The following list is the top 100 most commonly used PHP functions: they are the most commonly used native PHP functions. These functions are named and sorted from 1 to 100. The other 4,500 functions are not currently ranked. The frequency list below shows how often this function is used in PHP code: References are drawn from 1900 OPEN source PHP projects. They reviewed it using version 1.2.5 of the Exakat Static Analysis Engine. The average is the number of times this function is called in a project. Some functions are used for encapsulation, while others are primary functions. For example, four out of five projects used the count function, which was called about 150 times. It means it’s popular and used a lot. Click the function name to jump to the PHP document. There are some summary insights at the bottom of the Top 100 article. My official group click to enter 700 fans benefit arrangement PHP advanced information, free to receive

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The first 100 analysis

  • The most common PHP functions are string functions, then array functions, then file functions. (Operation functions are not in this column mainly because they are usually based on operators)
  • Each function has a link to its corresponding document, and in fact many functions have evolved and gained new features, such as the second argument to count(), the second argument to dirname(), and the acceptance of arrays by preg_match() and str_replace(). There are many eggs.
  • None of the above 100 functions are scheduled to be scrapped in the near future.
  • Among non-built-in libraries, MBString ranks first, curl second, followed by GD, Filter, and Iconv.
  • Md5 is the most common encryption function, followed by Sha1 (#147).
  • Print_r appears somewhere, anywhere, in a third of the project code…
  • Dirname is used very frequently due to calls to dirname(dirname(dirname())).
  • Array, Echo, print, Empty, and isset are not included in this ranking, and they are definitely highly used.
  • The following functions should be replaced with operators: array_push, IS_object, func_get_arg, CHR, call_user_func.
  • Quite a few calls are made to know the type of value.
  • Database functions are not ranked here: they often use classes, but the functionality is still frequent. Maybe another top 100?
  • PHP is used more for reading files than writing them. It also decodes Base64.
  • Sorting with keys is more frequent than using values or keys.
  • Typically, files are read using file_get_contents and written using fwrite.

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Postscript If you’re learning PHP, it’s a good idea to review the 100 features listed here. They are the features you most often find when you join a coding team. They’re not unique, but you’ll be less surprised when you come across them.

Go to link: 100 of the most commonly used PHP functions