The confusion you and I share

Are you like me? When I first tried writing, I was not famous. I had the following perplexities:

  1. Want to promote yourself, want to publish on multiple platforms?
  2. After multi-platform post, want to see how the flow of each platform?
  3. Have traffic, want to divert users to their own site?
  4. Site traffic has, and want to guide users to pay attention to their public number?
  5. Have a user, want to do a fan activity, suffering from no sponsor father sponsorship?

If you’re as confused as I am above, you may want to check out OpenWrite, which I recommend.

The characteristics of OpenWrite

1. Write online

Markdown editor, support auto save, custom chart bed, gorgeous code rendering and other powerful features, users can complete online creation through OpenWrite.

2. Media distribution

After creating your content through Markdown, OpenWrite provides a very convenient way to quickly distribute your creation to various technology platforms.

Currently supported platforms: CSDN, Blog Garden, Open Source China, Gold Digging, SegmentFault (Sifu), Jianshu, Zhihu, Toutiao, MOOC Notes, Spring4ALL

Follow-up support platform :(grapevine) hundred, developer headlines, etc

3. Check-in plan

At the same time of content creation, we also provide a unique check-in tool to help you complete the combination of check-in + lottery operation tool, to enhance your reader engagement.

4. Sponsorship platform

If your content has a certain number of readers on various platforms and you want to interact with them and reward them through check-in programs, you can find free prizes here.

5. Total reading statistics

For articles published through OpenWrite, there will be a total read statistics function, which can see the total read number of articles distributed to each platform in real time, no longer need to frequently check the data of other platforms.

6. Drainage configuration at the bottom of the article

According to different platforms, different drainage words at the bottom of the article can be set up to achieve accurate drainage effect.

7. ReadMore feature

This is I think the most powerful, the value of a function, through a simple configuration, you can make your website articles are added a verification code service, only through the public number to obtain the verification code, to read the complete content of the website article, greatly improve the conversion rate of the public number.

Tell me about my experience

I haven’t been using OpenWrite for a long time, just over a month. The changes brought to me in more than a month are as follows:

  1. Save time, no longer in order to drainage, improve visibility, and multiple platforms
  2. The traffic diversion effect is improved by configuring the traffic diversion mode in the bottom bar
  3. Through ReadMore function, my public number fans to improve the effect significantly
  4. Total reading statistics enable me to quickly understand which platform articles are popular and make timely drainage adjustments

There is also a bonus, that is, there will be a “second brother” in OpenWrite’s fan base, who will share tips on website operation, public account operation and drainage from time to time.

If you are a webmaster OR a public account owner, do not miss this opportunity ~

Visit and try it out at !!!!

If you know About OpenWrite through me and have recharged your membership, please mention my name to OpenWrite customer service: BigYoung. There will be the benefits of a planet of knowledge. No, but there isn’t. Don’t believe you can try yo ~

This article started at BigYoung