Problem description

Create a new SSR project with NUXT and generate PDF based on the HTML output from SSR.

Start the service with pM2.

The program calls the generated interface 200 times in a row, and the memory increases rapidly, all the way up to 1.4GB, and then restarts automatically.

Run heapdump to view the memory snapshot

1) Generate the. Snapshot file

Var headpdump = require(nuxt.config.js)'heapdump')

setTimeout(function () {
    headpdump.writeSnapshot('/tmp/' + + '.heapsnapshot'.function(err, filename) {
        console.log('dump written to', filename)
}, 3 * 60000)
Copy the code

2).snapshot file generated by momery module load in Chrome debugger (will continue to grow to 1.4g)

The closure reference is abnormal:


There’s a rewrite of the push method,

// TODO: remove in Nuxt 3
const emptyFn = () => {}
const originalPush = Router.prototype.push
Router.prototype.push = function push (location, onComplete = emptyFn, onAbort) {
  return, location, onComplete, onAbort)
Copy the code
After the native code is commented out, the problem is fixed and memory does not surge any more.Copy the code

But when deployed to a server, the problem persists.

Please forget the above analysis, I was misled too.

The real culprit

When pM2 starts the application, it automatically uses the server/index.js node startup file.

pm2 start server/index.js

Use the above command to start the service, unexpectedly also no error.

Solution: Modify the PM2 startup command:

Json: “publish”: “nuxt build && NPM start”

Pm2 start NPM –name “your project name” — run publish

To solve!

Pm2 start server/index.js (pm2 start server/index.js)