4.25-5.18 Finish an online MOOC course in a Chinese university as an introduction

As shown in figure

5.19-5.30 Watching “JavaScript Advanced Programming”

Is spent 12 days or so, the people commonly known as ruby finished, to be honest, is only online classes before js base, after finish reading the book, then look at the first time is indeed very meng state, but the harvest is not small, is the first time I’m sure I can’t understand, so my goal is to understand the whole system of js, After all, I must turn back to read this book, such an important book, more than turning over will slowly understand the knowledge points in the book, may read a second time, a third time, and so on later when looking back should not be so difficult.

6.1-6.17 Learning Vue framework (Videos and documents)

Originally, I planned to finish learning in 10 days, but various uncontrollable factors made the learning time a little longer. The main reason was that I needed more time to understand some chapters, such as routing, Vuex, parent-child component value transmission, sibling component value transmission, etc. It took me a little more time to read the documents for the first time. Then stood b chose a 20 hours of video with learned, while learning code, written in vue a round figure, learned after really think vue is too convenient at the time, when a statement “vue is too comfortable, native js is what” but also because this was chased by a variety of intellectual diss, I did just send a sigh on the Internet, Because I read native JS to learn vue, no more praise or criticism, no meaning of war, just as an exclamation, I did not expect the comments section blew me so scary, immediately deleted the exclamation, after thinking native JS is really dad, without dad where comes the son.

6.18-6.30 Vue framework completed imitation qunar APP MOOC learning

After learning the vue, inquired about the bosses, to do a project, in project learning, can consolidate previously learned, and understand the project development environment, understand the development must pay attention to the operation, and then spent a week time to complete, because there are 3 or 4 day I came running from changsha among the guilin, then looking for a house to rent, etc, so for 3, 4 days, After finishing or feel the harvest is not small, specific learn what to open another post to write, I am learning while using a notebook to meet the problem in the book, then according to the notebook encountered point by point to write, not according to the specific development order of the project down. The link jumps to my article

From July 1 to July 10, I made a VUE calendar practice

I spent a few days to write a VUE calendar, originally planning to make it into a pandemic clock calendar web terminal, but I was not in school, so I could not discuss details with my partners, so I planned to go back to school to finish the follow-up, now there is only one calendar prototype.

7.11-7.24 After reading “Learning javascript Data Structures and Algorithms”

Data structure, this class I’m a sophomore at once, but I can’t learn seriously, then it should be said that this took about two weeks time to carefully read, after finish feel a lot of problems associated with previously learned knowledge, also began to leetcode brush on the topic, may also open a follow-up about leetcode answer key column. Write a summary of the solution of the problem. Let’s write another problem about data structure. (7.24 wrote an article on binary tree traversal)

7.25-8.7 After watching “Quick Handling of Front-end Technology while Matching the Interview Requirements of Big Factories”

After watching the video of this class, I have to say that shuangyue teacher summed up really is too good, after watching really have a deeper understanding of JS. Especially for some handwriting functions, you can follow slowly comb out, from the principle of understanding handwriting various functions. Performance optimization this chapter is also very detailed, there are some easy to make mistakes, it can be said that after reading, the front-end knowledge network slowly clear, there is a slowly connected into a network feeling. Still the same, have time to write articles to sort out the key content inside.

8.8-8.10 After reading Illustrated HTTP

I personally wrote this book very well, very easy to understand, 250 pages in total, it only took 3 days to read. This book has added a lot of blanks in my knowledge of computer network. I really think it is very suitable for friends who are learning the front end. You can also buy a paper version of the book to have a look.

Prepare for the didi interview, because this is my first interview, so I will be well prepared

I think learned also had a period of time, met now recruit for a job season also began, so I cast a few companies to prepare to want to examine oneself with interview. On this day, I was preparing for the review of the front-end basic interview course, and then I received an appointment interview call from Didi, saying that my resume had passed and I needed to prepare for the interview. I was so excited, because two companies directly applied for my resume — inappropriate and rejected me. This is my first interview, I went to Niuke website to check two interviews about didi, and then prepared for two days. On the last day, I reviewed the whole basis. Fortunately, the interviewer said that I did a good job, and I was very relieved. (Unfortunately not hired)

8.15-8.17 Read THE ES6 document and wrote an interview on that day

ES6 documents were only known for common use, and then no system to read them, so it took two days to read them. But some of these things are not fully digested, but as a supplement to understanding. Then I wrote a summary of the interview topics on The 17th, but Didi hasn’t called me…… until August 19th wait

8.18 Teaching video of stepping on pits

The ele. me videos on MOOCs are, to be honest, very unfriendly to the people who buy them. The first episode is a 16-year-old tutorial, and the second episode is a 19-year re-recording tutorial. But you look at 16 years, you can’t operate, because the VUE version is different, you look at 19 years, don’t talk about CSS, talk very fast, don’t learn too much, don’t buy. Next do a computer web terminal mi mall system.

