EasySwoole is an enterprise-scale distributed coroutine framework.

EasySwoole is a distributed, in-memory Swoole framework designed specifically for APIs. It supports simultaneous monitoring of HTTP, WebSocket, custom TCP, and UDP protocols. It has a rich set of components. For example, coroutine connection pool, TP-style coroutine ORM, coroutine WeChat SDK, coroutine Alipay SDK, coroutine Kafka client, coroutine Elasticsearch client, coroutine Consul client, coroutine Redis client, coroutine Apollo client, coroutine NSQ client, coroutine custom queue, Coroutine Memcached client, coroutine view engine, JWT, coroutine RPC, coroutine SMTP client, coroutine HTTP client, coroutine Actor, Crontab timer and many other components. Allows developers to write multi-process, asynchronous, and highly available applications with minimal learning costs and effort.

Guys, EasySwoole is back with an update. This time it says:

  1. The HTTP-Annotation component released version 2.2.0
  2. Added support for Chinese string length validation (mbLength, mbLengthMax, mbLengthMin, betweenMbLen)
  3. The Validate component is released as version 2.1.0
  4. Added validation rules such as mblLength, mbLengthMax, mbLengthMin, and betweenMbLen to support separate validation of Chinese string length
  5. Cancel the original length validation rule for Chinese string length validation
  6. The HTTP component is released in version 2.0.3
  7. Fixed compatibility issue where XML request parameters in PHP 8 environments could not be properly received due to PHP 8 libxml_disable_entity_loader function deprecation
  8. The Pay component was released in version 1.2.20
  9. Fixed incompatibility in WeChat payment component due to PHP 8 libxml_disable_entity_loader function deprecation resulting in PHP 8 environment
  10. Fixed an issue where the scan payment notify_url parameter of the WeChat payment component was causing payments to fail
  11. Official version 2.0 of WeChat component was released
  12. The new WeChat SDK supporting coroutine supports WeChat public account, small program, open platform, enterprise WeChat and other related interfaces
  13. Added support for enterprise WeChat API related interfaces

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