Abstract: In recent years, with the continuous expansion of online video market scale, content innovation, user stickiness increase, the commercial value of online video market continues to grow, and various vertical industries have introduced video capabilities. For a while, video has become an effective method for many mobile apps and online platforms to deposit users. In order to enable more users to quickly have video capabilities, Aliyun Video on Demand (VoD) has been continuously upgraded since its launch, which has fully covered VoD business scenarios and supports customized development needs.

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In recent years, with the continuous expansion of online video market scale, continuous innovation of content, increasing user stickiness, and increasing commercial value of online video market, various vertical industries have introduced video capabilities. For a while, video has become an effective method for many mobile apps and online platforms to attract users.

In order to enable more users to quickly have video capabilities, Aliyun Video on Demand (VoD) has been continuously upgraded since its launch, which has fully covered VoD business scenarios and supports customized development needs. In order to make the user more convenient to understand the video on demand, today we will be on several popular scenes, video on demand corresponding ability to do an inventory.

Vod is a one-stop voD solution integrating audio and video collection, editing, uploading, automatic transcoding processing, media resource management, distribution acceleration and video playback. It provides users with Web management console and software development kit (API+SDK, including video uploading and player, etc.). Users can use and manage voD services, and integrate with their own applications or services to quickly build secure, flexible, and highly customizable voD functions.

All services are paid by use, and the service capacity is automatically scaled. Instead of complex architecture design and programming development, the maintenance cost is almost zero, and users can focus on the realization of business logic and the improvement of the final client experience.

Big trick 1: UGC short video is popular and a few lines of code can be accessed quickly

Short video has become a hot investment field in 2017. In Q3 2017, the total length of short video users increased by 311.3% year on year (data source: 36Kr Short video Industry Research Report). It can be predicted that short video will continue to enter various vertical industries and cover a wider range of user groups in 2018.

Video on demand has industry-leading short video SDK, provides video recording, import cutting compression, video effects editing, and other functions, with skin care, facial recognition + AR stickers, variable speed real-time mixing, video recording, splicing, real-time filter, dynamic images, music, video and subtitles, graffiti and other mainstream of short video on the market function.

Users can choose the low-cost basic edition and standard edition according to their own needs and business scenarios to quickly integrate short video functions into the APP, or choose the professional edition with richer video editing functions to customize the interaction and interface, fully integrate with the business, and quickly achieve differentiated short video services.

In order to facilitate user access, the short video SDK is a product-level SDK with simple and easy-to-use interfaces. Through the configuration of several lines of code and parameters, it can be accessed in 2 hours at the fastest, which greatly saves the manpower and material resources developed by ourselves and can quickly realize the short video function of APP.
In addition, if you buy the VOD package, you can use the one-year License of the basic version or standard version for free. Users who want to experience the short video can click to learn about it

Big trick 2: video payment habit gradually develop farewell video security problems

In 2017, the number of paid video members exceeded 100 million. The video payment market is developing towards a more stable and healthy direction, and users’ video payment habit has initially formed.

However, paid video platforms have a pain point — video file leakage, which will cause serious economic losses to paid viewing mode. Users can obtain the legitimate anti-theft link playing URL of paid video through one-time payment, download the video to the local, and then realize secondary distribution. Therefore, anti-piracy scheme is far from enough for video copyright protection.

In view of this scenario, Ali Cloud launched a video encryption solution. Through its private encryption algorithm, the security level is improved. Even if users download the video locally, the video itself is encrypted and cannot be maliciously distributed again. It can protect video resources conveniently, efficiently and safely.

From the point of view of technical principle, this scheme has two advantages. The first is independence. Each media file has an independent encryption key, which can effectively avoid a wide range of security problems caused by the disclosure of a single key when a single key is used. The second is security, which provides a perfect permission management mechanism “sub-account + play credentials”, an envelope encryption mechanism “ciphertext Key+ plaintext Key” (plaintext Key is not stored, all processes are only in memory), and a secure playback kernel SDK.
If terminal users need to download videos offline, you can also enable Secure Download to ensure video security. The video file is encrypted twice with the secret key. After downloading, the video is decrypted inside the SDK to ensure that offline video can only be played safely through a unique application, making offline video more secure.
The overall solution of video encryption in video on demand can effectively prevent video leakage and chain theft, which can be widely used in online education, finance and economics, industry training, independent play and other online copyright video fields.

Big idea 3: video +AI speed up content processing efficiency

As a key technology in the next global technological revolution, ARTIFICIAL intelligence has penetrated every industry, enabling vertical business scenarios. In the field of video, the combination of artificial intelligence can greatly accelerate the efficiency of content processing, and accurately analyze video content and user habits, so that videos and users get closer.

Based on aliyun deep learning, computer vision technology and massive data background, VOD and AI can provide users with video AI services in multiple application scenarios, such as video audit, video intelligent cover and video label prediction.

In order to enable customers to review videos after the completion of video transcoding and before the release, VOD provides the video review function. Users can delete unqualified videos in advance or in time to avoid or reduce the adverse effects caused after the release. Its core technology principle is multidimensional analysis of images and text in videos, intelligent identification of pornography, violent terrorism, advertising and other videos or pictures, can greatly save the cost of manual audit, and improve the accuracy of audit.
The video smart cover can be used to calculate the optimal screenshots, Sprite images, GIFs and video clips through a structured understanding of the video content and analysis of image aesthetics and massive user behavior data to serve as the cover of the video to enhance users’ click desire.
Video label prediction Automatically outputs multi-dimensional content labels of videos through multi-modal analysis of images, voices, objects and texts in videos, improving search and recommendation effects and increasing click rate of users.

Big move 4: narrowband HD technology saves up to 30% traffic

In addition to buying copyrighted videos, a large part of the cost of video platforms is used in traffic bandwidth. If you can save traffic and budget without sacrificing user experience, this is definitely the best choice for the platform.

Ali Cloud “narrow band HD” exclusive technology after polished iteration, has been launched version 2.0. It embarks from the human visual model, the optimization goal of the encoder from the classic “fidelity” highest adjustment for the “best” subjective experience, relying on unique algorithm, weakening the eye area, ignored strengthen pay close attention to the details of the human eye, repair the human eye aversion burr, flash, and Mosaic, frame was improved from the overall look and feel. The end result is a clearer viewing experience while saving bit rates.

The technology is ideal for popular TV series enhancements, live games, hd animations and quality rebuilds, allowing users to watch hd video in low resolution.

Tip 5: A penny to start the journey of video on demand

In order to support more entrepreneurs, lower the threshold of entry, so that more users can enjoy the bonus of open video technology, ali Cloud released the ultimate big move recently, in the original video on demand service five packages based on the launch of super value experience package. For a penny, you can get 10GB of data, 50GB of storage and 100 minutes of transcoding, which can be used by individuals, small and micro business portals.
Click to enter the activity page, buy now, payment completed

Enter the voD product page and click Open now to enable the voD service and perform initial configuration. Users can upload videos, set transcodes, manage videos, and preview videos on the console.
In addition, after the experience is completed, Ali Cloud also provides five on-demand packages for users to choose from.

Click to buy on-demand packages

Write in the last

With a strong cloud computing infrastructure as the foundation, a number of audio and video field technical experts, flexible and inclusive pricing mode supported, Ali cloud video on demand services will release more “tricks” in the future, for users to continue to bring wonderful.

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