8.19-9.3 Learning the MOOC Mi Mall project

I learned it a little slowly, because I prepared for the interview occasionally. After learning this course, I personally think it is a very good course, which covers a lot of skills. Backend is built, you just need to look at the API interface document, and the real work of separation development is almost no difference before and after the end, course involved a total of eight pages, and related to login, shuffling, routing, jump jump, carrying parameters page, modular development, same page structure of component reuse, whole set down especially smooth and friendly, I also recommend scholars like me to learn about it. (Later, I had a direct interview with Hikvision and went to the internship.)

9.4-10.23 Internship in Hikvision

Three days before 9.4 9.6

On the day of entry, I found Hikvision really big. After all, it is also the headquarters here. After the entry process, I reported to the department. Then my senior sister said that she was also an intern, but she left too soon, so I spent the first two days looking at the code of the project, understanding the structure of the whole project and basic page logic

9.7-9.13 Official first week

In the first week, I mainly did the page components of the home page to pull out and learn Echarts, and the director said to me to do several dynamic charts of the page. Echarts then I see the first day, to the design draft to the logic, write die write the figure out, and then began to take the back-end data, processing data structure, and then the corresponding rendering to the figure, although looks easy, but actually write really took me some time, because learned a new technology, I am very happy. By the way, hikvision’s food is really good. The food in the canteen suits my appetite so much that I really feel comfortable eating

9.14-9.20 Official second week

In the second week, I finished writing several pages and found that the algorithm was mainly used to deal with the data structure returned by the back end in the actual work. For the time being, I only used some simple algorithms. I did it faster and faster, and occasionally touched the fish. All that remains is to fix the bug, and if there are no new page requests next week, you may be able to continue your fishing

September 21- September 27 Official third week

In the third week, I was busy with all the recent requirements, and I changed the bugs slightly, so I was basically learning and playing. In this environment, if I didn’t move forward, I was basically marking time. I had to find something for myself to do, and then I did the corresponding integration of the routing page

10.1-10.8 National Day Holiday

Beer and skittles

9.28-9.30 & 10.9-10.11 official week 4

In the fourth week, I planned to do the requirements of the home page after the National Day, so I wrote a blog for three days on 28, 29 and 30, and wrote one article every day, which just finished the review of the knowledge points I had learned before. I asked for leave because of flight delay

October 12-October 18 Official fifth week

Refactoring the home page, adding animation effects, slide-scrolling animations, and optimization using anti-shake. Introduce icon problem, want to add dynamically. The rest of the time is React

October 19- October 25 Official week 6

In the last week before leaving, I didn’t have the demand. I learned React on the side, and it took me more than a week to finish the learning. During the weekend, I built the group and went back to school. Thank Hikvision for giving me the first job opportunity in my life

React learn React video below

October 26-November 12 Back to school for review and various interviews

Specific interview experience please check my niuke face by Tencent, Baidu, Millet, netease and other internship face

  • 10.27 Tencent internship to transfer to school

  • Baidu side

  • 10.29 Millet side

  • 11.6 Netease side

  • 11.9 IQiyi has one Didi Department (one Didi Department)

  • 11.10 Didi Department two (one side)

  • 11.11 Second interview with netease

  • 11.12 Bytedance one NETEASE HR page

I rested for several days from November 13 to November 18

Nov. 19- Now intern at netease

Two days before 11.19 11.22

I spent the first two days and the weekend looking at the project code that my tutor had familiarized me with. Spent the weekend catching up on React hooks. The food pins in the pig factory do not stamp

November 23-November 29 Official week 1

I was writing the background page on Monday and Tuesday, but on Tuesday afternoon, my tutor and the product manager added a requirement for exporting the form in a special scene to me. Because of the merging of the form, I had to conduct new technology selection and use, mainly because it was a bit troublesome to deal with the data. On Thursday and Friday, I temporarily added the template requirement of a vue- Electorn tool inside (it has a high priority). It is expected to be completed on Saturday morning, and I will study in the rest of the weekend

November 30- December 6 Official second week

On Monday, I combined the code of the tool I wrote over the weekend and sent it to my brother. Then my brother asked me to make a package and throw it to the test. Morning after I packed it to the test, the test results have been may be have other things to busy, quick to eat dinner to measure some bugs and then throw it to me, because then I think brother is quite fast, and then in that to fix the bug in a panic, and the result because of having a lot of nasty, didn’t find out some problems, later brother coming to see the eye, I just know I think of what is the problem, The revision didn’t end until half past nine. Tuesday wrote a page about last week’s AD space Settings. Then on Wednesday, my tutor temporarily added a requirement for connecting the artificial intelligence interface in Beijing to me, but the result was that the interface kept reporting cross-domain problems. Later on Thursday, I sent the requirement back to my tutor and realized that the error was reported because only 400 had reported errors, so the correct request would not be cross-domain. This is to prevent the interface from being exposed by blasting, which is a safety measure. Compared with the tutor, the tutor suddenly positioned the problem, had to say that I was really dish chicken. On Friday, I finished the page for setting up the advertising space and then tested it. Before an interface is a few parameters, now an interface is a dozen parameters, save with new logic and so on are different from before, or learn a lot of things. Reading CSS World on Saturday overturned a lot of CSS knowledge in my mind, and I have to say that reading is very rewarding and interesting

