🥕 keep – the alive

The Keep-live component is an internal component of vUE and is mainly used to cache internal component instances. For example, v-if is used to determine which component to use under what conditions. There is also a route switch.
will be used according to the configuration of the route. One of the components will be selected to render to this location, and when the route switches, the current component is destroyed, and it will render another component.

If keep-alive is nested on the outermost layer, it looks like this:

    <Component1 v-if="xxx"/>
    <Component2 v-else-if="xxx"/>
    <Component1 v-else/>
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In this way, when components inside keepAlive switch back and forth, they do not need to recreate the component instance. Instead, they directly use the instance in the cache. On the one hand, the efficiency cost of creating components can be avoided, and on the other hand, the state of components can be preserved. The downside of keepAlive is that it takes up a lot of memory when a component contains a lot of content. KeepAlive is a space-for-time approach.

KeepAlive has include and exclude attributes, which determine which components can be cached. There is also a Max attribute that allows you to set the maximum number of caches, and when the number of cached instances exceeds the set number, vUE removes the longest unused component cache.

Under the influence of keep-Alive, all nested components have two lifecycle hook functions: Activated and deactivated. The hook functions activated and deactivated are triggered when a component is activated and deactivated respectively. The first value of activated is triggered after Mounted

🌻 keep alive – principle

In its implementation, keep-Alive internally maintains a key array and a cache object

//keep-alive internally declares a periodic function
  created () {
    this.cache = Object.create(null)
    this.keys = []
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The key array records the component key currently cached. If the component does not specify a key value, a unique key value is automatically generated

The cache object is used to cache the virtual DOM corresponding to the component, with the key as the key and the vNode as the value

In keep-Alive’s rendering function, the basic logic is to determine whether the currently rendered VNode has a corresponding cache. If so, the corresponding component instance will be read from the cache, and if not, it will be cached.

When the number of caches exceeds the value set by Max, keep-alive removes the first element in the key array

 render () {
    const slot = this.$slots.default; // Get the default slot
    const vnode = getFirstComponentChild(slot); // Get the vNode of the first component in the slot
    const name = getComponentName(vnode.componentOptions); // Get the component name
    const { cache, keys } = this; // Get the current array of objects and keys
    constkey: ? string = vnode.key ==null
        ? componentOptions.Ctor.cid + (componentOptions.tag ? ` : :${componentOptions.tag}` : ' ')
        : vnode.key; // Get the key value of the component. If there is no key value, it will be generated automatically according to the rule
      if (cache[key]) {
      / / a cache
      // Reuse component instances
        vnode.componentInstance = cache[key].componentInstance    
        remove(keys, key); // Delete the key
        // Add the key value to the end of the array to ensure that recently used components are placed later in the array, mainly to facilitate the Max value to delete components that have not been used for a long time
      } else {
      // If there is no cache, cache it
        cache[key] = vnode
        // prune oldest entry
        if (this.max && keys.length > parseInt(this.max)) {
        // Remove the cache corresponding to the first key when the maximum number of caches is exceeded
          pruneCacheEntry(cache, keys[0], keys, this._vnode)

      vnode.data.keepAlive = true
    return vnode || (slot && slot[0])}Copy the code

😊, that’s all I have to say about duck in the comments section

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