
During the time when the team was looking for a new project, our team, as a trainee, made iOS and Android clients for PHPHub, which are open source for mutual learning and reference. All kinds of suggestions and PR are welcome. -)

PHPHub related projects


PHPHub for iOS is the official iOS client for PHPHub, perfect for iPhone and iPad, compatible with iOS 8, using the latest PHPHub API, support APNS, full-screen advertising, scan login and other functions. Integrated with Google Analytics, Crashlytics, JPush, UMeng and many other third-party services.

The preview

The preview

IO /phphub-ios/ github address:…


PHPHub for Android PHPHub Android client, the project adopts MVP mode architecture, RxJava processing API request return data, to achieve two-dimensional code scanning login, message reminder, TAB switching and other functions

GitHub address:…


PHPHub for Server is a set of PHPHub API interface developed by Laravel 5.1. It follows the Symfony code specification and uses Homestead environment as the development environment

GitHub address:…


PHPHub is a PHP & Laravel developer community written in Laravel. Since its launch in August last year, the community has attracted many Laravel developers to participate in technical discussions and organize translations including phP-the-Right Way, Lumen, Laravel, etc., became the first place for multiple Composer installation packages GitHub:…


PHPHub UI is the PHPHub iOS and Android app design draft. The design draft includes interface, Banner, App empty View, Apple Reviews design image, etc

GitHub address:…

App Download Address

Android download link: fir. Im /phphub

IOS download links:…

Made With Love By The EST Group.