12.7-12.13 Official third week

Several small problems were reported on the test page last Friday. The problem of blocking the process was caused by my incomprehension of the interface publishing logic. Later in the evening, my brother had time to take a look at it and corrected it. The back of the test is also a small problem, the middle of a day or two free to go to work also touch fish read a book. As for the SRT interface issue last week, the tutor adjusted and assigned the logical part of data processing to me. It took more than an hour to deal with it. On Friday, my tutor gave me a new page to write, iterating on existing features. Over the weekend, I glanced at the pages I was working on, and then I read the books. I also bought MBP for myself this week. I plan to sell my computer when it arrives and devote myself to reading and reviewing. I won’t buy a new gaming computer until my Spring Festival is over.

December 14- December 20 Fourth week

Unconsciously a month, this week I thought there was a requirement too late, but finally I caught up with the time to write the test. The most annoying thing for programmers is to test the DDL, anyway, I am very stressed. However, catching up with the testers is much more relaxed, Thursday and Friday just casually fix the test round of bugs. On Saturday, I went to the company to check the new requirements and write the general layout. On Sunday, I went to the dentist for the last time, and my teeth were filled. The COMPUTER MBP also arrived.

December 21- December 27 Official fifth week

This week, I directly brought MBP to the company to use, I use MBP to run the company project, no need to configure any environment, just install Git, and then download dependencies, and run again can directly run, but before the entry, I had to install various environments, Windows really a bit painful. Then I connected to the company monitor, which felt a little too good. This week have been doing a SOP configuration requirements, and then about the netease collection of interview, thought the interview should be quite simple, because my friend noodles, simple quickly over, but my side the interviewer of deep excavation, and ask questions that are not mainstream directly ask me dizzy, feel is the most difficult one interview since my interview, Anyway, personally, I think I should hang up. This also made me deeply aware of the fact that I am a vegetable chicken, or to read a good book :(. I bought the game book when I was a freshman. I bought matebook14 from Huawei at the beginning of this year. I bought MBP last week. Take a look at the picture.

12.28-1.3 Official week 6

I took two days off this week, so I worked two days to fix last week’s bugs. Then netease make-up actually made an appointment with me two, this interview basically asked me to see the topic, so the answer is very confident, feel the interviewer feedback is also very good. Then I took five days off, mostly just to rest, but the bug is THAT I also work remotely.

1.4-1.10 Official seventh week

In the first week of the New Year when I came back, I arranged two or three small demands, and then I made an appointment with HR of netease, and the conversation was ok. Now the process has been completed, and the final selection and offer are left, wishing and offercall, I hope not to screen me. Then over the weekend, I wrote an article about React Hooks. I was still a little anxious. I was worried that HR would screen me, because there were probably a lot of people who needed to re-register me.

1.11-1.17 Official week 8

Unconsciously two months, before in Haikang also stayed for a month and a half. Recently anxiety is full, because netease make-up HR face, there has been no news, the feeling is screened, there are four working days left. Recently anxiety caused confusion, want to go home early review, alas.

January 18-January 24 Official week 9

This week has not waited for the message of netease, confirm is fill record failed. It is estimated that many people went to HR, and I was not as good as others in academic background and interview, so I was rejected. So I had to continue my internship and wait for a full-time job. By the way, I also applied to other companies, which was really a little tired of anxiety. Daily or writing background management system, to correct the bug, but recently have seen the teacher shuangyue about the interview framework class content, said as always good.

1.25-1.31 & 2.1-2.3 Official tenth week

CVTE had a meeting on Monday this week, and then Xiaopeng Automobile also invited me to have a meeting next week on 2.4. However, it is very strange that they said they would send me an email on the phone, but I haven’t received the email yet. There is almost no need for me this week. I just read about the online course I mentioned last week, and the interview, and I don’t know if THERE will be any reward in recruitment after I enter the byte front-end training camp, but I feel the task is very difficult and tired. Spring recruitment pressure, 0Offer pressure, internship pressure, graduation pressure, and a byte training camp have made me a little degenerate and confused recently, I hope I can adjust as soon as possible.

2.4-2.28 Chinese New Year period

This period of time, after a serious decision, decided to stay in Guangdong development. Therefore, I did not plan to go to any post in Beijing, Hangzhou and Shanghai, but I still had an interview to evaluate my ability. During this period, CVTE, Baidu, Ali and Xiaopeng Automobile were interviewed. However, only Xiaopeng Automobile passed the HR interview and gave an oral offer.

3.1 departure

Since I have decided to go back to Guangdong, I did not get a full-time job in netease Hangzhou, so as to save my review time. Thanks to netease for this internship experience, I have learned a lot.

3.2-4.8 Go back to school to review spring recruitment

Now I am ready to sign SHEIN, a cross-border e-commerce company. The good thing is that it does not work overtime, and the salary is in line with my expectation. The most important thing is that it is close to my girlfriend’s school and work.