendored_frameworks = 'xxx-BaseCore/AliPayManager/AlipaySDK.framework'
    subspec.resources = ['xxx-BaseCore/AliPayManager/AlipaySDK.bundle']

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Basically the same as wechat, but it should be noted that the need to add resource files

# Microblog module
  s.subspec 'WeiboManager' do |subspec|
    subspec.dependency 'xxx-BaseCore/Core'
    subspec.frameworks = 'CFNetwork'.'CoreMotion'.'Foundation'.'CoreGraphics'.'SystemConfiguration'.'UIKit'.'CoreText'.'QuartzCore'.'CoreTelephony'
    subspec.libraries = 'z'.'sqlite3.0'.'c++'
    subspec.source_files = 'xxx-BaseCore/WeiboManager/*.h'
    subspec.vendored_libraries = 'xxx-BaseCore/WeiboManager/libWeiboSDK.a'
    subspec.resources = ['xxx-BaseCore/WeiboManager/WeiboSDK.bundle']
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The aurora

Basically consistent with wechat, but to live is the need to add resource files

The. A file downloaded from the official website may not be named properly and needs to be renamed

  # Aurora push module
  s.subspec 'JPush' do |subspec|
    subspec.dependency 'xxx-BaseCore/Core'
    subspec.frameworks = 'CFNetwork'.'CoreFoundation'.'CoreTelephony'.'SystemConfiguration'.'CoreGraphics'.'Foundation'.'UIKit'.'Security'.'UserNotifications'
    subspec.libraries = 'z'.'resolv'
    subspec.source_files = 'xxx-BaseCore/JPush/*.h'
    subspec.vendored_libraries = 'XXX - BaseCore/JPush/libjcore - noidfa - ios - 2.1.4. A'.'XXX to XXX/JPush/libjpush - the extension - ios - 1.1.2. A'.'XXX - BaseCore JPush/libjpush - ios - 3.2.6. A'
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Their Allies

The situation of Umeng is special, mainly because there are some troubles in the integration of Swift, and it takes a lot of data to get it done

The directory structure

The short answer is increaseprepare_commandCreate the ModuleMap for Swift

What I integrate is Facebook and wechat of Umeng

s.prepare_command = < < - EOF # create UMCommon Module rm - rf/Umeng UMCommon XXX. Framework/Modules/mkdir XXX Umeng/UMCommon framework/Modules touch xxx/Umeng/UMCommon.framework/Modules/module.modulemap cat <<-EOF > xxx/Umeng/UMCommon.framework/Modules/module.modulemap
    framework module UMCommon {
      umbrella header "UMCommon.h"
      export *
      link "sqlite3.0"
    Create UMShare Module
    rm -rf xxx/Umeng/UMShare.framework/Modules
    mkdir xxx/Umeng/UMShare.framework/Modules
    touch xxx/Umeng/UMShare.framework/Modules/module.modulemap
    cat <<-EOF > xxx/Umeng/UMShare.framework/Modules/module.modulemap
    framework module UMShare {
      umbrella header "UMShare.h"
      export *
      link "sqlite3.0"
Copy the code

Submodule content

  # Allies
  s.subspec 'Umeng' do |subspec|
      subspec.dependency 'xxx/Core'
      subspec.frameworks = 'CFNetwork'.'CoreMotion'.'Foundation'.'CoreGraphics'.'SystemConfiguration'.'UIKit'.'CoreText'.'QuartzCore'.'CoreTelephony'.'WebKit'
      subspec.libraries = 'z'.'sqlite3.0'.'c++'
      subspec.resources = [
      subspec.source_files = 'xxx/Umeng/*'

      subspec.vendored_frameworks = [
      subspec.vendored_libraries = [
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